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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Exactly . Agree 100%.

    A court dissolves an entire party , the one in power mind you .

    (Well it could have been the army arresting all the MPs same philosophy)

    Then the opposition can take over , no general election .

    Surrealist :D:D:D

    Hmm, I thought the party in power did some things that were against the law? Could that be? :)

    Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

    If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

    because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

    In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct......

    Well you're not.

  2. Another TV member has informed me that he was knocked back on an application for an O-A from the consulate in Brisbane, who say they are acting on instructions from the Embassy in Canberra.

    The consul also told him that Perth and Canberra will be following suit shortly.

    He has obtained a multi O in lieu of the O-A.

    It will be interesting to see how this pans out, not just in Oz, but around the world. For me, it is a pain in the arrse. :)

  3. JD I am getting really tired of your guffawing and snorts of derision.

    Contacts aside, having a cursory glance at this years political calendar would confirm everything I've just said.

    If you have nothing useful to contribute to the discussion, I suggest you stay out of it.

    How incredibly presumptuous and pompous you are.

  4. There has been a quantum leap in the ability to watch AFL games streaming live (and free) over the internet (assuming you have a decent connection).

    Last year it was virtually the Australia Network on satellite TV, plus the odd game streaming.

    google myp2p.eu, and look at "other" sports.

    This weekend just passed I was able to watch 3 games, with a couple of others being available.

  5. When Newin was part of Thaksin's coalition, he wasn't banned from politics. Funny however that Newin's party can form a coalition with Abhisit after he was banned from politics, though. You need to get your facts straight before attempting to be smart.

    Logic really isn't your strong suite, is it.

    Newin is a villain - he was a villain when he was in bed with Thaksin, and he is still a villain now. Bit similar to Chalerm and Yongyuth actually (remind me - where are they now?)

    If you didn't complain then, please don't bother now.

    Thaksin's party was still able to form a coalition after some of their MPs were banned - the majority were not, and simply moved to a new party ie exactly the same as Newin's block of MPs have done now.

  6. You sure this guy is Thai? All the Thais I know have perfect hair.

    Anyway, this is a self awarded award from the community that the Nation serves. Oh, I know, my comments will be dismissed, but look at who gives the award, who puts up the money and the key sponsors. I don't think the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was going to support giving the award to a group that was not perceived as on its side. The people selecting and judging the receipients for Thailand come from 3 groups; Government, "Academics" and Business. Put the award in context please.

    I liked this announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

    The National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT) and Radio Thailand Broadcasting, under the supervision of the Government Public Relations Department (PRD), received the ASEAN Media Award 2009

    NEWSFLASH: This just in, I have been awarded the hansummest man of Patong award. The judges comprised of me and 2 soi dogs were unanimous in my selection. The qualities of cuteness, genius and hansummness were cited. A reception at a date to be announced will be held at the 7-11 to celebrate my hansummest man award.

    I understand the soi dogs argued, fought and scrapped bitterly between themselves, before looking in the mirror and determining that you had the edge by the width of a mickey hair.

    There has also been a suggestion that you offered (conditional) free-flow Pal Meaty Bites for the yet to be announced awards ceremony. :)

  7. I'm with neverdie on this one. The cops have done a fantastic job in taking another Mr Big off the streets (even if he is out on bail). :)

    Reading between the lines, it is quite possible that buying 1g of ganja was just a test run, with his intention being to later buy 20kg of smack, and smuggle it back to Oz (or Canada) in his underwear. :D

  8. A hired mob of ill informed, largely uneducated, insular, zenophobic provinchals - not really a very enlighted crowd are they? ! Tak Sin's cornpone rent-a-mob What a joke! It's not country and I really don't care eighter way but I am leaning yellow more everyday!

    Remind me again who you are talking about here. :):D

  9. Any foods/liquids need to be declared at customs for inspection.............

    No they don't.

    Foodstuffs, yes.

    Liquids, no. There is no requirement to declare, for example, bottled water, or alcohol (unless you have excessive quantities).

    Be careful what you read between the lines. :)

  10. ^Of course she didnt, it wouldnt of been an issue if she didnt have the stuff hiden and carry on like a prat about having her bag searched and all that (Im reading between the lines :) ).

    This is nearly as silly as what H2o wrote.

    It seems clear that you find it hard to understand what is written in the lines, let alone between them. Acting in good faith, and being wrong, are two separate issues - you can have all the good faith in the world (and I am not saying the federal plods in this case didn't), but when someone spend 5 days in jail because they got it wrong, in my view that person is entitled to compensation.

    I also note that customs are reassessing their initial tests - which I would have thought was well overdue if there had been problems with lemon tea before. And if that is the position, it would make the case for compensation even stronger.

  11. We are constantly bombarded with new rules and regulations all in the name of the war against terror. All these are meant to protect us whilst traveling. The trouble is they then give the job to apply these rules to semi literate idiots that are on the minimum wage. The whole concept of the rules and regulations are lost. There is NO common sense and as such the traveler is inconvenienced for no extra protection. Would you trust the safety of flying if we applied the same rules to employment to air traffic control as we do to security ? No ! I certainly wouldn't. It is also not limited to a country or a continent it is worldwide. Airport security is mostly given to the company that puts in the lowest tender.

    As they say " You pay peanuts, You get monkeys! "

    You (and your mate Mr Connors) really have no idea.

    Your simplistic nonsense is so far wide of the mark as to be absurd. This story has nothing to do with "terror", nor "security".

    If you are looking for a monkey in this story, have a look in the mirror - peanut indeed!

    When Oz Customs detect drugs of the illicit kind (mistakenly or not) it is automatically handed to the Federal Police for further action.

    (The lady was wronged, and deserves more than an apology).

  12. ^ Which really seems to negate the point of having Customs checks at all. Arrive at Swampy with a carry on bag full of [insert whatever], pass into domestic without any check, and hand the bag to a domestic passenger on the flight to [wherever].

    Seems a bit weird to me. :)

  13. Hi Tom Tom don’t do a map of Thailand so go for Garmin, we have one so does our friend you can buy them here with map installed and then you just download the English version of the map from the CD you get with it works really well. I bought mine in the UK around £100 but got the Thai map from the US via the post. It was half the price of buying it in the UK so shop around on the internet. My friend bought one here top of the range with Thai map included around £350. Hope that helps.

    Tom Tom does a map of Thailand.

    google is your friend. You can either buy online, or cheaper options are also available.

    I have a Garmin, with 2 Thailand maps, and I am happy with that.

  14. It is is after all no surprise that Thailand has dropped to spots just behind Zimbabwe and Burma on the press freedom lists since the last putsch.

    Thailand 130

    (Malaysia) 131

    (Singapore) 133

    Zimbabwe 136

    Burma 171

    According the the Reporters Without Borders Index. Just google <press freedom index>, and look at the wikipedia entry.

    mythBuster busted as a maker of myths :)

    Thanks for that, Jack

    You are most unkind, stephen.

    Perhaps (as usual) he was just mythstaken. :D

  15. Hey jack,

    Do you mind if I have this post framed in your honor.....it was so funny

    The links didn't work for me, but that is by the bye.

    You are correct - I should have researched the difference between a tropical storm, and a thunderstorm.


    It looks like your meat head was shining thru in that thread :D:D

    Still stalking, nd?

    Sad for you really.

    Anyway, probably time this thread got back on track. Mine really is bigger than yours. :D

  16. I just love the 'bleeding hearts', the civil libiterians and doo gooders that race onto the threads when this sort of thing happens. Comeon jack get real, people like this don't actually get roped into half a dozen or so murders by mistake, this guy was up to no good, you can seriously support guys like this getting off on legal technicalities?

    Its all fun and games until a sicko like this kills someone one of these people love, then their 'story' changes. :)

    Not surprisingly, the irony in my post went straight over your head.

    If I had known you were going to read it, I would have included some drawings to make it easier for you. It seems smileys are not enough. :D

    More typical Jackspratt rubbish. You know what you meant & so did anyone else thats written a few of your anti police/im the man posts. :D

    You are a lot smarter than I gave you credit for, nd.

    You can actually tell what is in my mind when I am posting, better than I can myself. Wow!

    BTW - I write all my own material, so that excludes "anyone else". :D

  17. Love ya avatar, wadsy. The world can't have enough SWAT teams. :D

    BTW - in a civilised society, who make the decision that someone has "forfeited their rights to live"? :)

    And what do they say to the (numerous) people who have been wrongly convicted (you know, verballing, contaminated DNA - that sort of stuff) and then judicially murdered by the state?

    "Errr....sorry about that. Collateral damage, and all that stuff!" :D

    ps I can see you lurking, nd.

  18. It is is after all no surprise that Thailand has dropped to spots just behind Zimbabwe and Burma on the press freedom lists since the last putsch.

    Thailand 130

    (Malaysia) 131

    (Singapore) 133

    Zimbabwe 136

    Burma 171

    According the the Reporters Without Borders Index. Just google <press freedom index>, and look at the wikipedia entry.

  19. I wonder why it is called a weather "forecast" on the TMD website?

    Could it be because they (like meteorological departments all around the world) are in the business of predicting future weather, based on current indicators?

    Just another opportunity for the ignorant and uninformed to slag-off Thailand, with the usual lack of analysis or even thought. I can just imagine the howls on here if there was a destructive storm, for which the TMD decided not to issue a forecast, or the news networks decided not to report, based on the whinging feedback they might get from TV's finest.

    Should the "predicted" storm duly occur, there will be a number of posters with a lot of egg on face.

    Does anyone think they will revisit this thread, and recant their dismal musings? :) Not bl00dy likely.

    Some of you really ought to be elsewhere. :D

    I promise to come back and will apologize if there is a tropical storm on the dates implied ok?

    However I doubt very much that there will be a need. Just do a little research on current and historical weather for this part of the world, then take a look at the synoptic charts available on TMD website. The chance of a 'Tropical Storm' hitting Thailand on the dates specified in the original report are less than zero. You can follow up as well with the NOAA websites as well as the JTWC sites.

    Have a look at the weather sites I've mentioned.



    Still think its ignorant and uninformed?

    The links didn't work for me, but that is by the bye.

    You are correct - I should have researched the difference between a tropical storm, and a thunderstorm.


  20. I just love the 'bleeding hearts', the civil libiterians and doo gooders that race onto the threads when this sort of thing happens. Comeon jack get real, people like this don't actually get roped into half a dozen or so murders by mistake, this guy was up to no good, you can seriously support guys like this getting off on legal technicalities?

    Its all fun and games until a sicko like this kills someone one of these people love, then their 'story' changes. :)

    Not surprisingly, the irony in my post went straight over your head.

    If I had known you were going to read it, I would have included some drawings to make it easier for you. It seems smileys are not enough. :D

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