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Posts posted by Jared

  1. Thanks, so are you saying its possible to transfer the car to my father inlaw but keep his name out of the book?

    Whats the power of atterny for?

    also We reniewed the insurance last month and they told us we would have to cancel the insurance once we sold the car and the new owners have to take a out a new insurance, is this stanadard practice in Thailand?

    Anyone have any ideas on fees, my wife was told something like 50baht per 1000baht of the cars selling valve, surely that cant be right.

  2. My Visa and work permit run out shortly and I want to transfer the car from my name into my father inlaws name before they expire.

    My wifes settlement visa is due any time now and we will be moving back to England. Im leaving it for the father inlaw to sell once we have gone.

    Does anyone know what the fees are to transfer the ownership to another person?

  3. Were now waiting to hear back on my wifes settlement visa. She should get an indefinate leave to enter settlement visa because weve lived abroad together for over the four years required. What should our next steps be once we are back in the UK. Get her to the 'life in Britain test' and then she gets an indefinate leave to remain visa? Does she still have to be in the UK for 3 more years before she can apply for citizenship?


  4. Thanks, Ive managed to find plenty of online receipts from air asia, amazon etc in English so i think ill use those instead.

    Weve got three children and I want to use there birth certificates and passports as evidence of relationship or somewhere else in the file.

    Will I need to show original documents or would photo copies do?

    Each childs got:

    Thai Passport

    English Passport

    Thai Birth Certificate

    Translated to English, Thai Birth Certificate

    British Birth Certificate

  5. My wife done her TB last week, If you time it right it can be done in half a day. We booked it the day before and were lucky to get a cancellation. We got there first thing in the morning, 8.30 am. Then went straight to the Hospital and got the XRay. Were back at the IOM by 11 and then all finished by 12. Might be worth seeing if you can get her booked in for another test.

  6. Ok so maybe that's why there is nothing in the documents about part time workers, because a part time worker would generally be paid a lower monthly salary. From what I can see, to work out the daily fee they would divide their monthly salary by 30.

    I paid the staff a monthly salary it just varied depending on how many days were worked. The document also mentions that the compensation is to be based on the final months salary. So I should be paying a fraction of the compensation to the part time worker, compared to the full time worker.

    Now I need to explain this to the lady at the labour office and see what she says, should be fun.

  7. We've already been down to the Labour Protection and Welfare Office and the answer I got was ' full time, part time, same same!'

    I've already taken a look at a few documents online and was also given a book in Thai to look through at the Labour Office and I can't find anything for part time workers.

    It looks like I'm just going to have to give the part time the same comp as the full time.

    I was hoping that someone else on here had had a similar problem in the past and might know the answer, guess not.

    Thank you for the helpful comments and only 3 post before a snide remark, not bad for TV.

  8. I recently closed down my office. Two staff had already agreed jobs with another company and left and another two I had to lay off. I understand I have to pay them both severance pay, they have both been working for me for over a year so are intitled to 90 days comp at there daily salary. The problem I have is that one of them worked full time, 5 days per week with a contract and the other staff had another job so just worked part time, 2 or 3 days per week and was basically a freelancer. What im trying to find out is how can the part time staff be entitled to as much as someone who was working full time. Surely there must be another calculation for part time staff? Has anyone had this problem?



  9. I cant seem to find anything online about the English test that my wife needs to complete before we apply for this visa.

    The UK border agency states that:

    Before you apply

    Before you apply, you must:

    • prepare the supporting documents that you will need;
    • be tested to show that you do not have tuberculosis (if you want to come to the UK for more than 6 months);
    • take an English language test at an approved provider (if required for the class of visa you are applying for)
    • be ready to submit your visa application, enrol your fingerprints and photograph (known as biometric information) at our visa application centre in Bangkok; and
    • be able to pay the visa application fee. The visa application fees and guides page explains how much your visa application will cost.

    I cant find anything on any of the websites showing a list of approved providers in Thailand. Ive been reading through loads of other topics in this section trying to find some more information and it looks like most people didnt need the English test certificate. Some topics went as far back as a few years, so is this a new requirement?

    Has anyone else who has been living abroad with there Thai wife for over 4 years managed to get one of these certificates or know where the test centers are when applying for a settlement visa?


  10. Yeah im not sure if theyll accept her BA as most of it was taught in Thai. It does say they accept English taught degrees from Thailand.

    Does anyone know where she can go and get this English test done, might just be easier to do it. Ive found a list online of places in the UK but nothing in Thailand.

    Bkk area is fine so we can do it when she goes for the TB test, Nakhon Ratchasima would be better but I doubt theyve got a test center here.


  11. Thanks guys, looking for a bit more information regarding this visa.

    I'll be applying for the settlement visa.

    Am I right in thinking that before we can do anything, even fill in the online application, my wife needs to go to Bangkok and get her TB certificate?

    Also for the English language requirements, will her BA in Tourism and Hotel studies count? I've had a look at her transcript and there are several English modules. The remaining classes were taught in Thai. If this is not acceptable where can she go to do this test in Bangkok and does she need to do this before we can apply online?

    Also regarding myself, I've been out of the country for 6 years living with my wife and kids in Thailand. I left shortly after graduating. I work freelance online and set up a Thai ltd company with 4 Thai staff etc to make things legal over here. That's in the process of being closed down so we can make the move back to the UK. I still have my clients and will continue to do this freelance work from the UK. Do you think this will be a problem when explaining how I will support my Thai wife back home?


  12. Does anyone know if this is possible?

    My wife and I have been married close to 6 years and have 3 children, we have lived fulltime in Thailand during this period.

    Weve been to the UK twice in that time, with the wife on a tourist visa. Just 4 weeks at a time during the Thai school holidays.

    We were considering getting the wife a 6 month tourist visa and then to spend that time in the UK before deciding if we want to make the move fulltime and stay there permanently. The problem with that is that after the 6 months, if we decide to stay my wife will have to go back and apply in Thailand and this could take up to 6 months. The kids will be in school when we go back so I dont want to drag everyone back to Thailand for 6 months, if we do decide to stay in the UK.

    So is it possible to apply for both visas or is there some other way around this?


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