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Posts posted by Jared

  1. Ok so this is what happens when I try to set up and email account. Enter email address- Enter password, Done. It then comes up with enter username but already has the email address in that box, so I click OK. I then get Unable to define account and it goes to another option where I can click on either a pop3/imap or mail for Exch.

    pop3/imap4, choose Pop3 and have to enter incoming mail server?

    Choose Imap4 and have to enter Incoming mail server

    Mail for Exch, enter domain, ok www.hotmail.com, then enter Mail for exchange server, no idea.

    I spent all of yesterday looking on phone forums and still havent worked out how to get a hotmail account working on this phone.

    Is it because Hotmail is using the HTTP protocol for connecting you to your mailbox and not pops like Gmail or yahoo?

  2. Brought the E71, very nice phone but the manual was in Thai, Ive downloaded the English version but I still need some help.

    Do you know how I can set up a hotmail account?

    also windows live messenger would be helpfull aswell?

  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. Today i went to the Nokia shop in MBK and had a look at the phones, I had been recommended the E71 by quite a few people and I also like the look of the N96. After waiting 10 minutes for the sales assistant to get off the phone to her friend, I then had a 20 minute clueless conversation about both mobiles. My wife was dieing from the flu and waiting to go home I also had my 2 year old son running round the store driving my wife crazy, very stressful times. So after being told by the wife to get buy one or there leaving with out me, i choose the E71 to which I got the reply, this one sold out. Ok ill have the other one, sorry this one sold out as well. So why the hel_l have I spent the last 30 minutes in your shop having you help me decide which one suits my needs. At this point I just had to leave as I could of strangled her to death.

    Anyway Im back in Korat now so I have to buy something locally here, probably cost me a bit more but at least they'll have it in stock. A couple of things I wanted to know about the E71 that a few of you guys who have the phone may know. Does the GPS have a voice? and also can i receive my emails as soon as my hotmail account receives them? I thought this was a new feature on this phone that u got your emails instant but the lady in the shop told me, you have to log onto the internet or if you are in a wifi zone you can receive them?

  4. Thanks for the usefull feedback. Like you said I could go shopping and spend a day talking to all the thai female sales staff who dont know anything about there products or I could ask about gps phones in this forum and see if anyone who has one could recommend one.

  5. I got caught 4 months ago drink driving. It was a random police check in the early hours of the morning on a main road leading away from a new night club that had just opened. I was breathalised and it read 83 and 50 was the limit. I had hardly been drinking and was not drunk in the slightest. Spent a day and night in the cells, went to court the next day and got an 8k fine with 18hrs community service and I have to go and sign in at the beginning of the month for 6 months. This is in Nakhorn Ratchasima (korat)

  6. Anyone knows how to get to that Outlet mall by public transport from The Mall in Korat or anywhere in Korat? Appreciate your response.

    From Korat you could take the bus to Bkk and ask them to stop at the Outlet mall, Im not quite sure how easy it would be to get a bus coming back. Other than that Korat has a taxi meter service. From Korat to the outlet is about 1 hrs drive.

  7. My cars in my name as far as I am aware, I had to sign all the documents and my name is on everything. The wifes name is nowhere to be mentioned. I do know however that it will not be fully registered to me until it is payed in full. I think this is that same as back home in the UK.

    I think I needed to show passport, visa etc and I also had to go and get a certificate of residency from immigration which is a must for a foreigner buying a car i believe.

  8. I live in Korat so its only 1 hr away from me, I took my 20 month old son and 3 year old daughter and they loved it. We had a really great day out so id have to say its great for family's with young children. We went on the farm tour which the kids loved, lots of little shows etc. My son rode a pony, rode a horse and cart, feed a calf a bottle of milk picked up a baby goat the same size as him and lots of other things. The price was the same for everyone, no two way pricing system as mentioned above. After the day was over we stocked up on milk and ice cream. When my brother inlaw comes back to korat from Bkk on the weekends I ask him to stop off and get me some fresh milk. The milk is by far the best I have had in thailand, not hard really. I didnt have a steak this time as after a long day, loads of ice cream and milk i was full but I have stopped there on a few occasions for steak and it is very good.

  9. Watch out for all the begging Cambodian kids. Nothing wrong with given them a few baht, theyll normally follow you round with an umbrella to keep you cool. The problem I had was that I had a handful of change about 100baht in total. Before I could even open my hand to hand the coins out I had 20 grubby pairs of mits trying to prise my hands open. This resulted in my hands and arms getting covered in cuts from the grubby little fingers and those little shits not getting a single baht.

  10. Back in the Uk I always take my shoes off either outside the house or just inside on the matt. They are then picked up and either put into a shoe rack or shoe cupboard. In thailand I used to always take my shoes off outside the house until the bloody neighbours dog starting stealing all of our shoes. So now its the same, enter the house take your shoes off on the matt, pick them up and put them on the shoe rack.

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