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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. It’s been said before, but I’ll mention again: make sure you’re worth more alive than dead in Thailand.
  2. Darn! I’ve invested all my life savings in Thailand for the last three years—only amounting to 39 million Baht. Whatever shall I do now?
  3. Agreed. But Buffet reasons that everyone needs to eat. Apparently, Bill Gates feels the same way. They’re both big landowners. So good farmland looks like a pretty decent investment today.
  4. Don’t know enough about crypto. And neither does Warren Buffet, who prefers stocks and farmland.
  5. Kind of a reality stretch—a 4 oz smartphone to a 2000 lb transportation system. I hope you’re right, but it won’t happen without breakthrough technologies. And you can bet China will use fossil fuels as long as they run cheaper than green energy.
  6. The green dream is just that. EVs will need charging. People forget that most electricity still comes from fossil fuels. Just how many windmills and solar farms and dams would it take to replace the fossil fuels used in electricity generation in the USA?
  7. US wants to push their Dollar down. Bank of Thailand happy to comply.
  8. Talk is one thing. The fact remains that China uses more fossil fuels than ever. And they’re the #1 polluter on this planet.
  9. Time for a white knight to save the day. Unfortunately for TWTR, the offer would reflect current prices or a lower one. As a small time investor, I wouldn’t touch TWTR until it drops another 20%. But shorting might work.
  10. I predict a white knight will step in and buy TWTR for a 20% discount from today’s price. Then, the knight will turn around and seek TWTR to Mr. Musk for a 10% profit.
  11. Step up, all TWTR shorts. This ship’s going down…
  12. Baht has swung up—we get that. Now, oh clairvoyant BoT, can you please let it swing down?
  13. Interesting that America has vast proven oil reserves—yet the Biden administration attacks oil production at every step, in favor of their green energy agenda. Meanwhile, both China and India have increased energy from coal and oil, with oil coming at favorable prices from Russia. Amazing America.
  14. Yeah, they let the Baht swing alright. It swung all the way down to 35.87 on USD last night. 36 was so yesterday..
  15. Looks like a race to the bottom. Did the tanking Euro bring the USD down from 36 today? Or did the tanking USD bring the Euro down?
  16. Not sure about the 15-year high on USD claim. I distinctly recall purchasing my espresso machine in February 2016 when the USD hit 36 on the Baht. And I have the credit card record to prove it.
  17. Why not buy oil from the bad guys? Thailand could become the Hub of Oil Distribution, and export to the USA and Europe!
  18. Make sure he has a COVID-19 test. Put him in quarantine for 14 days. SinoVac doesn’t work so well, you know. Thailand needs no surprises, nor should it take big risks at this time.
  19. Will raising interest rates raise the Baht as well? That would also slow the economy, and wouldn’t do much for Thailand’s beleaguered tourist industry.
  20. OK, I’ll wait patiently for the Baht to depreciate to 36 on the USD. But I won’t hold my breath…
  21. Baht rises 2% in two days—breathtaking. It certainly makes you wonder…
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