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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. If you look at the Baht movements the way chartists look at stocks—you would see highs and lows vs other currencies. Looking at the recent lows—you can see the USD near a six-month low. The Euro and the Pound each near only one-month lows. Clearly FedSpeak to blame here. Traders expect an end to interest rate hikes (not likely) and a return to 2% inflation (not for a very long time).
  2. Personal Finance? Don’t look at currency fluctuations—you might not like what you see this month.
  3. Agreed. And airlines make it tougher on both frequent and occasional flyers by reducing point values on many international flights. I just returned from R-T to NYC to find reduction points—from previous trips 19,000 points to about 6500 points this time—less incentive to fly international.
  4. Such a shame the Baht is heading in the wrong direction—up, up, up this month. Maybe this news will slow its rapid ascent.
  5. Not fair. Chinese criminals can blend in with the local Chinese-Thai population. Western bad guys have no such cover.
  6. The late rains this year have delayed the annual burning season. Let it rain, rain, rain.
  7. Umm, last I checked, the mighty Baht flexed its muscles today. That might impact things like stability, tourism and exports.
  8. Broken boardwalks a metaphor for broken hearts and relationships in Pattaya. Fix them so love can bloom again.
  9. Always liked Twitter—and now even more. Free speech rules.
  10. She did well with the promises and hand outs. Much better than I expected. Now, if she could return home and help close the US border—I’d be truly amazed and impressed.
  11. Let’s give VP Harris the benefit of the doubt. At least she won’t use cue cards. And maybe she won’t cackle this time.
  12. My Son Hunter should be required viewing for all of Congress. A gridlocked Congress should be good for America. Although the southern border will remain a disaster, as well as the deliberate phaseout of the fossil fuel industry.
  13. And the Fed goes into silent mode a week before they all meet to announce policy. So the false rumor that the Fed will stop raising rates continues to drive the USD down. Here in the LoS—the almighty Baht rises.
  14. Unsure how to react, sometimes. Yes, USD has lost over 200 Satang in 30 days. But so have other western currencies. And Baht much higher a year ago. Currency fluctuations can’t be a good sign for prospective industries looking to leave China. Vietnam does a better job of holding its currency stable.
  15. They must have thought they were crossing the US southern border.
  16. Same experience at Swampy last week. JAL 777 packed in coach from NRT. No lines at immigration late evening.
  17. And Walking Street, I might add. But only for the music and Turkish ice cream…
  18. In the USA, you can check a hand gun and rounds when you fly domestically. You need an appropriate gun license, and you must declare the items at check-in. Not sure what’s legal flying domestically in Thailand.
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