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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. In the USA, you can check a hand gun and rounds when you fly domestically. You need an appropriate gun license, and you must declare the items at check-in. Not sure what’s legal flying domestically in Thailand.
  2. Who needs western tourists, anyway? Got plenty of spenders from Laos, Myanmar, Maylasia and India.
  3. This begs the question: isn’t our beloved T.V. parent company owned by the Chinese now?
  4. Sad news, sorry for the poor chap. With all the new highway construction projects—I avoid night drives. Street lighting, reflectors and painted lane lines really help—but they’re typically the last installations in each project. And too many motorcycles have no visible taillights.
  5. I just checked my wallet—seems I’m a little short of 40 mill. Guess I’ll have to stay in the house I built for my wife a bit longer…
  6. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran—birds of a feather…
  7. To your point, it’s curious how the government frets about a high USD, but when the Pound, Euro or any western currency tops out—they don’t have too many concerns.
  8. Will Big Brother (the world’s #1 polluter) attend this conference?
  9. Relax. It’s just my theory—mainly for conjecture and some amusement. No need to get hot and bothered about it. Besides—it worked perfectly again today. US Stocks up a tad—Baht up on USD a tad. Let me have some fun…
  10. USD up nicely, but the formula holds. When US stocks tank—Baht follows down. Would love to sell stocks to convert to Baht—but this small time investor only sells stocks when they rise.
  11. Go to any mall on a weekend. Parking lots full with late model cars and trucks. Where do they get the money? More from credit than cash.
  12. KGB Putin—things not going so well, so he plays the nuke card. Why don’t his countrymen stop him?
  13. I believe currency fluctuations are much greater in Thailand. Corporations don't want to worry about future exchange rates. Vietnam's currency seems more stable.
  14. Nah, I like my currency theory better: When US stocks go up—Baht/USD goes up (risk on). When US stocks tank—Baht/USD tanks as well (risk off).
  15. Your point is well taken. It does, however raise the question: How much is enough to self-insure? As we age here in Thailand, it seems that health insurance premiums rachet up every year. And they're only too happy to slap exclusions on your policy whenever they can. We've asked this question of several ICU nurses we know--in both public and private hospitals. For emergency services and many surgeries, I wouldn't self-insure for less than 500,000 Baht. And would feel comfortable with 1,000,000. in a health savings account.
  16. If tourism looks bleak, why not take better care of your large expat population? Scrap the 90-day, and the mountains of paperwork for visas. We help the economy in many ways.
  17. Excellent opportunity for VP Harris to appear on the world stage. Although I don’t agree with her politics—I hope she can positively contribute, command respect and represent our best interests here.
  18. If this concerns you—switch to DTAC, or any other non CCP aligned provider. And stay on the lookout for Chinese connections. Things can change overnight.
  19. All kidding aside, has anyone considered changing from AIS service to another provider—over these data security concerns with ZTE?
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