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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Before we built our house 10 years ago, wife ordered 200 dump truck loads of fill for the lot. Neighbors not too pleased, but we’ve stayed dry since. Since then, neighbors have also raised their lot levels.
  2. Well said. And I’ll add, every dog has its day. USD has languished in the high 20’s and low 30’s far too long. I do see a pattern now. When US stocks go down—Baht goes down on USD (risk off). When US stocks rise—Baht also rises (currency traders call this: risk on).
  3. Sorry my feeble attempt at humor and sarcasm missed its mark with you. Have a nice day.
  4. No argument. However, by strengthening the Baht, he could weaken other currencies, when paired with the Baht.
  5. What the good general doesn’t understand—any time you manipulate one particular currency down vs. the Baht, you inadvertently tank other currencies in the process.
  6. Hey, every dog has its day. Give it up on Dollar bashing. And 37 didn’t last very long. At the moment you cannot get 37 Baht for a Dollar at Wise. That ship has sailed.
  7. I switched from an O-A visa (done in NYC every year), to the Marriage Visa. We had a few more hurdles to jump, but it gets easier every year. And there’s no insurance requirement with the Marriage Visa,, either
  8. Thais in Bangkok are saints compared to the homeless in San Fran and L.A. Guess what they leave on the sidewalks?
  9. Good thing Thailand’s not a close neighbor of Russia. Otherwise they’d find what Putin’s Special Operation is all about.
  10. The shoe's on the other foot. Bank of Thailand has some 'splainin' to do. Why did Bant climb 25 Satang today, when in Vietnam and in Phillippeans, the USD rose? Apparently, BoT has orders to control Baht depreciation.
  11. Curious—which Thai people would be riding on this high speed train?
  12. What you write is true indeed. But I have friends at that age pushing grandkids around in strollers. And yet their wife (the grandmother) is 20-30 years younger, and easily mistaken as the child’s mother.
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