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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. So this begs the question: can you consider someone with two shots of Anutin’s SinoVac as “fully vaccinated”?
  2. Too much SinoVac. Not enough AZ. Very little Pfizer. And no Moderna yet.
  3. You can lump me into that 60% not ready crowd. How about pushing that mighty ever rising Baht down a bit more? Tourists, expats and the export industries all benefit from a screamingly low Baht.
  4. Any bets on which week of November? ZP said they’d know 1 - 2 weeks before the first delivery. Most expats already have vaccines now. This one matters—for the Thai gf’s and wives—if you ever want to travel again.
  5. Excuse time—Moderna won’t arrive in.October as promised. So now, November, and will come in lots of 100k, and they won’t know about delivery for 1 to 2 weeks beforehand. And they’re desperately trying to source the vaccine from America. But no one takes responsibility for this delay.
  6. If the mighty Baht keeps rising—not many will want to come. And those of us still here will begin to leave.
  7. That won’t last. Thai Baht on a tear now—up over 2% in last 48 hours. Why?
  8. How about opening the vaccine floodgates, and let the Moderna in for the private hospitals? All that prepaid—all that delay.
  9. Seems like an accurate prediction. Thailand is not the center of the universe, despite what the authorities may think.
  10. Quality tourists that will spend more? Easy—charge 100 Baht for every white bus passenger on those zero-Baht tours. They’ll make millions.
  11. Direct correlation: improving Thai economy, and a sinking Baht. Nothing else comes close.
  12. Got a little dizzy after 1st Pfizer. No side effects after 2nd.
  13. Amazing Thailand. Arrest the expat homeowner for defending himself. Let the world know about this.
  14. Good luck. Hope you recover fully. Change happens slowly here. Too many fingers in the pot. But things should improve as the high season approaches. Quarantine may evaporate by November. Good vaccines should arrive next month. And even the Baht is slowly receding—although it jumps around for no apparent reason.
  15. Sure glad I registered and received two Pfizer doses. Prepaid Moderna for wife looks iffy now.
  16. I stay away from the ever present Nivea deodorants because they contain an aluminium derivative. It sets off the jacked up TSA alarms when I go through the airport scans at JFK. Took me several trips to realise what set off the alarm—similar to the composition of gun powder or some kind of explosive, I think.
  17. Expat recommendations go a long way in helping foreign tourism numbers. When things get hard for us—we’re less likely to recommend visits from friends and family in our respective home countries. The huge currency swings (1% in 36 hours) give us pause, and reduce our purchasing power. Good luck with high season, Thailand—you’ll need it.
  18. Maybe a little less wholesome slogan would work better: “Amazing Thailand—have we got some bargirls for you!”
  19. They can start with the exorbitantly high import duties and taxes on foreign goods. Sure they want to protect local suppliers and manufacturing, but why does China enjoy bilateral trade relations with Thailand, while western products remain out of reach?
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