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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Sure, but we’re not all from UK, even though we speak and write in English.
  2. I believe their decision to hold interest rates at .50% turned into a green light for international currency traders in the last 24 hours. They chase currencies from perceived stable economies with higher interest rates. Baht up more than 2% on some western currencies this month—Mai dee.
  3. On top of the well-discussed quarantine hurdles, you can now add the rising Baht as a dealbreaker. The higher Baht crimps spending, hurts exports, and should force foreigners to look elsewhere.
  4. Gotta believe they made these lofty export projections based on currency rates at least one month ago. Since then the mighty Baht has added 2% on many western currencies. Next month’s projections may not look so encouraging.
  5. No worries, the Baht strengthened a bit today. The article probably took data from several weeks ago when the Baht was 1-2% lower than today. The higher the Baht—the worse the economy. They should understand that by now.
  6. Well, why not weaken the Baht a boatload, so they can sell more rice, and most everything they make here more competitively? Thailand must choose between a future of Belt and Road servitude, or an independent, competitive and vibrant economy.
  7. Come to think of it, Thailand doesn’t buy much from the USA, probably due to Thailand’s very high customs fees. But they’re sure happy to take the free stuff.
  8. How about a travel bubble for all western countries including OZ and NZ?
  9. I can see a new sub-themed hotel going up—perfect for Chinese New Year—next year.
  10. Let’s see, I can get 29 masks in my carry on…and maybe 10 more from a duty-free shop…and stuff 10-20 more in a secret compartment in my checked roller suitcase. I wonder if they they have mask sensors at the airport security, or perhaps dogs with mask-sniff training…
  11. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Don’t dare visit family & friends in America, for fear of return complications. And thanks to ADP’s gloomy job report (300,00 jobs lost) currency traders have dumped the Dollar, fearing a delay or cancellation of promised interest rate hikes this year.
  12. Ironically, Thailand might reach a high vaccination rate with western vaccines—and thus conquer the virus much sooner than China—which discourages western vaccines.
  13. I’m no longer advising my friends and family members in America to come for a visit. Can you guess why?
  14. Sino vaccines didn’t work so well on adults in Thailand—so now let’s try it on kids. Sorry, I don’t follow their logic.
  15. The worlds biggest polluter voluntarily cuts incense burning at Thai shrines. Isn’t that special?
  16. Anyone else see the hypocrisy of a representative of the US Government giving advice and help to border police? Now estimated over 2 million illegal aliens have come across the US southern border in the last 12 months.
  17. Plenty of babies and kids in my Isaan village (and none of them mine, I do believe).
  18. Meanwhile, the mighty Baht creeps up again. Welcome to Thailand, where things cost you more every day.
  19. Good news! They’ve finally struck oil in the Gulf of Thailand.
  20. Yes, good things can happen when the Baht weakens. Now that the Baht has begun to strengthen again—don’t expect continued prosperity.
  21. This begs the question: how effective are today’s vaccines against the Omicron variant? Pfizer CEO says next gen vaccine due release in March, and targets Omicron along with others.
  22. Not exactly. More like rising Baht fatigue. Baht up 2% in short order. Why on Earth did this happen?
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