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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. The definition of insanity: doing the same thing, over and over—and expecting different results.
  2. I beg to differ. The legendary Teflon Baht seems to go in the wrong direction each day. Up and up with the currency does not portend a healthy economy.
  3. What about the thousands upon thousands of people who prepaid Moderna shots? Will the government/military continue to horde Moderna? Sure, many expats have received Pfizer—but if you have a younger wife or gf—they still push SinoVac for a first shot here in Isaan.
  4. Someone needs to tell the US Government what happened to the first Moderna shipment. Which arrived a couple weeks ago. The bulk of the vaccines went to the Thai government and the military. Only a small percentage got to Thonburi Hospital Group, and this the people who prepaid for Maderna last July.
  5. Currency traders did this. Once US Congress voted another 2 trillion $$ for Biden Build Back Better, they dumped ISD—which in turn sank other currencies. USD hit hard losing 54 Satang in 24 hours—a record I think. When will traders sink the Baht for a change? We’re all waiting…
  6. May not get too many American tourists now that USD tanked 54 Satang—due to fears of Build Back Better overspending. And when USD sinks, it brings many other currencies down with it.
  7. You better believe the PM is happy now. The bulk of the half million doses of Moderna vaccine have gone to government/military people. And only a small number made it to the Thonburi Hospital Group—and the people who actually paid for it last July.
  8. I have a catastrophic health insurance policy with a high deductible. It costs 72,000 Baht a year—a little more than US Medicare Part B or Part D. When I reach 71 years, it will rise to over 100k per year. May look at higher deductible or less coverage. Will consider self insure at some point—or return to America for Medicare.
  9. Rising Baht not a good sign for any foreigners—tourists or expats.
  10. Problem with eligible Chinese girls—there aren’t enough of them. China’s one child era begat far more boys. So many more that Chinese men seek wives in Cambodia and other poor countries in SE Asia—and it doesn’t always make a good marriage. Of course in my biased view, you can find beautiful, intelligent girls right here in Isaan. I believe I did.
  11. Their virus has changed the world—and not for the better.. Do we believe in karma?
  12. Burn, baby, burn. Gotta have the red eyes, scarred lungs and incessant coughing—just like big brother China. Oh yes, and keep jacking the Baht, for good measure.
  13. Will the average Thai use high speed trains for domestic travel? I don’t think so….
  14. Belt & Road for China’s benefit. Do not fall into China’s debt trap, Thailand.
  15. Too busy planning their invasion of Taiwan. And lest you think they’ll stop there—look at what they’ve done to Cambodia and now Laos.
  16. Correct. Just look what happened to Hong Kong, and now the blatant threats to Taiwan—and you’ll see what could happen to SE Asia. Thailand does not have a benevolent neighbor.
  17. Thai Baht exploding now. What’s up with the high Baht? Do they really think anyone will come here for tourism or retirement?
  18. For me, I think the mighty Teflon Baht needs to go south about 5% more. Then you’d have a shot at retirement haven status. Did not like today’s western currency thrashing.
  19. On the contrary, governments want to control their own digital currency, instead of an independent, such as Bitcoin. So they can track citizens spending—and thus reward or punish you according to what you bought. Look at China’s new digital currency, for an example.
  20. Perhaps this announcement has spurred today’s glorious rise in the mighty Baht. Such a strong currency that hiso’s can be proud of. Tourists, expats and exporters be damned.
  21. How about rolling out more Pfizer shots for boosters and first timers? And still no Moderna. What’s up with pushing Chinese vaccines on the public?
  22. Guilty as charged, sir. Although I came here much later. And Isaan wife never worked in that capacity.
  23. Perfect opportunity to use up remaining SinoVac stocks. They’ve been pushing it up in Isaan to unwilling residents.
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