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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Inflation takes a bite out of Americans. And we all know why. So this comes as no surprise. What does come as a surprise for American expats—the pounding of the USD this week. Merry Christmas to all. May better days lay ahead.
  2. Maybe easier to control the Baht (up 21 Satung today) than Omicron.
  3. Don’t let this out to potential high value tourists. They could hesitate to make bookings. On the other hand, if word got out internationally—perhaps something of substance would be accomplished.
  4. 8 years and lucky. Choose carefully cause it’s a huge investment, and you need both pre-nups and leases for your security and peace of mind. Of course, it helps to have a bit of money, too.
  5. Good wine, music, sailing, friends and living with a wonderful Isaan girl.
  6. TAT blames Omicron—easy target. Rising Baht probably a better explanation. Higher the Baht goes—less money comes in, TAT.
  7. Best way to sell Tourists on Thailand—pitch it as an exotic, affordable vacation destination—with some good clean fun for everyone. So yes to family stuff, beaches wats, and bargirls.
  8. For all her faults, America’s EPA deems 25 milligrams and lower as acceptable air quality.
  9. TAT needs to consider the Goldilocks tale—just like us expats, not too rich, but not too poor either. We spend freely, but not wildly. And we do it again and again.
  10. Only reason the air in Isaan is still good—had heavy rains later in the season, September and October. Many (if not most) patties still have water.
  11. Crime is up in NYC and other cities. Maybe going back to a strong police force would be good thing.
  12. Isaan has some very attractive young women. That’s all I’m gonna say.
  13. Agreed. A greater threat: the mighty, rising Teflon Baht will crimp tourism and expat spending, as well as exports.
  14. I do the mask thing in public. And I hold no grudges against non-Americans. In fact, among those I know, we have become pretty good friends. When you spend time in Isaan with the language barrier—you tend to try a little harder.
  15. Last week, put some $$ in @ 33.88 to USD. Today 33.44. Sure, Baht reasonable at 33.44, but a whole lot more reasonable @ 33.88.
  16. Umm—A quick glance at today’s exchange rates sure looks like things will go belly up in 2022.
  17. Nope. Thai Baht way up, prices continue to rise on imports. That’s the amazing Thailand way.
  18. Omicron and a rising Baht. That should sink the economy. And there’s only one they can do anything about.
  19. Relax everyone, the Baht has roared back today vs western currencies. Here we go again….
  20. That does it. Deport all Americans—for good measure.. Thailand doesn’t need their high-spending ways. Open up to the safe Omicron-free countries.
  21. Now this wouldn’t be a part of Xi’s Belt and Road debt trap, would it?
  22. If the western nations agree to combine trade sanctions against China—how could this put wind in their sails? Who would they sell to? A manufacturer of that size needs world markets—and not just 3rd world markets.
  23. Probable outcome. But if the US administration has any stones—they would take immediate and permanent trade action. Equal import/export values, and if China doesn’t buy their share of American products—make up the difference with steep tariffs. Every western nation should do the same. That would end Chinese belligerence and aggression once and for all.
  24. When it came to naming the new variant, the WHO skipped over Nu Xi (the next logical Greek letters) and settled on Omicron—to avoid upsetting a certain large population. What is WHO afraid of?
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