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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Make peas with SinoVac? Sounds interesting. Perhaps with some chilli peppers and and a dash of salt. And a nice glass of Chardonnay.
  2. So they will order Pfizer vaccine? Haven’t I read that before? It’s late September, and I don’t believe the government has purchased and taken delivery of a single dose for the general population.
  3. Welcome to the American way of doing business, Thailand. No brown envelopes, everything written down on a precise contract—and it’s all free (thanks to the generosity of US taxpayers).
  4. Agree 100%. I just emailed my thanks to Senator Duckworth, for her help in the Pfizer donation. Got my 2nd Pfizer shot last week.
  5. I wonder what their percentage breakdown of different vaccines—both for today’s numbers, and year to date? Venturing a guess: 60% Sinovac (purchased) 30% AstraZeneca (purchased) 8% Sinopharm (purchased) 1.4% Pfizer (donated) 0.55% Johnson & Johnson (donated) 0.04% Moderna (?) 0.01% other (?)
  6. When the Baht falls—exports rise—pretty simple. Why not encourage more of this?
  7. A better way to get to the bottom of this: ask China if they want the USA to donate another 1m doses of Pfizer to Thailand.
  8. China’s heavy handed approach to foreign relations seems to work in Cambodia. Hope it never goes this far in Thailand.
  9. If the relationship (or pairing) flourishes beyond infatuation, then mutual respect and common interests are essential. Imagine dating someone in your age group back in your home country. It helps you appreciate things here just a little more.
  10. And just to celebrate the low rating—the mighty Teflon Baht has triumphantly returned—rocketing up 1% from today’s lows on the USD.
  11. You got that right. Thai wife pronounces them as Phy-ZER, and As-TRA and Mo-der-NA.
  12. How about giving western imports a break? They have what amounts to free trade with China. That’s just peachy, but we didn’t come here to buy Chinese stuff. Cars, alcoholic beverages, food, boats, clothes etc all overpriced here in LoS.
  13. Several years ago I visited Siem Reip with my family. We stopped in at a restaurant and noticed a table of eight young Chinese men. Putting it charitably, these were not terribly attractive men. They paid close attention to an attractive well-dressed Young Chinese woman who kept coming to their table with updated information. At first, I thought they were Chinese soldiers in civilian dress. Later, I realised what we had there—the hapless fellows had paid to meet their new Cambodian brides. Apparently, the Cambodian purchased wives are not well-regarded nor well-treated in traditional Chinese family culture. Such a shame this happens all too often.
  14. Why not just let China annex Thailand? After all, that seems to be the game plan.
  15. So who gets priority for initial shipment of Moderna, scheduled for next month? Those who prepaid early last July? Thai Red Cross, or Thai Army?
  16. Thanks. That’s our situation too. Got two Pfizer shots, now waiting for Thai wife…
  17. 50% by end of October probably not realistic—especially if the vast majority of them have had two doses of SinoVac. And just how effective would that be?
  18. If they notify you of a prepaid Moderna appointment—can you delay it if needed?
  19. Everything imported from the West costs more here. But everything imported from China costs the same as it does in the West. So as long as you like Thai or Chinese quality items, and a rising Baht—it’s OK, I guess.
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