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my friend I

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Posts posted by my friend I

  1. sorry if I`m wrong but I think it 5pm not 6pm??

    Last year I was with a thai friend andd we tried to cross the border from Mae Sai to Burma at about 5.30pm and although my thai friend was allowed to still go across I was told as a farang that the gate was closed at 5pm. Is it 5pm for farang and 6pm for Thai People or were they just trying to make some pocket money?? Although at the time it was annoying, looking at it now it is just one of my funny memorys from this wonderful place...

    Many thanks for everybodys replies. :o

    Mae Sai closes at 6pm.

    The time in Tachileik is half an hour behind Thailand.

  2. An interesting experience yesterday.

    Anyone who has taken this route knows of the two permanent check points between Chiang Rai and Mae Sai. I must have driven through them... three years of visa runs, a few trips showing tourist friends around, I've lost count.

    I've been stopped often and then waved on, my wife says the police don't like to question Farangs as they can't speak a lot of English.

    This day I picked a mate up from the Airport, he had standard luggage, case and carry on bag and we put them in the back and drove straight through to Mae Sai. Coming back we were pulled up at the first check point, asked to drive over to the search area and the car and baggage thoroughly searched.

    The only reason I can put to it is that the police saw the bags in the back and as we were coming from the Myanmar border decided to have a look.

    When I used to do monthly visa runs I normally just rode my bike from CM to the border and back. In the entire time I either was waved on or given a cursory check of the passport. I did the run a couple of times on the bus and we were stopped both times and everyone showing their passport or ID card. On the only occasion I did it in a private car with three other farung - we were stopped and the vehicle thoroughly searched. We emptied out our pockets and our bags (daypacks) checked for contraband. One of the guys on the run has a medical condition and the police very carefully checked his medication. He carries a certificate in English and a prescription renewal with him all the time but the drugs were in a dispenser not their issue bottle or packet. The police were very polite and good about it but they wanted to make sure.

    Personally I am happy that they do the checks and am surprised we aren't stopped more often.


    Sure, it's part and parcel of living next to a very porous and sensitive border.

    My wife and I always joke that if we ever do want to do a big smuggling run we'd come through the check points between Noon and 1pm while the boys are all asleep after lunch.

    I think we were only searched because of the bags, I've seen entire buses turned out and every passenger's luggage being searched. Last year we took some of the family kids (teenagers) for shopping in Mae Sai and the Mrs lined them up before we left home and inspected ID cards. One of the older girls had forgotten hers and was sent running home for it. "You have a Burmese face!" said the Mrs, so obviously illegal immigrants are on the check point roster as well.

    Having an ID card is not enough - if u look suspicious they make u sing the national anthem.

  3. No real apartment in Chiang Saen. Just Thai style rooms/dorms. Very basic.

    Guest houses r also basic.

    Going west, towards golden triangle, is a nice place right on the Mehkong. Bungalow style. About 1 mile b4 u get to the town.

  4. Managers of the Lao side of a new railway project linking Vientiane to Nong Khai in Thailand have assured Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh it will be completed as planned.

    1 km of the track from Vientiane to Nong Khai has been laid. --Photo Khamphanh

    I have to say this must be a cushy job - "The Deputy Director of the Lao Railway Authority" - managing a whole 3.5km of track and (upto 12.5km) and one station! :o He must be struggling with the workload! :D

    Maybe he is also responsible for the other track - not much to do there either.!

  5. Haad Yai train station is very secure now with cctv and many security guards/police & no thru access for non ticket holders. As to danger around town it is possible. There have been bombs in shopping areas. I go there often on the train & always stay a few nights.

    I prefer to take an overnight train to Haad Yai. then pick up the Langkawi express from there because of the times. 2.50 pm suits me better than 9.00pm at Butterworth.

    At Haad Yai station u buy the KL ticket at the booth next to the info counter

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