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Everything posted by animatic

  1. Since no foreign devils nationality was named, which usually is trumpeted, he likely is a thai national. By most reports older thai on younger thai is far more prevalent than foreigners with thai girls. But they get more adverse press if it goes bad.
  2. They get Botox injections and “…Several reported stiff facial muscles, unable to control their expressions,…” and they don’t know what Botox does! Botulism Toxin does precisely what happened. dumb and dumber still.
  3. Well there are many parallels. Huge biblical flood just as yet another Shinawatra woman takes the reins without the training g to do the job. Abhisit says she may finish the term, but only because all other parties are totally deranged. And most competent and organized party was dissolved. As usual into the abyss.
  4. Prawat, Nitwit, Tittyswitch It’s just a circus with this court in charge.
  5. Ah yes, Auntie Yingluck’s Rice Pledging floods from trying to save the rice crop to pay off the rice millers mafia for handing her the election. When extra rain kicked in they almost caused multiple dam over flows and catastrophes by not letting out more water sooner during harvest. More floods and bigger and 2-3m in Bangkok. Sounds like round two.
  6. Won’t be the first of Thaksin’s puppet parties to be dissolved. TRT & PPP fell before this iteration. More business as usual. Just a ‘here we go again’ moment.
  7. Of course this pardon does not cover the LM charge/sword of Damocles still hanging overhead. At least there’s something still holding him in check.
  8. Well there’s an appropriate response to not getting a job. Swat the head of a pretty girl who asked you a question.
  9. I lived in NYC for 5 years and Paris for 5 years. I was in NYC last summer. I have a very good idea about transport quality, look and feel. I was thinking more buildings and general infrastructure like wires and highways falling down. And general look. Never going to be similar. Though Bangkok does have some lovely big structures.
  10. This only net effect of the ad is to make people come to Thailand. To do business, and see the sights. It’s never going to look like somewhere like NYC so why try to pretend it can. it portrayed thai people in many lights including a funny hotel guy who proved useful and resourceful. The only thing wrong with the funny sales clip is how bent out of shape some got over it. After 20 years here it looked like Thailand and Thais I readily recognize. The ONLY people shown in a bad light are the arrogant box customer and his mercurial attitude and demands! Thais and Thailand came out looking good. But forget that there was sepia tone…. Except I only saw warm tone color film stock used not sepia toned B&W stock. Tea in a tempest pot. Nothing burger!
  11. More like the damage of an exploding meth lab than a half size refrigerator. There is something wrong with this story.
  12. Unless of course ; He knew nothing of this, so he came back. It’s not beyond reasoning that someone did embezzle from the company, when they heard that he was leaving, and left bread crumbs trail toward him as their fall guy. 7 years later he comes back and BOOM! Surprise, his world goes to Hell. Not beyond the realm of possibility, and explains his return. If he’d done it he’d probably know better.
  13. And without any doubt Big Alcohol is dead set against : Anything that makes people drink less…
  14. Casinos serving booze will be a disaster of galactic proportions. Gambling has caused huge family dislocations and only benefited illegal loan sharks.
  15. “Additionally, there are calls for the government to intensify efforts against illegal businesses, promote legitimate land ownership, and address nominee investment issues.” Not one single tourist cares about any of this. Only Thais not wanting to share any profits with investors are on about this stuff. It’s had zero effect on tourism. • Fix the trash incinerator by any means, • Build a large water purification plant. • Clamp down on taxi and transport gouging
  16. 17,000 + rental rooms and this is the best he can do?? 119,000 baht paid, twice, for long term rental??? And second rental takes all money and then says too much demand??? But holds on to money till forced to return??? Scams all about. Seems like Booking is not running too well. Or getting played by locals
  17. That there is a cabale, or more than one, in the police protecting their tea-money revenue streams (flows upward) is hardly surprising. It’s all in flux since PT stole power and Thaksin’s return. So Big Joke is a fly in their ointment and has an ability to fight back successfully when attacked. Some entity has clearly been trying to push him down for a decade, and he bobs and weaves around it and returns more powerful. But the hits get harder closer to the top. I was not at all surprised at this recent attack. Consider ; ‘hot girl connected to online gambling is busted, told we’ll give you a pass if you come on to Big Joke, become his Mia Noi for a bit, and we’ll have his underlings reeled in by party-time foolishness and greed. While sticking some cash in accounts he’s allegedly connected with, as if criminal cops use open accounts. And then announce he’s the ring leader. You can walk and be famous.’ Seems like a classic Big Mango power play. I’m happy to see him fighting back.
  18. But’ judicial coups’ like what is ending Pita’s publicly backed run are perfectly fine. ———————////// “…sole authority to immediately suspend any army, navy or air force officers at any ranks or in any positions from duty, given suspicion that those military officers might possibly be mapping out a coup with use of force to overthrow an elected government and tear up the constitution…” - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘sole authority… has suspicion… of possibility’; Sounds like an elected, paranoid dictator….
  19. Anuting isn’t getting a big enough cut, so cuts loose his anti-farang public aside. I get tea money or you be gone. The Swiss guy tried to bribe the wrong folks!
  20. The builder of the property did the missteps not the renter. He had every reason to think they were on his rental land and not public land.
  21. This is clearly being manipulated for jingoistic affect. Should have been a non-story weeks ago. Some political agitprop going on making her stressed. I call BS. Merde de Toro.
  22. While I don’t support his act particularly, this seems a gross overreaction, driven by social media and anti-foreign jingoism. Social pigpile soon to be forgotten.
  23. Ignore the signs at your peril. At any rate of water flow the mist feeds the rock algae bed and its slippery as hell. The signs are there for a reason. Thousands visit these sites/sights yearly without any problems. My mother in law in her 70’s had a lovely time. But she wouldn’t think of wandering off the marked paths. It’s not “a death trap” as one trip site commenter alleged. Just use proper caution and forethought. These deadly accidents are usually self-caused from foolish decisions.
  24. There is, but not not everywhere. And people ignore the safe areas to try for something more fun, a better selfie or the like. Human nature makes the young think they know all and they are strong and invincible. Slippery lichen doesn’t care what you believe about yourself, it just does what it does.
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