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Everything posted by animatic

  1. Had DTAC phones for over 15 years. Had Truevision for over 15 years. I do NOT want True to ever be my phone company. This merge is a truly horrible idea. Stop it now!
  2. If they have another, they must have one more after that, so it’s not left at an even number of coups, which would be an inauspicious number.
  3. Being too ‘publicly well to do’ is not a good plan. Particularly when your home country is at war, leadership reeling, and some country men will do anything to not have to fly home to be drafted shortly, when their money runs out.
  4. If the dog saw his food being taken from him and given to a lesser status dog by a lesser statust master, he could well want to assert his claim. We have one huge dog, but we feed him after the smaller dogs and keep him leashed till his time comes. He also is told to sit and wait for an eat command before he can start. We must always let him know WE control food and never him. This works. But we also never take his food from him. Food for the others arrives separately, even if prepared together. If you think like dogs think you can control most dogs, if not you get problems.
  5. You have to detach the loosened face to then lose face. Jaws agog and aghast.
  6. In my observations very few actually understand the pit of hell they will be falling into. If they don’t recoil on first try, they will quickly be pulled into. Some folks have the will to pull back after curiosity is satisfied, others are deeply addictive personalities and get hooked by second tastes and go to the extreme very quickly. Making a bad decision with your own life quickly becomes a danger to others, but need not be an on the street death sentence by cop. Try to save them from themselves. Mit’s not always a lost cause, sometimes it is. Some just see the addict as trash to be removed and not a lost soul in turmoil and wishing for help.
  7. I have seen a poor guy with a machete, out of his mind on yabaa, corralled and safely subdued with these ‘prods’. It seems a useful tool and far less cruel than many alternatives. In USA I wish they tried this over guns or heart attack causing stun guns. Far less unnecessary deaths for the mentally ill is a good result, low tech or high tech.
  8. If constitution says current cabinet at time of promulgation was a sitting cabinet then he’s out.
  9. Why would he say anything else??? He’s not handing over his “Precious” to any Frodo, Bilbo or Dil do that says he must surrender power. Not till they pry it from his rictused fingers
  10. Scoot accepted money to fly this person. The money was paid by a legitimate agent they do business with. They accepted money to fly a person not a contract for the agent. If they have stopped flying this route since he left England it falls on them, after accepting payment for his transport, to assist in finding him another airlines seat at a fair price not far above what money they took, and not just keep his money.
  11. What they said was two weeks to allow Prayut to respond. He did faster than expected. Then they were allowing 2 weeks to decide on the issues. Since Prayut responded promptly, the second two weeks can start early. no foul.
  12. Seeing the video and knowing this corner well, the biker screwed up big time. This is the road to the island dump, a small lane off the main ring-road. A 100% standard daily turn for this truck 365 nights a year. if you look at the stained side road in daylight shot you see where the trucks make the right corner dripping disgusting wetness regularly. Truck was properly in left lane, (we drive on left here), with signal on as video shows, for a right turn, and well lit from behind. Bike Driver missed the signal. The bike was screaming along. You don’t even see it approach, just a 3 frame blur till the crash is happening. So going very fast. Likely driver didn’t know dump is there, and so expected truck to be stopping on left side for loading. So, he tried to blast past the truck on right, but the opening closed fast, he tried to veer left, but didn’t make it at such high speed. Sad but clear not trucks fault. RIP to the passenger.
  13. If you do not assume a huge, well lit, orange, garbage truck, will not be going slow, stopping randomly and turning laboriously, you should not be driving near one, ever.
  14. Draconian defamation laws inhibit any in-depth reporting in most cases. Since the truth is not a defence a reporter, and distribution source of a story that makes someone lose face, they tend to wait until courts rule. Only then can you say in print ‘this person did this bad thing’.
  15. I looked also to see the response.
  16. Harley Owners Groups are not gangs. They are a world wide, company sponsored group of ‘owners’, nothing more. More of a touring group of geriatric riders, getting out on Holliday and week ends, not a hard living group of ex military hard cases. Nothing at all like Hells Angels, Nomads, Devils Disciples etc.
  17. Buggers put the boot in mine last weekend I’m driving rain. Worse he put note of offence in open plastic bag under wiper open side up, papers fell apart on removal. Was not amused
  18. Or getting stitched up, because it’s the word of two Thais vs one foreign devil and it rarely goes the farangs way.
  19. Riggers didn’t have proper redundancy; 3-4 attaches not two. One gave out, when it shouldn’t have, and the second gave out instantly as soon as it’s load increased. Someone grossly miscalculated and will pay for it. Best of luck for the injured dancers for a recovery.
  20. Blather, blather, fart, fart; The narcissists calling card.
  21. Uncle Chewy doesn’t care what others really think, so speaks truths some hate. He knows a whore when he sees one and with politicians he’s got a wide view.
  22. “UnitedNations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961.” A reference woefully out of date. Ganga has been removed from many countries narcotics lists. And most of the people singing on about it are to young to have even been around when this out of date Convention was signed. Try last year; https://www.who.int/news/item/04-12-2020-un-commission-on-narcotic-drugs-reclassifies-cannabis-to-recognize-its-therapeutic-uses
  23. About the only porn prosecuted is homegrown porn made in Thailand. The lions share they can’t touch. But there are plantyof sexy thai youth who want something stronger than TikTok sexy vids to watch. DES is unable to do squat without someone complaining and often it appears it is competitors ‘dropping the dimes’ to remove better product. And open their market share. This is just as useless as pretending only married folks have sex with their spouses in Thailand.
  24. Waive border fees, but triple the hotel rates and thus also the taxes incoming to the government coffers. Righty O, so much nicer to come to Thailand without those pesky border fees.
  25. Local foreign devils married to ‘thai angels’, who travel are not incoming tourists, but will be over charged simple because of their passport. Sadly a pink Thai Resident ID coming with the yellow book Tabien baan likely won’t get you local pricing. but the people needed to bring more cash flow to the industry will likely think twice about coming. The Hoteliers must be gargling their lips in stress attacks after hearing this idiocy. Anutin 10.4 another day another foot shot. Running out of feet to shoot.
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