Seeing the video and knowing this corner well, the biker screwed up big time.
This is the road to the island dump, a small lane off the main ring-road. A 100% standard daily turn for this truck 365 nights a year.
if you look at the stained side road in daylight shot you see where the trucks make the right corner dripping disgusting wetness regularly.
Truck was properly in left lane, (we drive on left here), with signal on as video shows, for a right turn, and well lit from behind.
Bike Driver missed the signal.
The bike was screaming along. You don’t even see it approach, just a 3 frame blur till the crash is happening. So going very fast.
Likely driver didn’t know dump is there, and so expected truck to be stopping on left side for loading.
So, he tried to blast past the truck on right, but the opening closed fast, he tried to veer left, but didn’t make it at such high speed.
Sad but clear not trucks fault.
RIP to the passenger.