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Everything posted by animatic

  1. They found a wad of cash on her and they wanted a cut, or all of it says tge he shakedown was working well. To them it’s a huge suspicious sum, to her it’s just prepared for a HiSo night out with friends
  2. Dive instructors are most often in very good shape with solid physical fitness. So this doesn’t ring true as ‘just died in his sleep, no autopsy needed’.
  3. Yes exactly. If the tea-money is up-to-date they are legal prostitutes. Headline should read: No Freelance Bargirls Found Working in Pattaya.
  4. They got out of China… That is a happy ending.
  5. Short life jacked count is bad. Shows systemic lack of preparation and stocking. But.... Inability to keep a naval vessel aimed into the wind/waves at steerage speed to prevent excessive rolling and waves hitting air /exhaust vents, that were clearly not battened down properly is an abrogation of basic seamanship. It’s not rocket science. And not having working back up electric systems options is also clear evidence of command incompetence. There should be a courts marshal for the Captain, officer in command center, if not Captain and/or Officer Of The Day at the very least. There’s no face left to save.
  6. Marijuana fiends? Never met one. been watching a cannabis cafe the last month or two. No fights no children, just nice adult people relaxing and enjoying coffee a few beers and a few puffs. No fiends to be found. and much less alcohol consumption. Which might well explain who is behind the push back efforts…. More pot less booze sold. Solid connection to who loses. It’s not society, it’s booze producers
  7. Sunk an American built corvette under 50 years old??? The coming court marshal of Captan should be interesting theater. This really should not have happened, the seas were enough to stop ferries transiting, but should never have sunk a naval vessel without incompetence being a factor.
  8. So a new 100 meter high club BJ in the air and hard to witness. If the cable cars rocking don’t bother knocking!
  9. Juristic persons are Thai companies. they have legally nominally Thai majority partners if land purchase is included, but typically do not. And condos or houses built on leased land from Thais are not counted. Still all the is dotted and Ts crossed in these changing times. But this Chinese thing has many panties in a bunch and this level of big money can but lots of property built on nominally thai land plots. But the Thais get a stipend in return.
  10. Well CBD Oil and an occasional puff has significantly helped with a recovery from serious shoulder surgery and a long standing arthritis / spinal spondylosis issue. Two beers and I start feeling ill and sleep badly. More serious problems in a practical sense from booze here. Not a good juxtaposition of drugs and legality IMHO. If you are talking quality of life and family friendly tourism, I’d be happy pot was regulated but legal, and booze banned. So I could not disagree with you more.
  11. The whole thing screamed Set-up / False flag operation. Do these anti-marijuana or anti-Anutin forces think people are really this gullible? Some adult(s) with an agenda set this up to get the picture, these kids are just props. But so very sad they would abuse these children for their political ends. Certainly the adult providing it openly should have been arrested. But I really doubt he was the only one involved. It’s not the street legal status of marijuana that would allow access, it’s been available for decades. Only the political aspect of preventing Anutins possible rise to PM next election would prompt this despicable ‘Photo-Op’ to be staged.
  12. But the micro-brewers of quality beers are held back while Lao kao is sold day or night and the cheap big beers and booze kill dozens every weekend and each day all week. And wine is taxed out of the market. More ganja smoked less beer sold. Gee, wonder who’s financing the push-back??? The number of deaths from marijuana is significantly lower by far than those who start to drive with no training and just kill themselves inadvertently. And then add booze. This is trying to shove a spike in Anutin’s pre election popularity and some older guys knee jerk reactionary attitude. And push back on lower booze sales. The cat is out of the bag, cows in the corn, horse out grazing, and billions already invested to serve a very willing market. Any anecdotal problems are counted on your fingers, not anything like alcohols extensive extinction numbers. Give it a rest, and find another attack point on Anutin, this is about the only thing he got right.
  13. Oooh the horror!!!!! Chinese running a for Chinese business and not giving the Thais a sub rosa cut big enough to stay silent.
  14. A popular policy. Must be illegal because people liked it. And the other party succeeded with it. Enough reason to end the party? And if you oppose the successful public policy you must be legally / moral justified to call your opposition cheaters. Because it’s only kegal to do things tge public doesn’t want…. Never mind democracy style politics is supposed to be about following the will of the people/voters. The Poo Thai Party logic is utterly failing the sniff test. Hope the EC sees through this ploy and dissolves the PTP for electoral and legal ineptitude.
  15. Had DTAC phones for over 15 years. Had Truevision for over 15 years. I do NOT want True to ever be my phone company. This merge is a truly horrible idea. Stop it now!
  16. If they have another, they must have one more after that, so it’s not left at an even number of coups, which would be an inauspicious number.
  17. Being too ‘publicly well to do’ is not a good plan. Particularly when your home country is at war, leadership reeling, and some country men will do anything to not have to fly home to be drafted shortly, when their money runs out.
  18. If the dog saw his food being taken from him and given to a lesser status dog by a lesser statust master, he could well want to assert his claim. We have one huge dog, but we feed him after the smaller dogs and keep him leashed till his time comes. He also is told to sit and wait for an eat command before he can start. We must always let him know WE control food and never him. This works. But we also never take his food from him. Food for the others arrives separately, even if prepared together. If you think like dogs think you can control most dogs, if not you get problems.
  19. You have to detach the loosened face to then lose face. Jaws agog and aghast.
  20. In my observations very few actually understand the pit of hell they will be falling into. If they don’t recoil on first try, they will quickly be pulled into. Some folks have the will to pull back after curiosity is satisfied, others are deeply addictive personalities and get hooked by second tastes and go to the extreme very quickly. Making a bad decision with your own life quickly becomes a danger to others, but need not be an on the street death sentence by cop. Try to save them from themselves. Mit’s not always a lost cause, sometimes it is. Some just see the addict as trash to be removed and not a lost soul in turmoil and wishing for help.
  21. I have seen a poor guy with a machete, out of his mind on yabaa, corralled and safely subdued with these ‘prods’. It seems a useful tool and far less cruel than many alternatives. In USA I wish they tried this over guns or heart attack causing stun guns. Far less unnecessary deaths for the mentally ill is a good result, low tech or high tech.
  22. If constitution says current cabinet at time of promulgation was a sitting cabinet then he’s out.
  23. Why would he say anything else??? He’s not handing over his “Precious” to any Frodo, Bilbo or Dil do that says he must surrender power. Not till they pry it from his rictused fingers
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