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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. 39 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    That a lot of people think that they and their country are way better then here and that is doubtful. You hear people complaining about an App not working, saying the developers are dumb while they are too stupid to click the upload button. 

    I do agree that there are Websites and Apps here that should be working a lot better and safer but that is the same in other countries.

    I never picked that sentiment up from the posts, just the fact of the information leak????

    • Like 1
  2. Politicians with personal agendas have caused this world of “what I say is right, I don’t care what you think” it is driven by corrupt news media who have their agendas and slant the news to fit their narrative. Big tech also has their agenda and now censor anybody who disagrees with them. They are all against free thinking but free thinkers can still find the truth out there and don’t feel alone, most of the world is with you, it’s just that free thinkers don’t yell and scream as loud. That’s my opinion????

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    yeah that why wealthy chinese rush to canada and australia because they hate being told how to invest their money in gov bonds or RE to get residency so much....


    What u think wealthy people give af about and what they really do are two entirely different things. 


    These shemes exist in most countries including the united states of america, the uk, australia and co. - and somehow there's plenty of people using them. 

    At least in most Western countries the law is the law and 90% less corruption still in Canada the Chinese try to abuse the laws????

  4. 8 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    This is Phuket. The elderly and at risk are already vaccinated, allegedly. And not just them, also a high percentage of the young and not at risk. In fact, 80% of the population…allegedly.


    I posted yesterday that the lack of transparency to Phuket’s Covid status is stunning. I also said that the wording of government announcements calls into question the data actually held by the authorities and their ability to analyze it properly. This article reiterates that.


    something is badly wrong in Phuket. And I don’t mean Covid cases per se, I mean the way they are being handled from top to bottom. It’s a mess.

    You are very mistaken if you think the elderly and at risk have been vaccinated, I do admit that you did say allegedly????But it’s not happened yet.

  5. Hi, table for two, please.
    -Sure, and your name.
    -Great. And do you and your guest have your vaccination cards?
    -Hmmm well first..Can you tell us who our server will be?
    -Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.
    -Great. Can you show us Brad's vaccination card?
    -And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases?  Same for you and the kitchen staff. 
    -Also, we would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide us with Brad's most recent tox screen, that would be great. Matter of fact, imma need to see all of your employees medical history. 
    -Um... Let me get the manager for you.
    -That would be great, thanks.  Make sure they have their vax card and medical records please.  


    • Thanks 1
  6. I got my residence certificate at new BlueTree immigration, simple, quick and free.


    my problem has been getting my first time license, ( been trying for over 12 months) they keep on telling me couldn’t get because of office closed for Covid, now my Canadian license has expired and now have to wait until office opens in order to go through the whole day of training despite been driving for 50 years???? Anybody know a way around this crazy whole day session?

  7. 19 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Doing two 260km round trips on consecutive days is less stress than doing one with a 3 hour wait?

    Why don't you just spend a night in a hotel near the immigration office, then it's super relaxed?

    Your assuming that there are hotels close to Immigration and assuming that a 76 year old on a fixed income can afford a hotel and assuming that he does not require any special attention in his home that cannot be catered to at a hotel????

  8. On 8/30/2021 at 10:35 AM, placeholder said:

    Math challenged much?

    COVID-19 vaccines work — misreading the data can make you think otherwise

    Israel’s data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine works, but only if it’s analyzed correctly: the unfortunate story of the base rate fallacy...

    When we re-analyze the same Aug. 25 data to account for the proper base rate (cases per 100,000 in the three vaccination groups), we see that the rate of severe cases in the unvaccinated group (266 per 100,000) and partially vaccinated (58 per 100,000) are much higher than in the fully vaccinated group (19 per 100,000).




    No need to shout????

  9. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That has already been answered, but to repeat because a negative test only proves uninfected at the time of the test- can become infected after.

    The vaccine doesn't stop one becoming infected, and someone from a red zone may have a more virulent variant of covid when arriving in the UK.

    So that defeats the purpose of vaccine passports, just as I thought????

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  10. Hard to feel sorry for anybody that came to Thailand for a holiday when it’s no secret the country has failed with its pandemic management! I do question as to why vaccinated people have to go into lengthy isolation upon return to UK???? Why isn’t a negative Covid test plus vaccination good enough? It really gets you thinking about how good these vaccinations really are????

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