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Posts posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    There must be more to this story, somewhere, anywhere ? 


    Google is your friend.


    A wanted Russian man with an INTERPOL Red Notice and ten years of overstay, who used to stay in Phuket, was arrested in Banglamung, not far from Pattaya.

    The Royal Thai Immigration Bureau told the press about the incident on Friday (February 9th). They arrested Mr. Mik (alias), 34, a Russian national, in front of a house in Nongprue. He was taken to the Pattaya City Police Station to face charges of overstay (2,971 days) and to wait to be deported.

    • Confused 4
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  2. 4 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    I have a mate who found them to be polite, efficient, and professional. His words, not mine. 


    It does occur to me though that it might depend on the location. 


    I had an accident with a motorcyclist. The guy only had one leg. (Keeping the story short.) They thought me to be at fault until my insurance agent showed them my dash cam footage. They then decided that the one legged man was at fault but because he was poor they didn't fine him the 1,400 Baht that they were going to.

  3. 3 minutes ago, 2long said:

    My first post in this thread was to say that although it's the house owner's responsibility to do the TM30, the foreigner can suffer if needing to go to immigration for anything FOR EXAMPLE a re-entry.

    If the farang knows his rights then he needs to stand his ground instead of letting IO walk all over him.

    • Confused 1
  4. Can't you people understand that you're being taken for idiots? Immigration know full well that your average Thai won't pay 500 Baht every time a farang stays at their accommodation and he doesn't report the fact? It's much easier for IO to scam farangs than to chase Thais for money. Wake up.



    Landlords need to file the TM30 Report at the start of the tenancy. If the landlord fails to file the report, they are subject to a fine of between 800 and 2,000 THB.


    Not the Farang

    • Haha 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, 2long said:

    Well, every time I go into immigration for something like a re-entry, if I don't have the TM30 in my passport, they send me home.

    What kind of idiot carry's on going to IO knowing full well that if he hasn't got a TM30 in their passport he'll be sent home. Doh

    And what's a re-entry permit got to do with a TM30?

  6. Quote



    The TM30 Thailand reporting form must be completed by the landlord of the unlicensed property the foreigner is renting. This must be done within a 24-hour period of the guest’s arrival. This can especially affect property owners who are renting their homes to visitors for short and long term rentals.

    The actual legal definition of the law in Section 38 of the Immigration Act of 1979 is:

    “Landlords and leaseholders that receive a non-immigrant resident on their premises, have a legal obligation to report that individual to Thai immigration; this report needs to be completed within a 24-hour period of the non-immigrant resident’s arrival.”     https://herorealtor.com/simple-guide-to-tm30-thailand-immigration-requirements/

    • Confused 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

    NO.. he didn't change anything... you just failed to comprehend who is ultimately responsible to ensure that one has a proper TM-30 on record at IO.

    No I haven't. I've been here 18 years and not once have I, and many others, had to submit a TM30.

    • Confused 2
  8. 10 hours ago, Liquorice said:

    You obtained a single entry Tourist visa from the Thai Consulate in Savannahket and on entering Thailand you were granted a stay of 60 days.

    In that case, you should have filed a new TM30.

    No that is completely wrong. it is the responsibility of housemaster/apartment/condo/etc owner to fill out the TM30

    'Liquorish' is giving out false information. He's changed the wording of his quote to suit his own ends.


    My quote below.



    Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel


    • Sad 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    It is your problem.

    No it is not. Show where it says it is.


    The TM30 notification and its underlying laws are about the obligation of a landlord (housemaster, possessor, or manager) to report the stay of a foreigner (non-Thai national) in his/her property. All foreigners staying in Thailand and their hosts should be very well aware of this.


    We as farang notify our residence by TM47 every 3 months. Pure and simple.

    • Haha 1
  10. I did mine 3 days ago. It was rejected 'Incomplete information provided'. I'd filled out all the relevant requested questions and have done many, over time, so I'm not a novice.  The questions I didn't answer were the ones not relevant to my application. 

    Anyways I redone my application and tried to fill in questions that were not needed and submitted it. Accepted application back within 24 hours. Thai Immigration are just a big joke.

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