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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. lol, what a nice guy.. hahaha........ anyways hey barlok, take a look at www.9apartement.com and look for a range of prices, then u can find really cheap places....hope it can help u out a bit as the other guy seems to be so selfish to share...!

    bubu stop being a baby. You came here looking for advice on a "nice apartment" for your 8000bht. What you got were genuine answers in regards to what you would find. You didn't say i want a "crappy" apartment because most of us could have directed you to the Miami hotel etc. If you don't want to share and help other posters out than why come here for help your self? :o

    hey, but it wasn't me who was saying that ! :D

    (as you reply to my answer..)

    Barlok, glad you like it :D

  2. I guess depends on why do you HAVE to have two a day, can you just start to reduce that???

    alcohol will never be so good for you body, you know? 14 beers a week sounds alot for me.. I remember that before, a year or a bit more I used to have 5 to 6 drinks each time I was out (once a week) and I put that on my mind, so eventually everytime I was out I was like almost counting them. ummmmm then I thought.. what if I actually DONT drink? or reduce that quantity? O_o! BINGO! I did.. so many times Im out without any drink at all, or just 1 or 2.. anothers I can have 7.. lol! it alls depend, you know? but hey, dont make it like a ritual. not at least "the ritual of drinking" :D keep healthy! :o

  3. 1,Women in mens bathroom watching you piss

    2, Women looking at you like you are good looking when you know your not

    3, Ugly guys with ungly women when they don't have to be with them

    Oh here one

    4, "Washing clothing in a beautiful river"

    5, Paying 200-400 baht to go in parks when your thai wife pays 40 baht.

    6, seating at the movies

    7,Going out to eat away from bkk,pattaya, and can't pick a thing on the menu

    8, taxi not knowing where there going even if the place is 5 minutes away


    10, stupid white guys drunk acting like idiots

    Oh there are so many more..care to add some? when everything is said and done..Thailand is a great country for us non thai's Lets try to deal with the many things that mak you go hmmmmmm.

    Well, agree with you in many points.. (I dont know about the urinating part! lol) but, as you see most of the guys in this forum will not really agree with you because even tho they know the difference in between beauty or uglyness they will just act like they dont know or the beautiness is just inside (very inside in some cases) of them, you know why????????? cuz most of the ones that get pisses by post like yours (that remind them the truth) are here just for "fun" and well.. you know the rest, I dont want to point much just not to offend them. UP TO THEM, yes, but c'mon seems like not just the taxi drivers are blind in Thailand, also some farang guys. (some?) anyways, good points...specially 2,3,4,5,10. :o

  4. Gosh. thats bad, sorry.. Well, I think she was pretty locical.. ! lol. I just remembered something that a teacher told me about a girls answer on "where did you born" she said "In the hospital" LOL!

    it's all about thai logics!

  5. again:

    "this might be the last update for awhile. i think i really blew things. i slept with my back up plan again and when i was taking a cold shower (i am renting a 150 baht/night room at khao sarn, my new girl friend picked up the phone when my wife called and wanted to know who she was and why she was talking to her man. when my wife explained that she was my wife, it didnt go well for me. it turns out they are from the same villiage in Roi Et and now my new girl friend says i am same same bad farang and she is going to testify against me in court. so kiss the condo good bye.

    she also took my sim card because i didnt have enough cash on me to pay her even though she PROMISED to give me a 50% discount on her rate because of my situation. i am feeling really rotten now but i can say one good thing: my room is on the second floor so you dont have to worry about that. today was a long day teaching and i think my kids can tell that i am changed. they are mostly 16 and 17 so they can pick up on emotions. one of my students is a very sweet young lady and she sort of rubbed my shoulder and told me to hang in there when i explained to her what i was going through. we have made plans to meet this weekend so that gives me one thing to look forward to and not kill myself. she is clearly a good girl and i think that is what i need right now.

    no way, he's making up this.

    this is just TOO MUCH....... and if the guy really exists u should get his ip and give it to the police, he's a crazy cow.

  6. Can you provide the link? I want to buy the book & movie rights. Please proof read what you wrote - "i have told everyone in my family that i am married to bank clerk but she actually had another job" but later on you said "I was happily married to a bank clerk" - both statements cannot be true.

    He obviously means that he was living his own lie happily........ Didn’t u get it? duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anyways, what a sad situation... he hv to understand that life will go on, and its much better for him to understand now the type of women he married to, and money comes and goes, he is still young and he is healthy to make more money and buy a better car, better house and have a better wife also. And guys, stop thinking that the prostitute is really good deep inside and that she really fell for you... thats maybe disney, not reality.... be in love of a woman, no in love of a cun_t.

  7. uhmmmmmm!!! hey thanks actually it can be... I related to something like "darling" cuz was always after things like "miss you jung leay" stuff like that... so what u say actually makes alot of sense.


  8. there are few places that will be open, like Glow in sukhumvit 23.. also some in silom area... and if all that doesn't work, drink @ home and go out for afterparty...lol!

    (l will be at home anyways, exams period) ...... :o:(:D

  9. I could unlikely say that I don't have any close friends here.. I know a lot of people, but that’s another thing.... now, I really think is a personal problem, I’m not the kind of friendly person, and it takes me time to build up friendships, even relationships.. Weird.. I’m not a grumpy alien either, I may be shy? Well, if u know me in person u wouldn’t think so, most of the people that "knows me" (put it like that cuz I think that thre are no one that can really say that) will think that I’m a pretty strong character woman.. uhmm.. Somehow yes, somehow not.. Depends.

    Anyways, I don't blame the rest of the people for not being my prototype for a friendship or anything else.

    yeah, im weird. haha...

  10. Didn't know if this would be the correct forum to post but here goes. I have a vacation planned in Thailand (Bangkok and its surrounding areas) for 3 weeks in May. I'm in my early 30's, single, no kids, no previous marriages, and looking to meet a Thai girl (not for prostitution purposes) potentially when I'm there. I've always been attracted to Asian girls (this coming from an American caucasion) and have really admired those who are from Thailand. Not that I want to jump into a marriage...but I'd like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. My question is this: are there any reputable internet dating sites that can jump start a relationship for me and not rip me off? I'm not looking for the classic "mail order" bride either. Just a web resource, like Match.com, that can connect Americans with Thai people for an actual relationship. So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established. There seems to be a million google results that come up when i do a search for internet dating with Thai girls and most are questionable. Any help would be appreciated.

    your chances are as big as finding a needle in a field.. :o

  11. There is a certain member whose recent avatar is aiming a slingshot directly at me everytime I see it. :D

    This brings up another interesting question I have been contemplating:

    Do people tend to look like their dogs?

    I hv no dogs right now, but i used too..

    I hv an squirel n a rabbit and gosh i do look at them alot, specially the squirel, he's so funny...


    what does that hv a lik with ur avatar?




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