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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. i love podcast!!! (I also hv a nano) and well im learning thai, german n french with it hahaha... (I can understand quiet alot of german n french, so is just matter of practice to speak it out)

  2. - Kurt Cobain said hi to me and asked me to hold his beer while he blew his nose. (small venue, 100 people, before he hit it big, and no he had a cold, it wasn't coke.) Saw David Grohl as he passed by and he made a joke about Kurt coughing up a lung. Sort of hyper but one very happy guy with an infectious smile.

    - Joey Ramone in NYC, he walked in with his g/f to catch the show. Very quiet and had a soda water.

    - David Bowie. Heathrow airport as he was being escorted out by a Virgin air rep. He was small and sickly looking. People were politely keeping their distance. He looked exhausted but was saying thank you and smiling to people. Totally unexpected.

    - Former Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau. Lived around the corner from him when I was going to school and would see him alot on the stairs going up from the park. He was so small. Very polite guy that would always greet you with a smile and a hello or ask how classes had gone that day. No police bodyguard ever.

    - Donatella Versace in Miami. She had a face like over stretched wrinkled parchment that's dyed brown. Looked like a nasty woman.

    As for the insistence to provide photos, I'm glad people don't have pics. It's an incredibly obnoxious intrusion to shove oneself on anyone and demand a photo. I feel for those "celebrities" that have to deal with that crap.

    u r so lucky!!!!! I hv always wished to met Cobain, unluckily i didnt :o:D :D

    david bowie, joe ramone! woooooooooooow.........

    awww... but cobain....*sighs*

  3. Hey,

    I find it quite weird to answer this email. I only do it from encouragement from my friend who set the record straight. In retrospect, the best responses that I got were from people that saw the seriousness of my situation and told me to get a lawyer. Besides what most people thought, I was being honest by my first few, and only few postings. I stopped, and main reasons was that I turned to you guys for comforting and I got negativity. I live in Thailand and I accept that. But from an audience as I thought as my 'peers'...

    I will tell you the same thing that I told my wife's father (who is a prominent Dr.)

    You should really be ashamed of yourselfs.

    By the way, I have full 100% control of my daughter, my life, and my sanity, mostly because of my friend who 'set the record straight'.

    Please think again about what you say to people, since there is other 'real people' at the other end.


    hey well... u are right, I dont understand how can people make fun of something like this. anyways i'll talk to you as a woman... (i dont hv childrens and im not thai, but i guess i dont need to be)

    I think that if your wife is depressed, and acting that weird you should not call her, you should go and see her directly! and show her a really caring love, be extra over duper king size sweet, go and look for her, bring her flowers, bring the baby nice stuff, tell her you love her, you care about her, she's the only one for you, and you just want to be happy with her.. invite her for a date!! improbe! :o

    it may work... but don't expect it will work with only u trying once!... be persistent.


    good luck!

  4. cool!!! wow you all had a very elaborated valentine's!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!

    well, can it be valentine's every day?

    can it be a spontaneous valentine's

    any day that u make something nice, without waiting for: 14th, anniversary, bday, xmas... u know?

    i love that...

    I luv to surprise n also to get them..


    Anyways, my ex bf send me flowers 2 days ago. that's odd!! hahaha...

  5. I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

    My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

    In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

    This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

    Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?


    Are you kidding isn't?

    is it for you "a topic?"

    are you BLONDE?



    I mean u really sound like u hv quiet big empty space inside ur head..sorry to say that, but ummm.. how can you be just so superficial. well. you DO find attractive gals with brain. you do find uglys without brain, and all the random matches you want in this world. but you should know that when we (man, woman) get old, we all look the same. hahaha........

  6. I drink usually on friday or saturday when I go out... (I just go out once a week)

    uhmm then I guess maybe 6 glasses... it can be more, it can be less? depends.. and yeah I think I drink more here than back in my country, dont really know why...


  7. 11??? that's bad! I got stamped for 12... Immigration was pretty empty when I went at 4 pm... I was very happy! :D

    hey... if I live the same day... uhmm u could report maybe in the airport Immigration? I dont really know but I think is important that you find it out.

    actually in anyways you can also report your self from a week before so, why dont u just do that so you can be sure you are not going to have any problem?


  8. uhmmm been bisexual a myth? no way, that's pure reality! :o

    Uhmm I read a post before that says something about people that are gay but still don’t recognize it.. Well... that’s totally wrong... I was totally declared as lesbian, with my family, friends and people that knows me. And 2 years ago "click" I started to like guys... which is quiet difficult to assume when you already told everyone you are gay. I felt for a guy and well, I assumed that as well, we didn’t last that much (just a year) but since then I can say that I'm bisexual. My latest flirting has been with guys but for sure I still look girls as much I can look guys.

    we got to learn to think out of the box, and understand that bisexuality is equally valid as homosexuality or heterosexuality, it is just another option.

  9. I got o Panipa. ekkamai soi 16 just at the beggining of the soi, is pretty famous 90% of the clients are farang ladies, they speak english, they do evertything (wax, extension, cuts, eyelashes, body scrub, beauty treatments, blah blah blah) prices arent high like in the malls, and belive me in emporium at least, they are soooooooo bad!!!

    hehe, im a salonholic.. :D and i can highly recomend this place in ekkamai 016212552 thats is the "service" number to make your reservation... u can hv a indian head massage while they r doing your nails, free coffee n stuff like that.


    I used to go to Panipa on BTS Asok (inside Westin Plaza) for some time, until every time I went there I had bad infection on my nails and last time when I was there, the girl that did my nails was very unprofessional and cut "a bit too much", and I could barely walk for almost a month. Now, when I'm not going there anymore, my nails finally healed. Panipa salon is pretty cheap, but they also provide an uprofessional service and when I did my brows they barely touched anything and basicaly took money for nothing. So of course I'm not going there anymore, therefore I'm also looking now for good salon... :o

    weird, I go to panipa for more than 4 years, and i had EVER experience something like that. umm anyways i had never been in the panipa asok, i like the one in ekkamai cuz hv really good staff there.

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