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Posts posted by steevjee

  1. 17 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    Social media also explain how Bill Gates is controlling us using 5G via microchips in the vaccines. And many other things.


    The mother had access to her daughter's body, I assume. I find it hard to beleive that she would not have mentioned the strangulation marks. Many things were fishy in the original verson of the events, so the mother was right to push for more investigations. And police corruption is of course real and makes it possible to fuel such theories. But one fact is that Mr Robert, the guy who now admitted causing the boat swerve that made her fall in the water, insisted in apologizing to the mother (the only one), in the end he got forgiven 30 million times. Perhaps that should mean something.

    Are you for real with that Bill Gates FakeBook BS? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Javi0567 said:

    I see.. Ok, thank you very much to both of you. Hope not to take long time and not to make me pay too much. 

    Be aware that theres a strong possibility they will ask for a letter from your Embassy and most Embassies will not provide such, then immi' will tell you its ok if you are prepared to pay 5500 bht (my own personal experience recently at Hua Hin). The work around is to email your embassy and then print out their reply, even if it's negative, immi' wont like it but then you only pay the 1900 bht.

  3. Road safety in Thailand is virtually non existent, to survive you need to be completely mindful of that.

    People in power giving lip service to the public is however very much the norm here.

    It's a complete disgrace and the Police are only the foot soldiers of those that are really to blame.

    The RTP are controlled by the Military and we all know who is in charge of the Thai Military.

  4. 5 hours ago, ohno said:


    Insurance covering asymptomatic hospitalization has been available for some time. You would hope that these policies would be paying out as promised ...


    This site shows prices for symptomatic and non-symptomatic cover for different ages and timeframes, quite useful. All policies listed are Thai:






    The reasons given for asymptomatic tourists being "denied coverage" isn't clear, but as you can see from the above, 2 of the 5 policies specifically do not include it, including the cheapest one.

    thanks for this, my obvious question was...Which Insurance companies are not covering for asymptomatic? thankfully mine is, but I hope to never find out

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, bananafish said:

    63 confirmed cases, probably all asymptomatic, but SOME may lead to the sniffles. 


    Omicron is the end of the pandemic, the sooner it becomes the dominant variant, the better.


    Open up everything now. It's time to revert ALL measures to 2019 standards. 

    I hope your assessment is correct but still too early to be sure, Governments want to open but cant afford to get it wrong

    • Confused 2
  6. 40 minutes ago, James105 said:

    Unless I am mistaken people were dying before covid and will continue to do so after covid and unless some well meaning idiot invents the cure to death this is inevitable for everyone. 


    "If 30 million people in Thailand get Omicron at 250,000 people per day"


    Where did this bonkers number come from?   

    sniff sniff!   I smell an anti vaxxer ????

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