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Posts posted by steevjee

  1. On 6/29/2021 at 6:09 PM, tifino said:

    dumped all the Scripts for  the 'Statins, and adopted CoQ10 over the counter...   '



    whereas 'Statins rip the guts out of both HDL and LDL (one likens Statins as the medicine cabinet equivalent of 'RoundUp in the garden' - where they are non selective in what they get rid of!! 


    Losing HDLs alongside the happy to be ridden of LDL - means the body then does not have enough HDL left inside, to do their ongoing battles on bad cholesterol.'


    CoQ10 rids the LDLs, ut Not at the expense of the reserves of HDL that 'are' needed

    2nd that, is CoQ10 readily available in Thailand? if so at what cost please?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, nkg said:



    I know how impressive the covid stats are for Aus and NZ, well done ????


    But I'm not sure it entirely justifies the sluggish vaccination roll-out in the southern hemisphere






    The problem in Oz is the bloody media, a couple of ppl got blood clots from their AZ vax and the media blew it up into AZ as a potential death trap, like it's a 1 in 180,000 chance of getting a clot and then multiply that by 100 for chances of dying. We have more AZ than we can possibly use, as we make it here, but too many ppl are scared off getting it courtesy of the doom and gloom media flogging their rotten bad news stories.



  3. 23 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Is it because people are woke, or because of the vaccines their government is providing them with.


    I Australia they only have 1% of the population vaccinated, their population is 26 million and they are trying to give them AZ, but no one wants it.

    Frogs**t no one wants it !  the vast majority want it and are getting it.

    Some choose to wait for Pfizer and possibly Moderna , but most are content with AZ

    It's people misreporting things that causes fear in a minority

    • Confused 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I probably should be at the nearest wat making offerings, two weeks after I flew from Melbourne to Bangkok in February 2020, all the borders shut down.

    No way would I want to go back and stagnate there.

    Success? I think the appropriate term is "Pyrrhic victory".


    Why would you stagnate? freedom to travel anywhere in Australia and NZ and if you have good reason you can get permission to return to Thailand, so old mate I seriously dont get why you choose to put down Australia ????

    • Sad 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, starky said:

    Agreed no country has really sorted it out sensibly. Australia probably has some of the stupidest rules of all. You can go to a pub and sit down but you can't stand up. Cafes restaurants excetera closed for long periods but virtually unlimited people in supermarkets. You can have near capacity crowds at a football match but concerts are not allowed.

      Most recent Lockdown you could have 20 people in your house, 10 at a funeral and only 3 at a wedding? Beggars belief, especially considering the people at the funeral or the wedding would most likely be from the 20 people you would invite to your house. Our states can't agree on anything, there is zero consistency on any legislation the rules seem to be arbitrarily plucked out of thin air and now our PM is saying the borders reopening will have nothing to do with the vaccination roll out. Pure insanity. More to your point the best thing is to get out in the sun get some Vitamin D, get some exercise in and stay healthy as possible. Not be cooped up in a state of near perpetual Lockdown. 

      Of course there needs to be rules regarding social distancing, mask wearing and all the other things that are working but the inconsistencies are profound. 

    Yeah right! they should have referred to their Pandemic Handbook, hey Mr 2 bob expert

    Most of the info you whinge about here is long past history and guess what???     We have zero Covid

    Reading this, one word comes to mind.......SOOK!

    • Like 1
  6. Australia and NZ only achieved zero Covid by strict lock-downs, in Victoria we had 181 days of lock-downs at varying levels

    How hard would it be for Anutin or the PM to simply copy what we did ?


    The Australian government partially funded people during these lock downs so my guess is that the Big Boys dont want to open their burgeoning wallets, better to buy Subs and Space Rockets so they can look like a sophisticated country ????

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Canada blood clot reactions supposedly 1 in 60,000.


    That's not the experience of most /all other countries. Yes there have been some reactions (blood clot) In other countries / to all vaccines, but a long long way less then 1 in 60,000. Is this number correct?


    As said, most /all vaccines have experienced some reactions, but what's not stated generally is a profile of the other reactions and their severity / data per country.


    Also, re Canada, how quickly were the blood clots reduced/ totally dissolved across the 60,000 (in Canada),  and how many deaths specific to blood clots and specifically caused the AZ vaccine.


    Also, what's the data on this point in a profile of other countries.


    I've had the AZ vaccine, no reaction whatever. 


    Overall there's not enough information. 


    Australia with AZ,  18 out of 1.8 million vacs as of yesterday, from those 18 there has been 1 death, most were mild and allowed to leave hospital within a few days

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