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Posts posted by dimitriv

  1. 1 hour ago, Sebast said:
    My plan is to take those monthly flat that seems to be the cheapest from what I saw, not real ?


    400 Euro a month is not enough. You need an apartment (they call that condo in Thailand). It can be difficult to find something, especially in the high season. And in that season prices are also much higher. If you rent that for a month you will often have to pay electricity, water yourself. If I spend all my time at home with the airconditioning on the monthly bill for electricity is already 2500 Baht. Streetfood is cheap, but living for months on a 100 Baht daily budget for food sounds like a bad idea. Also in Thailand a cappuccino at the Starbucks costs 150 Baht. I would double the budget, 800 Euro a month is much more realistic. And even than you will have to be careful. 


    And don't forget the costs for transportation. Rent outside the city center is cheaper, but costs for public transportation or renting a scooter can add up.


    And don't get confused by all the fanatics who say you can't work in Thailand. Thailand has many laws, and everyone explains the laws in a different way. If someone asks something then you are just a tourist. And if someone asks what you do behind the computer then you are writing an email to your mother.  Never say that you work. Let them prove that you are working. You have nothing to fear if you work online for foreign clients.










  2. 37 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Ive read it over and over and you appear to have a screw loose. Master card obviously are quoting their own data. They know exactly how many of their users were in bangkok 

    They dont know anything about visa or cash..why o why would you think they would?


    I cant believe you posted what you just did.


    You really have a problem reading.


    Mastercard says:  


    The Mastercard Asia Pacific Destinations Index (APDI) ranks 161 cities based on proprietary analysis of information from third-party sources such as the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), UNWTO, UN, IMF and national tourism boards. Public data is used in deriving the international overnight visitor arrivals and their cross-border spending in each of the 161 destination cities. Forecasts are based on the weighted average of national tourism forecasts and actual 2019 monthly data at the destination level, which is available to the latest month before release. This Index and all accompanying reports are not based on Mastercard volumes or transactional data.


    Do you read?  ->>>  are not based on Mastercard volumes or transactional data.


    Mastercard says that this is not their data. They say the data comes from Quote:  national tourism boards


    >> Master card obviously are quoting their own data.


    Mastercard says it is not their data. It seems that Mastercard and you do not agree.


    And there is another thing...  How can Mastercard say that there are 22.78 million visitors in Bangkok?  And say what they spent?  Knowing that Mastercard maybe has a 50% market share, visa and others 50%, some people pay cash and the TOTAL number of visitors to Thailand is less than 40 million.  Please think. 




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  3. 4 hours ago, madmen said:

    Why would mastercard use TAT which haven't got a clue whats being spent on mastercard?  makes zero sense


    Its weird though how some posters just cant accept the level of tourist spend even though the data is all there. They will fight to the death using there own home made data based on a gut feeling lol or how much they are spending per day as an expat


    How can Mastercard know that 22.78 million people spent $184 a day ?  They cannot. If 22.78 million people visit Bangkok Mastercard cannot know how much they spent, because not all people use Mastercard.  If Mastercard has a 50% market share with payment cards they cannot know what people spend who use Visa, and they cannot know what people spend who pay cash.  And how can do know how much people visit Bangkok?  They cannot.


    The only explanation is that this is TAT data, not Mastercard data.




    The Mastercard ... Index (APDI) ranks 161 cities based on proprietary analysis of information from third-party sources such as the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), UNWTO, UN, IMF and national tourism boards. 



    They nowhere say that this is Mastercard data.


    >> Its weird though how some posters just cant accept the level of tourist spend even though the data is all there


    It is weird that some people cannot value information on the internet. And weird that they cannot accept that this data is not reliable, that this is just TAT data, which is based on guesswork, wishes and hope.


    >> use TAT which haven't got a clue whats being spent


    exactly. TAT is guesswork.








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  4. 7 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:
    On 11/2/2019 at 7:22 AM, madmen said:

    Dude thats the the thing about google, it trumps fantasy with facts and these are by mastercard

    2018 International Overnight Visitors Growth Forecast for 2019 Average Length of Stay Average Spend Per Day (USD)
    Bangkok 22.78 million 3.34% 4.8 nights $184

    That translates to 5500 baht approx today but easy 6000 at time of report



    Hmm, it could be based on TAT'a own numbers:


    The Mastercard Asia Pacific Destinations Index (APDI) ranks 161 cities based on proprietary analysis of information from third-party sources such as the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), UNWTO, UN, IMF and national tourism boards. Public data is used in deriving the international overnight visitor arrivals and their cross-border spending in each of the 161 destination cities. Forecasts are based on the weighted average of national tourism forecasts and actual 2019 monthly data at the destination level, which is available to the latest month before release. This Index and all accompanying reports are not based on Mastercard volumes or transactional data.


    Thank you. This explains a lot. The $184 tourists spend each day is exactly conform to TAT's statistics. They want tourists to spend 6000 Baht each day, even the ones from India.


    There are also other clues that this data is not from Mastercard itself but from another source. They claim 22.78 million visitors in Bangkok alone. Mastercard can only have Mastercard data. If we assume that Mastercard has a 50% market share and some tourists will use cash the total number of visitors to Bangkok would be around 50 million, which is more than the total number of tourists to Thailand.





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  5. 4 hours ago, chainarong said:

    No mention of human rights abuse, no mention of restricting freedom, no mention of that disappearing of people trick, no mention of copy right theft, no mention of stealing classified information from the west to build their military machine and lastly no mention of when China will dispense with being an emerging economy.  


    You forgot the Chinese sea and banning Winnie the Pooh.



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  6. 38 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    It sounds like the TV posters are not sure if the OP meant an inheritance he gets or an inheritance he leaves. it's not clear.


    This is different in different countries.


    In NL when someone was married before 2018 an inheritance you received when married without pre-nup would go to both. They changed the laws, and now an inheritance goes to the person who is the heir. Even when married without pre-nup.


    The testator can give a deviating solution in his will. This is decisive.


    It is also interesting to know whether Thai legislation is in force or the legislation of your home country.


    Probably best to consult a good tax advisor. 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Preacher said:

    It depends. In most countries, Thailand included, it is either that inheritances are personal properties that don't need to be split or in your last will you can determine that the inheritance is not to be considered joined property. 




    This is not completely true. When you are married without pre-nup your possessions will be owned by both of you. If you pass away your inheritance will be only your part of the possessions (50%). She already owns half. You cannot change this in your will. The only way to prevent this is with a pre-nup.


    Your half is the inheritance which will be divided between the wife you are married with and your children. In your will you can change some things, but not everything is possible.


  8. 15 minutes ago, madmen said:

    So what so are chinese and Pinas. None compare to Thai girls. Good luck finding a forum in those countries that have more than 20 posts per day...says it all really


    Are you serious?  I saw a lot of pretty Vietnamese girls. I never touched, only looked ????   And I have never been in the Philippines. But I do follow some vloggers on Youtube and girls are pretty there. In Thailand there are pretty girls, but the majority is just average. Not different than in other countries.


    The number of posts in forums doesn't mean much. It probably has a historical reason.




  9. In most countries: If you are married and you pass away your inheritance will be divided between your wife and children. 


    If you are divorced she will not get anything. But without a pre-nup she will already have half so she will have nothing to complain about.


    I have no specific knowledge about Thai laws. But there must be people here with real life experiences ????



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  10. 14 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    I wouldn't go as far as to say that and call BS. Those being denied mostly seem to have a history of living long term in Thailand, usually on tourist visas, Exempt and extensions. It is only a 'valid visa' if utilized for the correct reason.


    Some tourists have the possibility to stay a longer time. The definition of a tourist is someone who travels for pleasure. It is ok if people can do that for a year in a row. And these people get a visa from a consulate so immigration can deny them entry at the border?  These people do not use their visa in a wrong way. It's ridiculous that things like this happen.



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  11. 31 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    Because the Thai authorities consider a tourist to be a short term visitor who holidays and goes home. The visa system proves that. The maximum stay for tourism is 90 days.


    We are all visitors and given permission to stay for specific reasons. Anyone that wants to stay long term — under the visa system — needs a long term visa/stay permit. A simple fact.

    Plus the law says that anyone staying longer than 180 days in a year is ‘resident for tax’. That is probably why the 180 day unofficial line in the sand exists, and IMO it would be the number of days they would limit tourism too if the set an official limit.


    This was about why Thai authorities make it difficult for tourists to stay.  You explain the rules. But it doesn't answer "why".


    You only give one more explanation why this rule hurts the economy. Which makes the rule even more illogical.


  12. 36 minutes ago, kralledr said:

    Terminal 21


    Top floor. At the same floor where there is also a cinema.


    edit: at least it was there some months ago.


    I like Fortune Town IT Mall and Pantip Plaza. But they are not on Sukhumvit.



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