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Posts posted by dimitriv

  1. 8 hours ago, Angry Dragon said:

    Not really.  By some measures (the big mac index) the Baht is still 30% undervalued against the USD.  Tourists still get a decent value for their money, even if it's less of a value than before.


    Not if you add the cost of an airline ticket. If you look at the prices in Thailand + cost of a ticket and compare them with prices of popular holiday destinations in Europe than Thailand loses.





  2. 5 hours ago, Ddbanksy said:

    They then send to me by IBAN Transfer.

    Within 30 days or so later i receive money(THB) in my BKK Bank account,which is a lot less than the exchange rate.

     So,Tax,money, is being taken by someone,somewhere



    Something is going wrong when they send it to your IBAN. Really, if you transfer money by bank there is nobody taking any tax.


    I would ask that SIngapore company how much they send exactly, in which currency, and study you BKK bank statements. Maybe call BKK to ask how much they received, in which currency etc.


    The Singapore company has no reason to withhold tax, you are a resident of Thailand. BKK doesn't take tax. It is just a bank transfer. They don't withhold income tax.


    International bank transfers can be expensive, depending on the banks. But 12k Baht is too much.





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  3. 11 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Good point, but AOT have 81 million passengers in 2018 and since you get counted both on arrival and departure, it is no to far off the 38 million, except of course the AOT numbers also include Thais traveling abroad.






    And nearly all flights on Don Mueang airport are domestic flights. So 65 million left.  Transit 638,000 passengers, maybe they are counted double again if they connect to Chiang Mai or Phuket? Chiang Mai, Puket and most airports in Thailand also have a lot of domestic flights. A part are Thai people travelling, maybe 10 million?  So 55 million arrivals and departures left in the most optimistic case =  27.5 million tourists. Not close to "over 40M “tourist” arrivals in 2018"


    Unless tourists come by land, bus, boat ?


  4. 6 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Increasingly QMV (qualified majority voting) is being used by the EU as a means to bypass the wishes of single member states.



    Isn't this what Brexit is about ?  52% of the population makes a decision that will harm not only themselves but everybody in the UK ?


    Only a couple of % of the votes, where the difference was made by people who are standing already with 1 leg in their graves ?





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  5. 1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:

    Your listening to the wrong channel or people then. NO ONE gives up a US passport. It seems you no nothing about US tax law. 

    I seriously know someone who gave up his US passport for something more convenient.  Why do you think a US passport is so valuable ?  I wouldn't trade my passport for a US passport ever.


    About US tax: https://www.americansabroad.org/us-taxes-abroad-for-dummies-update/   Read it, and you will see that I am right.



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  6. 16 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    If you have been out of the US for a period of time (not sure 1 to 1 1/2 years) you are no longer subject to US taxes if you income source was strictly foreign sources. If your money came via US investments that's another story. 

    From what I have heard the only way to escape this tax is by giving up your US passport.  

  7. 19 hours ago, JAG said:

    on the proposed backstop is more driven by a desire to frustrate the UK's attempt to make a clean break from the EU rather than any real interest in the the "Northern Irish Problem".



    Every decision made by the EU must be supported by all countries in the EU. That backstop could be the wish of only 1 country with an interest to prevent a new border. And that is also why Boris has no chance with his new proposal.


    • Haha 1
  8. On 7/26/2019 at 4:02 PM, Thaidream said:

    If all of your employees are European- I don't know the law but I would imagine there is some type of tax regime in place as European countries generally require more taxes than the US as Europe prides more welfare for its citizens.


    That sounds logical, but it is not the truth. The US requires that people with a US passport pay tax on their worldwide income. So even if you officially live in another country you still have to pay US tax. And opening bank accounts in most other countries is nearly impossible.


    For Europeans this is not so. If I leave my country I don't have to pay tax anymore.


    So there are quite a few disadvantages to a US passport.

  9. 4 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    and most people in the uk have had enough of being in the eu,thats why they voted to leave in a DEMOCRATIC vote.

    I hope that you will understand a 100% blockade.  That is the general wish of the people I know here. The EU can live without the UK. But not the other way around. A trade agreement with some countries on the other side of the world will not help the UK much.


    • Haha 2
  10. Quote: In Thailand, the tax year is the same as the calendar year - 1 January through to 31 December. You're considered a resident for tax purposes if you live in Thailand for 180 days or more on aggregate over the year.


    I understand that you can also be a tax resident when you are staying here on a tourist visum.


    Quote: Thai residents are also taxed on foreign-source income, but only if the income is brought into Thailand in the year derived (repatriation in later years is exempt from personal income tax).  For example, when a Thai tax resident earns foreign income in 2015 and does not transfer the funds to Thailand until 2016, they are not liable to pay personal income tax on that portion of the income. They would have to pay tax only if the amount was transferred to Thailand in the same year it was received – 2015.


    If I understand everything correctly...  I have a company in my home country. When I leave the money I make on a bank account in my home country I will not pay income tax. Also, if I leave the money I made on a bank account in my home country for a year and transfer it to Thailand the next year I also don't have to pay income tax.


    So I can decide myself if I want to pay tax, or not ?  It seems to be very attractive to officially leave my home country and stay in Thailand for 6+ months a year. 


    • Haha 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    It costs me about 9 baht per day to get 1000 as opposed to 500.  I think that's a good deal.  I can't be the only one here who can afford 9 baht a day.  


    Maybe that is why you will not get 1000 mbps all the time, and especially not with international connections.


    If you want a connection offering 1000 mbps internationally always you will probably pay USD 100k a month. The only reason why 3bb can offer it for 9 baht a day more is because your connection is shared with others.



  12. On 7/23/2019 at 11:12 AM, CG1 Blue said:

    Nobody has ever left the EU before. There is no way to model all the impacts of this, negative or positive. Anyone who does try to model it has a bias one way or the other. 


    The one thing we do know for certain is that if we leave the EU properly, the EU will no longer have any jurisdiction over the UK and we will make our own decisions wrt trade, immigration and all those other things. Remainers cannot seem to understand this is what Brexiteers want more than anything. 

    The only thing that will have an impact on economics is trade. Will the UK be able to make better deals with other countries than the EU can ?  For sure not. The UK has no weight/importance.  And a new trade deal with the US will mean eating chlorine chicken.


    At the same time trading with the EU (the UK's most important trading partner) will become much more difficult.


    You do not need to have a bias to understand that the UK will suffer economically.


    • Haha 1
  13. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Its the uncertainty that caused the Pound to drop from 45 Baht (which was the rate six months after Brexit) , to 38 , which it is today .

    Whats that,  a further 20 % ish drop  , which has been caused by the uncertainty 


    In this period it became clear that there is a very big chance for a no deal Brexit. The drop is caused by the expectation that the British economy will collapse if they leave the EU without a deal. So it is not uncertainty. The exchange rate is based on supply and demand, and many people want to get rid of their pounds because they expect that the rate will drop even more later. 


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  14. 16 hours ago, crazyk said:

    why not get the airports to spread the flights out instead of 30-50planes landing at the same time & other times only a few


    That is really complicated. Most airlines try to use planes with the smallest possible turnaround time. Less time on the ground means more time in the air, which means more profit. Flights often also have connected flights at other airports. Many airports have limited or no flights in the night. Staff and pilots are allowed to work only a maximum hours a day. It is a very complicated system optimized and working together. One airport cannot decide to accept only 1 airplane each 10 minutes equally spread over the day. Something like that would mess up everything worldwide.


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