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Posts posted by dimitriv

  1. 12 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    Thanks for all the answers. So it appears this is doable without having to leave the country. I still have 2 months on my current non/B entry, and can use my Thai income for the extension income requirement.


    A complete list  for a Certificate of legal capacity to marry from the NL consulate (I am doing the same now)


    * een geboortdebewijs (verkrijgbaar bij de gemeente waar je bent geboren)

    * een internationaal uittreksel uit het Basisregistratie personen (met vermelding burgerlijke staat). Dit kan bij het gemeentehuis als je ingeschreven staat in NL, Als je niet meer staat ingeschreven in NL: "U vraagt dit internationale uittreksel aan bij een van de gemeenten met een loket voor niet-ingezetenen. Dit zijn de zogenoemde RNI-gemeenten".

    * Als je ooit bent gescheiden (maakt niet uit wanneer) dan moet je een kopie overleggen van de echtschedingsakte, verkrijgbaar bij de gemeente waar je bent gescheiden.

    * een eigen schriftelijke verklaring dat je na verhuzing uit NL niet meer bent getrouwd.

    * Een getuigen en inkomen formulier (te downloaden van website consulaat) waarop u twee Nederlandse  (niet Thaise!) getuigen vermeldt. Dit is een eis van de Thaise overheid. Deze personen hoeven niet bij het huwelijk aanwezig te zijn. 
    * ingevuld aanvraagformulier huwelijksvoornemen (te downloaden van website consulaat)

    * passport + copy


    I am not sure if you can get #2 and #3 in Thailand. Also not sure if someone else can get these documents for you.


    Van uw niet Nederlandse partner
    -Een afschrift van een echtscheidingsakte meebrengen als hij of zij eerder getrouwd was.
    -Een naar het Engels vertaalde en door Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs gelegaliseerde ongehuwdverklaring van uw toekomstige partner.
    -Document with address.


    Nadat u de verklaring van huwelijksvoornemen en het getuigen- en inkomen formulier en gewaarmerkte kopie van uw paspoort heeft aangevraagd bij het consulaat dient u alle (dus deze 3) documenten in het Thais te laten vertalen en door het Thaise ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken te laten legaliseren. 


    These documents you can use to get married. The district office doesn't need anything more from you. So you do not have to translate and legalise your birth certificate and other papers.






    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Keep in mind that even with that huge discount, Chevy is NOT losing money on this deal !

    They are simply willing to take less than they'd make.


    This is for sure not true. Profit margins in the car industry are not that high. A lot of car manufacturers make a loss. Some don't make a profit. And others a very small profit. No car manufacturer has a 50% profit margin on their cars.






  3. 2 hours ago, docspinoff said:

    have you tryed it dont make sence 


    Maybe you googled wrong?


    international collect call ?


    I don't know if this is possible from Thailand. There are other ways to make cheap calls. With something like poivy.com you can enter your (Thai) number on the website, and the (UK) number of the person you want to talk to. First your phone will ring, a couple of seconds later the phone of the person you want to talk to. And it's very cheap.



  4. I bought the Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3H recently on Lazada. It is the latest model from Xiaomi. I bought it after reading some good reviews.


    It works well and has a PM 2.5 meter with display build-in. They are around 5000 Baht. But hard to get now because there is no new supply coming from China.



  5. 4 hours ago, bencottrell said:

    the meter installed by the electrical company is 15amps

    Currently around 20,000 THB per month



    How is this possible ?  Max 15 Amp. 


    With 15 Amp you can use 3300 Watt maximum. That is 3.3 x 24 x 31 = 2455 kWh a month. At 5 Baht a unit this is 12276 Baht a month.


    Something is wrong here. Do you pay more than 5 Baht for each kWh you use ?

  6. 1 hour ago, roufma said:

    2.5 months (they estimated 1 month for the actual repair work)


    It's a couple of days work, not a month. It can only take longer if you have to wait for parts.


    Bring today, pick up next week. The damage is really not impressive. No vital parts were broken. This damage is easy to repair. 2 1/2 months is ridiculous. 




    • Confused 2
  7. On 2/4/2020 at 11:18 AM, Krataiboy said:

    What on earth is going on with HSBC? I have been a Premier client of their Jersey-based offshore operation for more than two decades. This morning I received an email from HSBC Expat (as they are now known) informing me that as of next week no interest at all would be paid


    As I write, none of the media seem to have picked up on HSBC's sudden imposition of zero interest rates


    Jersey is Europe. Most banks here give 0%. Some banks now even have a negative interest rate, which means that you have to pay them to keep your money. My bank has a negative interest rate if you have more than 100k Euro in your account.


    And you cannot blame the banks for this. It is a result of political decisions. The banks are not happy with this either.


    And about the media...  I think you missed something. This is really old news. 


  8. 24 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Disagree, but really don't want to get in another thread about the USA acting as world police.


    So...  You think the US should allow Germany to fund terrorists and criminals operating globally?


    Who are we going to call when Russia starts to use the nuclear weapons pointed at EU cities ?  The weapons we paid for by buying Russian gas?


    Hey, it's the EU calling the US:  We were not willing to pay 10% more for US gas but we prefered to fund Russian nuclear weapons and now they are shooting at us!  It hurts so much! Can you please come to help us like you did in WW2?  Yeah, we need the world police because we were to lazy to even spend 2% of our budget on self defense.



    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    The saints or what?

    The arms industry needs wars.

    Here a list.





    No EU countries in that list.


    And about that website:


    Globalresearch.ca, a Canadian conspiracy theory website operated by Michel Chossudovsky's Centre for Research on Globalization

    "the online spread of pro-Russia propaganda and of disinformation." 

    "key accelerant role in helping popularize articles with little basis in fact that also happen to fit the narratives being pushed by the Kremlin"


    Founded by a Russian, spreading fake Russian propaganda. Be careful with what you read online ????


    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    I wonder how countries in the EU calculate tourist figures. I might arrive to Italy, travel overland to France and fly out from Germany, never once having to show my passport in France. Would I then not be counted as one of their millions of tourists?


    In most (all?) countries in the EU hotels are obligated to collect tourist tax for each night someone stays.


    People staying in private homes/airbnb's are not counted. So probably the real numbers are higher.



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