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Posts posted by dimitriv

  1. On 9/26/2019 at 7:04 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    I have quite a few different friends who come over to visit


    To visit for a holiday is very different than living somewhere permanently.


    It probably depends on personal circumstances. How much difficulties do you have with your visa?  How is your income affected by exchange rates?  How is your health? How is your healthcare insurance compared with what you can maybe get for free in your home country? 


  2. On 9/20/2019 at 10:12 AM, Dayley said:

    As "WithMarco" said "thailand is definitely out of question, just too many hassles, taxes, and visa BS."

    So, that would leave us with an off-shore only option in your name. This seems the better solution. However, I am wondering how this is possible. Because if there is no Thai business, then how can you receive a Thai Work Permit & Thai Business Visa that needs to be linked with a Thai business?



    This post was started in 2011 ????


    >> So, that would leave us with an off-shore only option in your name. This seems the better solution.


    A UK limited is perfect for this.


    >> Because if there is no Thai business, then how can you receive a Thai Work Permit & Thai Business Visa that needs to be linked with a Thai business?




    But you can try a retirement visa, a visa based on marriage etc.  You can also live in Thailand 6+ months a year on tourist visa and spend the remaining time in Vietnam or Bali.  Thailand is nice, because you do not pay tax on foreign income in certain conditions. So it is interesting to stay in Thailand 6 months + 1 day en become tax resident.


  3. 1 hour ago, Yinn said:

    Look at the link above. Clean water, no rubbish.

    the air usually cleanest in Thailand. 

    You not know what you say. Not same Chiangmai, Bangkok here.


    It come from Indonesia forest sure. Google if you not believe me.


    Now, smoky here so much. Headache. 








    Clean water and no rubbish ?


    The original article said:


    Thai Rath reported that Thai tourists visiting a little known southern island were left thoroughly disappointed. 

    Pongsri, 51, and Daojai, 48, were visiting Koh Sakorn in Trang. 

    They expected a beautiful sunset and a clean beach.

    They got polluted haze and a stretch of sand covered in trash. 


    "sand covered in trash"  ->  Usually that is plastic from the sea.  



  4. 3 hours ago, Yinn said:

    The air pollution come from Indonesia.

    rich Malaysia company buy the forest in Indonesia, fire the forest for palm oil tree. 




    Ah, Thai people are not to blame for polution in Thailand ?  ????   


    Most of the air polution in Thailand comes from Thailand. This is not only a problem in Koh Sakorn.  And it's not only air polution. The seas are so polluted by the discharge of unfiltered sewage water and the dumping of plastic waste that you cannot swim there anymore. 


    It's a shame, but Thailand is the dirtiest country I've ever visited.





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  5. 7 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    the EU using IRELAND as an excuse, there are many EU countries that share a border with none EU countries, i did see it somewhere, but not to hand at this moment. and no problems at all. more scaremongering from the EU


    Yes, they share a BORDER. Something with fences and checkpoints. There are no open borders between EU and non EU countries.


    >> i did see it somewhere, but not to hand at this moment


    Because it was in your dreams ????



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  6. 1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Actually he did exceptionally well against a hostile crowd that shouldn't even be allowed anywhere near. it just shows how Luxembourg couldn't organise a p up in a brewery and the PM seeing the dirty underhand tricks the EU will stoop too. 


    Have you watched the footage, a bunch of yobs screaming and shouting abuse. He negotiated splendidly.


    The hostile crowd were UK citizens who are afraid that they have to move back to the UK  ????


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