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Steve Vincent

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Posts posted by Steve Vincent

  1. Wouldn’t worry about tourists as the majority have full driving licences,the law currently states you need a international driving licence which costs around £10 in the uk. Thais are the nightmare spent 6 weeks in Pattaya international hospital 7yrs ago because of a motorbike accident - was the passenger Thai motorbike driver was found to be over the limit no insurance no licence ??? Leaving me with a hefty bill... now when travel over always have insurance. Ubon littered with schoolchildren on motorbikes ( no licence ) Thai authorities just confiscate bike and fined... basically saying to you if they didn’t use motorbike they wouldn’t attend school.. 


    This issue needs addressing and quickly  I’m just fed up with Thais blaming tourists when they can’t keep there own house in order ! 

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  2. Thailand no Longer the land of smiles...... businesses closing down daily as holidaymakers looking for alternative destinations....


    Figures misleading as tourists being counted who only arrive for several hours before catching there connection flight shouldn’t be counted as tourist arriving in Thailand .... 


    Returned home from Thailand in March visited Bangkok Pattaya before returning to my house in ubon * hotels half empty

    markets smaller as traders struggle * bars empty * beaches empty motorbike taxi driver friend of mine has seen business fall by over 50% in revenue and has to take a second job to pay for mortgage suppose what I’m saying is everybody suffering from strong baht when the rest of the world is in a recession.


    Thailand now more expensive than the uk in terms of living standards ..... my next visit will either be Vietnam or Indonesia as both countries still offer good value for money holidays without all the rules and regulations that Thailand impose 

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  3. thats some party trick ‘ can’t believe he got a 44,000 waver from the police,. Everybody who’s visited Thailand know about the bell learnt very early after visiting Pattaya after being handed a 11,000 baht bin..... luckily back then it was 72 baht to the £ so didn’t take a big hit. Would have been disappointed with my Thai girlfriend who for some reason didn’t explain the bell routine - makes me laugh when reading with girlfriend which would indicate he’s just met her from a bar as clearly he don’t understand Thai culture ???? there one born every minute.

  4. Let’s talk facts if you don’t have the money then you won’t be seen I’ve seen enough Thai people turned away as they cannot afford either the medication or the operation. The smaller province hospitals are full of inexperienced doctors and nurses and the hygiene not the best. 2006 and Pattaya international almost killed me as I’m allergic to penicillin ..... wouldn’t have minded but i was wearing a band clearly stating allergic to penicillin.  another experience i Witnessed was hospital staff wheeling out a farang patient so he could use the a.t.m from the comfort of his bed ! Sorry but this story is misleading 

  5. Italy ? Maybe he wants an authentic pizza or a meeting With the pope to confess his sins. The Thai government has destroyed this once beautiful country * corruption is rife within Thailand * 

    my best years was under taksin although he was corrupt he had the people’s interest at heart,. Still saddens me when the Thai government took back the money he put into orphanages around Thailand. My recent visit ( holding votes ) people paying local Thais between 500 & 1,000 baht to vote for them ???? imagine the tories knocking on your door and offering you a bribe Haha unbelievable. 


    Why would you visit Italy seeking ideas on beer bars in Thailand when some of the biggest spenders in beer bars are Brits Norwegians swedes Americans seems folly when Italians prefer pasta and wine.



    good luck phiphat as from where I’m sitting it looks a jolly knees up with the boys

  6. TM30 is as outdated as Thai officials ! Firstly I’m grateful the bbc has highlighted this issue as it’s causing many foreign nationals a big headache... schools already struggling for decent teachers as i know to my own cost,as send son to private school as the mainstream school teachers learn Thai children next to nothing. This young lady was not at fault,.as it’s down to the landlord that she’s staying with to fax across her details to the immigration. Personally I wouldn’t have paid a penny in fines,a friend of mine who runs a hotel in Pattaya ( Thai & American ) fined over 45,000 baht for not informing Thai officials of guests. Now they comply with the laws,by making a copy of passport and sending info Thai immigration regular,.My point being if they are fining hoteliers and other businesses why therefor are they making a school teacher pay over £330 in fines ? Guests shouldn’t be made accountable when arriving at the airport immigration making you fill out your boarding cards of stay so it’s already noted where your staying... Thailand the land of smiles ????  not anymore it’s the land of fines

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  7. why do you think you can change a bar girls mindset ? Like you say she’s been with somebody for 5yrs. Ask yourself a question,how would you feel if it was happening to you ? My advice is simple don’t waste your time fella. I’ve been back and forth to Thailand for over 15yrs and I’ve seen the lot. I’ve also been involved with bar girls and all there interested in is money * read the book money number one,it’s been rewritten so many times. Could write a book about my past experiences myself ! Was in a 7yr relationship with Thai from buriram - had house built looked after the family,. Normal stuff you would expect. Sadly you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl.... loverly girl until finding out she was cheating on me..... walked away and it’s the best thing I done * took a couple years break from Thailand * met myself a good lady from ubon she’s never worked in a bar she comes from a lovely family and is special....met her on Thai Cupid haha

    she’s never asked me for anything she’s always grateful when I send money home,also pay for her sons education and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been * suppose what I’m saying is not all Thais the same .... going back 4yrs ago was sitting in a bar soi bouikow when farang came into bar and knifed a man because he was with his lady ( my advice be careful there’s plenty of fish in the sea ) neither man knew each other - if you trust bar lady especially those who’ve been working for few years in the game you’ve only got yourself to blame when you wake up without a pot to <deleted> in. Walk away and find yourself a loverly lady mate there out there wishing you all the very best ????

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  8. When i travel to Thailand on a 90 day visa I'm automatically given 60 days and need to apply at the local immigration to gain access to another 30 days at a cost of 1,900 baht - also have to report to the local immigration office within 24hrs of arriving,notifying them of my place of stay. It's annoying as believe you should be able to travel around freely without proving how much money you've got in your bank account. 

    would advise you also look into going to school a couple of times a week and learning the language : previously when attending these schools you didn't have to make visa runs on a regular basis ! Maybe they've changed the law ? But previously students learning the language were allowed to stay up to one year before leaving the kingdom. Sorry for your ordeal but nothing surprises me anymore with Thai laws and immigration policy's 

  9. im a frequent visitor to Thailand and have a family to support myself,can remember my first visit to this beautiful country when the exchange rate was 72 baht to the British pound. When the recession hit the baht dropped overnight to 54 from around 68 and its continued dropping ever since. The country has been run by the army in recent years,yes they've improved roads,hospitals and much more however the banks have continued to remain strong ? Corruption has been rife in recent years - tourism has dropped to around 42% ex pats have had to move back to the U.K. Exports have also dropped because of the Thai baht - remember reading in the Bangkok post,Thai banks have purposely devalued the baht as they f/c the markets ahead. I'm predicting the baht will crash as it cannot sustain its current level. Those overseas Thai workers will struggle to repay there agreed payments in turn some will lose there houses and land,that's inevitable I'm afraid,. Also foreign travelers have a right to complain as when taking money from atm Thai bank your charged a different rate and your penalized 250 baht to get your money and under the current exchange rates that makes trips to Thailand less appealing. Today's exchange rate between 36 & 38 baht to the pound. If it continues to devalue the pound then i will be left with no other option than remove my family and move back to England on a full time basis. Tourism has seen bars shops and businesses cease trading within the last 2yrs 

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