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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Taking a class like you outline is a far cry from taking students and having them do concrete work as a laborer to build something unrelated to any acedemic studies. Teaching concrete work or other manual labor as part of a trade is completely different. I suspect you elected to take those classes in school and\or they were part of the overall criteria of the school. Extremely different from what occurred in the school story.
  2. When you post comments aside from your topic and people reply to them there's no need to read the title of your thread.
  3. That's common and apporpriate for their religion. It can't be easy swimming in a burka but thats on them.
  4. A will could work but the OP says he has no one he can trust. A Trust would be a better option tax wise and safer in the long run.
  5. Yes you are correct I should have been a little more specific in my first reply. I was going off the OP's comments. Yes in the US not in Thailand
  6. He would also avoid tax issues both in transferring his assets out of investments and in being within the trust prior to any distributions
  7. OP isn't in thailand and his assets are in the US. .My suggestion is he set the trust up in the US as its allowed and much safer to be administered there rather than Thailand He did mention he has no one he can trust so I presume that means in either Thailand or the US..
  8. If this is your view why did you start the thread and ask and then claim you can't find a dryer that works? I think you start threads as a way to have something to talk about.
  9. Your comments are disconnected from your topic and certainly are not connected from my response. Dryers are available so to imply they aren't or difficult to obtain or be able to use isnt accurate. Your topic was about you not what every Asian does. What do Bentleys have to do with anything?
  10. What Asians do and you see versus what is available to them and you are 2 different things. Ive had dryers here since the early 80's and no problems.
  11. The OP says he's in the US and his funds are in the US so its not like doing this in Thailand, which I would discourage. Plenty of reputable law firms to choose from. If he gives his daughter a copy and explains the way the trust works, she could watch to make sure it happens as outlined or raise the red flag. Annual accountability can be established in the trust instructions. Can theft occur it's possible, but chances are low. He's asking for suggestions on how to solve the situation and I'm offering one. I know this can work as I was included in a family trust set up this way and all funds were paid out as instructed.
  12. Talk to a lawyer and set up a trust. You can issue instructions through that instrument. Also gain some tax protection for the funds.. You can also hire a law firm to oversee the trust including the distribution schedule and other special instructions or considerations you may want in place.There will be fees involved but its safe and you can rest easy knowing that it will be controlled and administered properly
  13. Either are very good. Go with the best match to the travel schedule you want to keep
  14. I think realistically you have to consider several factors. How the e-bike is used. Its a motorized bike not a motorcycle or motor scooter. you should ride it like a bike with a motor, not out in traffic like a motorcycle. Like a bike if you ride it appropriately it's not a big issue. The problems typically come in when it's used in place of a motorcycle or motor scooter, ride it in traffic. Obey proper bike riding rules and dont think cars will make way for you, which here they dont for pedestrians, motor scooters or motorcycle or other cars.
  15. The lock is mechanical on most all elevators and doors are spring loaded to close. You need a key to open the mechanical locking device to open doors. The elevator in question was most likely being repaired and the doors were open to access the top of the car.
  16. How exactly did the door open? Typical elevator doors are locked unless the elevator is on the floor in question. The lock is triggered to open by the presence of the elevator as a safety feature. Doors dont just open on there own.
  17. I don't watch TV. There are plenty of reputable sources available
  18. They have to be declassified first and then recorder using legal protocol for the type of document content involved. He didn't do any of that or would have offered and proven that in the 1st document retrieval in January and again in May and the latest incident wouldn't have happened. He didn't because he never declassified them.
  19. You can believe anyone you want to in this as there are an equal number of legal scholars that dispute that position. Thats the point behind the manner this has been handled, to solve the situation legally. There's no conspiracy here like trumpettes like to claim. There is no current record presented yet of trump issuing a declassification order only his verbal claim after he was caught. He already signed an affidavit in May that he held no more of these documents which was a lie. If he had used his authority to declassify that would have raised back in January or again in May. Depending on the nature of the documemt classification and the content there are additional regulations about the proper manner to declassify and record that action. Those records don't exist. He doesn't have to ask permission to declassify but he does have to follow proper legal precedent and protocol when he does take that action. Those other regulations have never been tested or waved for a President. As an aside one of the reasons behind those protocols and records is once declassified documents are available under FOI requests and can be released to the public. I don't know thats what anyone wants based on what Secrets are included in those document.
  20. They have photos and of the docs spread in the closets with clothes and in drawers with his passports which show he was in personal contact with the docs and can't blame staff or claim they were in a secure location. .
  21. The problem with that excuse is that none of the documents were declassified and recorded\archived as such. You cant have a standing order that anything he touched or wanted to keep is declassified. They need to be tagged and recorded as declassified. Secondly, he wasn't President when he took the document from the Whitehouse. And lastly he was warned in January and May to return those remaining documents after they were identified as being there in Mar a Largo when the other documents were retrieved. He signed an affidavit that he had already returned all Classified and Top Secret documents and had no more in his possession. Right wing Trumpettes look for any flimsy excuse to blow smoke when they have no facts
  22. No because he took the papers out of the folders. They found them mixed in with clothes and in draws and scatter in various places.
  23. Did you think they were going to show you the classified and top secret documents?
  24. Nope, I replied to you as I read thru the posts and saw your errors post. I didn't read every posting to the end of the thread before I commented like most all posters here.
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