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Everything posted by Dexxter

  1. Many older men in the UK or USA can only dream of short times with 30 year old MILFs. Some are lucky. Most are not. We have it really good here in Thailand.
  2. Jetstar cancelled my 3rd September flight back to Melbourne the night before I was flying out. Offered a replacement flight but none were available until September 15th, 6 days after my Thai permission to stay expired. So off to immigration to pay 1900 baht for a 30 day extension. Now I can stay until October 9th but the latest replacement flight is 24th September. Oh well, 2 extra weeks is better than nothing. Might as well make the best of it. ????
  3. I just got a 30 day extension on a 6 month METV in Bangkok today and there was no mention of a TM30. My condo address was on the form not a hotel so I was a bit worried they might ask for it.
  4. I just got a 30 day extension in Bangkok today and there was no mention of a TM30. My condo address was on the form not a hotel so I was a bit worried they might ask for it. All I needed was a filled out form with recent photo, and an ORIGINAL SIZE photocopy of my passport photo pages and visa/entry stamp pages. Also had to fill out a couple of statutory declaration style forms saying I knew the penalties for overstaying, etc.
  5. Australian government travel advisory .... Do not travel to: Yala province, Pattani province, Narathiwat province, and Songkhla province due to high levels of violence, including frequent attacks and bombings.
  6. Do you mean someone who is not Russian?
  7. When greedy government officials don't want the public to know about their corrupt deals, they claim "Commercial in Confidence". Public knowledge could scuttle any secret deals they are making and we can't have that can we?
  8. No way. I am very happy with the one I have. We have been together more than 7 years and she is definitely a keeper.
  9. Often young and dumb gets you killed in a mishap. I almost killed myself when I was around 14. I decided to climb a high cliff and almost fell to my death I was young and dumb, but had luck on my side.
  10. She will still be an old woman by the time she gets out, and be thoroughly institutionalized. Basically a ruined life all because she fell for the wrong man. Some women really do make the wrong choices.
  11. The only thing my wife knows about Hooters (or any other bar in that area) is that if I go there, and she finds out, my family jewels might be in danger of becoming duck food. ????. Why are Thai women so jealous?
  12. Try getting a partner visa in Australia. It costs more than $8000 and if they decline the visa for whatever reason there is NO REFUND. $8000 down the toilet if some official has a bad day because he did not get any from his wife the previous night, and does not like your evidence. Yeah, I suppose you can appeal, for additional legal expenses.
  13. Not just the UK. I wanted a 6 month METV and the local Melbourne office had closed. Application had to be through Sydney or Canberra and took several weeks an more expense than the 3 days processing before covid. Thankfully the extra steps of Thai Pass and covid insurance were abandoned before I applied. So now in Australia we have a more expensive and more convoluted process to get a visa, unless you live in Sydney i suppose.
  14. I wonder why Australia is on that list. Australians are eligible for the 30 day visa exemption.
  15. Yes, but a lot plumper and she also has a husband.
  16. You can always do the "Finger Test". Push your finger deep inside and see if you can feel "her" cervix as well as the distinctive ridges around the G-Spot. I have not tried this test on a LB myself so cannot verify if they have a fake cervix or fake G-Spot, but I wonder if a doctor would go to that extreme.
  17. The girl fourth from the left looks a lot like a younger version of my wife. She is definitely my favorite in this lineup.
  18. Nobody F'ing helping those in flames. That is so bad, so disappointing. I can understand those running out might be in too much in shock to help, but people who are able to make videos or just standing around should be able to help as well. people walked past a few people that were in flames yet did nothing.
  19. I still have a few thousand baht from my last trip before the pandemic. That is enough to tide me over to the next day if the SuperRich in the basement of Suvarnabhumi Airport is closed when I arrive next week. That exchange location is convenient because it is very near the Airport Link station entrance.
  20. Russian rubles are doing well. I know where to go to exchange my million rubles.
  21. According the to Urban Dictionary... A farnie is someone who wears the same clothes every day. Going by that definition most backpackers would be a farnie.
  22. You cannot use "women" because it contains the word "men". You have to use "personstruating person". Actually, you cannot use "son" either because it refers to a male. Maybe "perspawnstruating perspawn" might get accepted by the idiots. PerSONally, I would just shorten the word to gender neutral "it".
  23. Is that something that might happen in Thailand?
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