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About bolt

  • Birthday 06/09/1970

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    Das OMA or Ban Chalita

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  1. Some excellent replies can anyone share Chonburi Pattaya for example 6-????
  2. DOES anyone from UK In chonburi? why are many starting with a 6. are the 6’s resident in Korat ?? is the number linked to province and age cam anyone provide province nationality age ID was issued
  3. Where I’m residing just now the ID is National of country year you registered number of people from same country registered. for example UK-2023-500th per registered from UK if it’s Thai Province what’s the Chonburi first 5 or 6 digits
  4. Good day are Thai pink ID cards written in a way that can distinguish the nationality of the holder. For example, do countries have numbers linked to them. USA 001-123468-1091 UK 440-456789-1010 Mongolia 967-123456-1234 lao 7701 I am not asking for anyone’s specific number, but wondering specifically for UK Nationals, the first four or five digits.
  5. as Dr Joy has said change your address 1st, then start the renewal process.
  6. "He was further angered that she sent money to her child from a previous relationship" this happens so many times, and the men can't handle it. its like a pride of lions, when the new Leader wants to eradicate any relative of the previous ruler. this sad situation will NEVER Change.
  7. when using the Banking app do you ever need to get an SMS or OTP to confirm anything?
  8. in the west we don't prepare food anymore we simply warm it up
  9. you are expecting to find a "highly knowledgeable Android-based Smart Phone salesman who can speak fluent English" i would recommend going to a fluent English speaking country to find this
  10. I've been using Wise for over 2 years, and I'm very happy with it are you transferring Candian Dollars to your Bangkok Bank, which will convert to THB??? i normally send home currency (USD) to wise and it stays in home currency (USD), once I'm ready to convert i then do the conversation inside WISE. so i will have 2 different currencies inside of WISE once conversion is done i then make another transaction to send the converted THB to my Bangkok bank it may sound ;like I'm making too many steps, and paying twice but I'm happy doing it that way. so my method could take 5 days depending on what day I start this (2 step) process ? and perhaps my method is of no use to you and your question
  11. It’s ok, i made 3 separate applications only one was under age so that was linked to Mother
  12. So it’s separate applications or Family application??
  13. Hi I’m hoping to take me 3 girls to UK in December and I want to know if I have to make 3 separate UK visa applications or can it be done in a family type. Wife Daughter Grand Daughter any advice please
  14. i think it was through a Bank, and Magnacarter act on your behalf? I was looking at ANY option to release some equity and only found this option. but i didn't go through as the terms and con's were not for me
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