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Everything posted by JoseThailand

  1. I'm happy to do you this favor. Maybe this little ego boost will be a life saver for you.
  2. Don't need to make him admit that he is wrong. Technically, he may be right, as my initial statement didn't include the "regular scheduled" part. If that makes him feel good about himself, let it be.
  3. What do you call a decent job? In the UK the average salary after taxes is just 2300 GBP per month. How do you retire at 50?
  4. Arbeiten mach frei!
  5. Normal people retire at 65-67 and live a quiet and happy life in Pattaya
  6. Okay for nerds like you, I should correct my statement - "an international airport with no regular international flights". Now you happy?
  7. They just wanna make you wear a helmet for your own safety as a tourist. And yes, they give you 3 days to get a helmet, that's reasonable. Or you want them to stop and fine you every 5 minutes? Thai police are doing a great job, no joke.
  8. You don't get it. They give tourists special treatment to ensure their safety. They don't need tourist deaths on the roads. That's why they check for helmets, license, etc. If some Thai crashes to death, that's their own problem. But every foreigner death is a bad publicity for Thailand.
  9. I was there, but my urine was yellow
  10. Avoid Poipet at all costs!
  11. What airline is this and flight number?
  12. International airport with no international flights
  13. I will never be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of human anxiety
  14. He's lost in time and space. It's not 2020 anymore when everything was closed
  15. Get outta here!
  16. Will it finally be possible for a foreigner to marry a Thai ladyboy and get a marriage visa?
  17. This shows once again that Thailand is a poor third world country
  18. Living with a wife from your country is kinda normal, believe it or not.
  19. She is a real estate agency owner. phuketlikehome.com/contact/
  20. I would never use ATMs if they accepted credit cards here
  21. I really don't understand why so many people worry about the higher financials for a retirement visa. It can be easily fixed by an agent for just 15,000 baht. And no need to do any paperwork, just show up at immigration once to take a picture.
  22. In Western countries, you get a wealthy pension after you reach 67. In Asian countries, you work until you die!
  23. Thank you so much for your kind words. To answer your question, I don't speak with a heavy Russian accent of course. But still, people sometimes are able to guess that I am Russian.
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