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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. "Because they can"  While I won't disagree with you on that point there has to be more too it.  Could it be some higher-ups are manipulating the money market?  The share market?  Looking to break a series of companies to acquire them for pennies on the dollar.  There has to be a plan of some sort...not that we will ever find out...till it's to late! 

    • Thanks 1
  2. I respectfully withdraw my earlier prediction of a reasonable progressive recovery to tourism September to November and insert a new future date yet to be determined.  With all the *farting* about being done by the politicians there may only be a trickle of tourists arriving this year!  ????

    • Thanks 1
  3. t the correct spelling

    22 minutes ago, Trillian said:

    I agree, as with many industries in Thailand the system of middle men means the producer gets held to ransom and doesn't make the profit they should, it needs to change. But it's also worth pointing out that there are a series of inexpensive lending mechanisms that can be tapped at the Amrhur level, farmers cooperative lending etc, they don't lend very large amounts but they can be useful.

    Yes,  I did mention the government office with the blue sign and diagonal barbed wire.  In Thai it sounds like Saha Gone but I  know that's not the correct spelling.  In our village there are different level of farmer.  At the bottom is the serf who has no land and has to rent land to farm.  These farmers don't always get the handouts and subsidies that landowners do.  Above them are the lower landowners who are a mixed bunch with some doing OK and others doing better.  And on the top is the doing great farmer!   My brother in law is the perfect example.  Over the years he has accumulated much land (180 rai), rents 20 off the wife,  10 off Mar and has small blocks and house blocks all around the place.  Plus This year rents 20 rai mango orchard for oldest son.  Owns his house,  pick-up, tractor,  tools.... He doesn't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes...unlike a lot of the serfs.  Maybe that's the secret to success, no smoking or drinking.  ????

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  4. 7 hours ago, Trillian said:

    They are saying that the 440 billion Baht Thai's spent on overseas travel last year will be diverted and some of it spent on domestic tourism instead, it's not difficult to understand. And that figure does not include the 7% of GDP that Thai's spent on domestic tourism anyway last year, that was another USD 36 bill. Add it all together and you can easily get to the headline figure.

    I don't believe the majority of Thai's who are O/S travellers will do more domestic travel...than they normally would.  If they travel O/S regularly they have a taste for more exotic locations than Thailand can offer.  They will wait a little longer and enjoy their holiday elsewhere.

    • Like 2
  5. I don't see the point of this so I will make the assumption it will benefit the money lenders in other countries.


    Here the BAAC is the main lender with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives sub dept (name??? The blue sign with diagonal barbed wire) also providing finance.   But the rates aren't much different to the commercial rates being charged by the other banks.  To help farmers rates of 3 or 4% would be fair but for the first time borrower they can be charged 9% with a maximum borrowing of 20.000 baht. 


    The reality is many many farmers are constantly in debt and the only way they can retire their debt after the 7 years is up is to negotiate a new loan.  As long as they pay the annual interest bill they stay out of trouble...and can borrow from other sources!


    The reality is Thai farmers in the main are caught in a debt trap.   Opportunities for some are already there to embrace but it's not just finance that causes the problem it's the cost of fertilizer, the cost of diesel and their continued use of buying agents who pay to little for produce and make a big profit in a day or 2 at the farmers expense.  They need to do things different.

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  6. The rain clouds are a bit shy around here.   If we don't get more rain this week a lot of rice farmers will be in trouble.  No factories to speak of but quite a few returnees from Rayong and other Eastern seaboard areas as factories lay off workers.  I said it before, the crunch will come September to November as export orders dry up and tourist numbers don't reach targets.


  7. The price gouge of farang at national parks is what keeps me out.  No it's not me that gets browned off with having to pay 10 times as much but my Jewish by nature Thai wife.  I don't want to go hiking anyway!   On the local level I wanted an electrician for 2 days work. Everything is here, yellow tube, wall clips,  switches,  wall sockets,  new circuit breakers, cable.  Two guys came and quoted.  3500 one and 3800 the other.  Wifey said: No No No!  They charge farang price.  Apparently it's 450/day for the lecky and 300 a day for the goffer!  

  8. 80 out of how many million?  I had been preaching value adding to my wife for years but up until last year it had fallen on deaf ears.  But you need to plan ahead.  If we are to make mango chutney we need to order our glass bottles and closures months ahead of time.  Plus the other ingredients we need.  Plus labels.  Will be interesting to see the outcome from this initiative.

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  9. I think they have organised sex parties around here.  Given that no teenage boy or girl are willing to work on the family farm there is no reason for them by a dozen or more on scooters to be heading out into farmland late in the afternoon where the only places to visit are old houses uninhabited since long ago.  Of course I could be wrong.  Maybe their teacher has requested a survey of the local bat population...on a weekly basis.  ????

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