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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. I'm a teacher, luckily mostly working from home. Between classes my wife and I go out around the moo ban, out to the farm, or down to the river to do some fishing. Sometimes I conduct classes from the farm or fishing trips via Line Meeting, and the students love it. They ask all sorts of questions about what we're doing, wanting me to show them around, and get field trips at home. Breaks the monotony of otherwise giving them Powerpoints, worksheets, or telling them to watch YouTubes. Occasionally we're called into the office, and this is kind of a drag. Between classes I chit chat the other teachers a bit, then go wandering around the empty school.

  2. They're here in my moo ban, back with their grandparents. There's been a few different types. The best made the most of their time developing their English, pleasant attitudes and social skills, and thus snagged a few sponsors who've been helping them through these times. Others don't come out until late in the afternoon, up in their rooms doing something until the wee hours, and thus are able to help out the fam. Good for them.


    The worst did little with that time they had, with nothing to show for it but terrible English and even worse attitudes, after years of doing the deed each time only to quickly blow their earnings on booze, gambling, tattoos. These Covid times have been a reckoning, and tremendous blow to their egos.


    Now they stomp around the moo ban with permanent scowls on their faces, doing little other than barking various complaints at their dear grandparents trying to support them. Wife hears they're trying to negotiate marriages with their Thai BFs, and sin sods for paltry amounts, compared with what they were making before. I can only imagine what those marriages will be like. Thankfully they'll be out of our moo ban.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bruno123 said:

    It's not a good deal...when you can obtain exactly the same thing for a year for 1890 baht. But of course you will have a different number. But if you have a Dual SIM mobile, it's then not an issue.

    Is that with True Move? Looking at the packages now.


    I can get 1 year for 1800 baht, but it's only 1mbps.

    If I want a year of 2mbps, then it's 2600 baht.

    For 999 baht for 3 months, I'm getting 4mbps.


    Perhaps you're talking about some special SIM, like those on Lazada and Shopee, to get a special price. Heard nothing but bad things about them. Despite everything they claim, numerous reports of throttling after a certain period. I've never had that just buying my packages direct.


    Heh, regarding boycotting CP, you should take a look at the "How to avoid CP?" thread. 7-11, True, Makro, and now Lotus I'm afraid. Even if you shop only at mom and pops, and buy dinner in the markets, there's a good chance it came from Makro. Then much of the agriculture goes through CPF. To truly avoid CP, someone commented, one would have to avoid Thailand.

  4. 20 hours ago, sungod said:

    I'd send her down to the dealer and ask what options she has. You may be able to 'finance it indirectly.'

    Yup, this is what we did. Our new car is in the wife's name. She doesn't have formal employment and little credit. Yet banks are eager to make loans right now, given the lack of other business. So they asked to copy her dad's farm papers, and sent a bank guy out to take pics of her next to the farm. Her theoretical income is calculated based on her working the amount of land, for which she was approved for the loan. If your wife's in a family of farmers, this could be an option for you.


    Hehe, these "why don't you pay cash" and "be ready to walk away" comments seem a bit contradictory. Why drop 600k baht in cash if I need to walk away? If for some reason I need to escape, all I'm out are the months of payments I made, during which I got to drive the car. Tales abound here on the TVF of "gotta go home, must sell" situations and taking pennies on the dollar for their cars and motorbikes. Bet they're real proud of having paid cash then.


    Speaking of payments, mine are only about 8k baht for a new car. I've heard of farangs paying 10k a month just to rent an old car from a car rental company. Minimize your risk, get a better car, make lower payments, keep more cash in your pocket. Finance seems the winner to me.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Ralf001 said:

    Obviously they can liquidate it. some high ranking policeman will score himself a 20mill fezza for 150k !!

    In the Philippines, dozens of Lambos, Ferraris, other pricey cars, were seized from drug dealers, then crushed by the govt. Their reasoning was, as you say, if liquidated they would then be repurchased by other nefarious folks, or even the same folks once they get out of jail.


    Why not then export them to the US, Europe, or Middle East, then have the money sent back to build some decent housing, instead of all those slums? Absolutely mind blowing.

  6. 23 hours ago, ezzra said:

    picky petty seat warmers department who has nothing better to do than to keep religion a serious stern and controlled business

    Sounds like some schools I've worked at. Admins do little other than warm the seats in their pristine offices. They're not to be approached. Students are scolded for bothering them. Teachers are scolded for making trouble. They must prepare for and attend their important meetings where charts are pointed at, buzzwords are thrown around, certificates of praise are handed out, then they all pose for a photo op. Yes, everything nicely ordered and controlled it seems, at least to them. Meanwhile, the kids are outside running absolutely amok. ????

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, remobb said:

    Now the students logging in is something else. Many students sign in then do not respond when asked a question (are they really there?) I have had students telling me they are out with their parents???

    Yup, my experience has been much the same. It's as if they leave their phones on the table, then go do something else. I keep teaching for the few who remain engaged. The old "starfish on the beach" story.


    Having to work for their parents is a frequent excuse. Yes, we get that Covid has taken its toll financially, and thus they now want the kids helping out in the shop. Yet I've seen a few of such children in their parents' food stalls, still diligently filling out their notebooks.

  8. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Education level and English lever are not linked.

    I taught at a BKK private school with a Thai teacher, who was also a top administrator, who had absolutely atrocious English. Bad pronounciation, bad grammar, often searching for words. Who knows how she got the job. She's likely got high Thai degrees, but we know how those usually go.


    Now I'm out in a podunk, country bumpkin, Issan govt school, I mean we got tractors frequenting the streets, and am happily working with Thai colleagues with much better English, not to mention much better attitudes, than her.

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    • Thanks 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, mokwit said:

    Over the years I have formed the opinion that banks and China are only ever acting in their own interest, despite trying to project an image of the opposite.

    From YT, give it a watch. Each cube is $1 billion USD in cash. Absolutely staggering. #1 is the ICBC with $4.3T.


    Many wonder just how they do it, or how much of it's to be believed.


    • Like 1
  10. My wife and I have been together awhile, yet finally made it official just before Covid got started. Even then we got the run around from three different amphurs, in and around BKK.


    Come back later when the "big boss" is here. Make an appt with the "big boss", which could take months. I reckon summoning him requires the right paperwork, particularly those lovely gold colored slips of paper with that certain famous gentleman on them.


    We then came out to her Issan hometown. No appt they said, just drop in. We had to wait the afternoon for him to show up, got our papers checked, and it was a done deal.

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