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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. On 8/28/2021 at 4:22 PM, gk10012001 said:

    I am still a practicing engineer but when I retire (which is imminent) a little tutoring keeps the brain active, and I enjoy teaching.  It just seems a wast to not be able to apply what I have learned and to help others for some nominal fee.  I was imagining 10 hours a week or so would be optimal.

    Glad to hear. This I believe is the ideal attitude. I really don't understand the negativity some have toward this activity, or teaching in general.


    Indeed, we've gotta use it or lose it. This is what my students say to me having traveled abroad to study English at some point. Now back in their home countries, they have few opportunities to practice or improve. I regret not speaking more Spanish with my grandparents when I had the chance as a kid.


    Yup, I'm usually doing an hour before my regular teaching job, then an hour in the evenings, then a few more on the weekends, for about 15 hours a week. My highest weekly take was $160, usually it's about $120, but now it's come down to around $100. We're definitely being affected by those coming in from the Chinese platforms.

  2. On 8/28/2021 at 2:54 AM, Bday Prang said:

    If you want to keep "mom and pop" (where does that phrase come from? )

    They're often run by grandparents, elderly people. Having made money in their previous careers, they've taken their savings to open a shop and settle into semi-retirement. It's relaxing, not very demanding work. Rather than waste away watching TV all day, they've got something to do, maintaining their connections with friends and the community. That's what the proprietors of the shop in my village do, and that's what my grandparents did as well, back in the States.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    My G/F Number One and I had built a small, basic shop for her parents to operate in their village

    My wife and I had a food stall in a market when we lived in BKK. I invested about a grand USD. Over a few months, her take was then five times that. Woo hoo! This is clearly the way to do it, rather than just handing them straight cash.


    It wasn't easy tho, she had to put in a lot of hard work. A lot of nights coming home late. I'd already be asleep having crashed from my teaching job, and we weren't seeing a lot of each other. But she was having fun. She loved seeing the money roll in. She loved seeing the queues and people complementing her cooking. She met a lot of nice people, it was also very much a social activity. A lot better than just sitting at home while I went to work.


    And on that note, heh, the companions of many others do just that. Some colleagues at my school admitted to me that to keep their companions, it was agreed they gave half their salary each month as their allowance. For them to go shopping, then sit around and look pretty, who knows. I'd much rather build something with my companion, and together grow from the experience. Running a small business can be enriching in many ways.

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, tonray said:

    letting drug dealers and other scum operate without being prosecuted for years

    That's exactly the problem with this commission based policing. They either allow or encourage the problem, in order to eventually reap the greater reward. Why stop it initially if there's little to be gained?


    Somewhat analogous were firefighters in California, their departments faced with budget cuts, who then went out and started fires.

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  5. On 8/24/2021 at 11:26 AM, Denim said:

    one day when my mum can no longer take care of herself I will have to go back to the UK to care for her and my wife will have to remain here caring for her mum. I couldn't stand the thought of my mother going into a home after all she has done for me

    That's my plan as well. My mom's getting up there in years. Right now she's got other fam with her, but in time they'll need more help. After a few more years of this Thailand adventure, my Thai wife and I will be going back to stay with her in the States.

  6. 20 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    You could put Klopp or Peppy in charge and they would still win nothing as they are all so 'clever'

    My wife and I watch the Premier League. She can't stand even her own national team. Too much fighting and cheating, she says.


    I tried watching a few games, they complain and make excuses about everything. Not a foul, when it clearly was. Not offsides, when it's clear as day.


    Much like my high school students. They had no Internet for their homework, when others saw them online elsewhere. They weren't cheating, when their answers are exactly the same as others. When asked what the answers mean, they can't explain. And always, even when the evidence is right there, deny, deny, never admit fault. Heh.

    • Like 2
  7. 37 minutes ago, david555 said:

    it is a buyers market for those with cash ....and your Thai owned house can not be stolen by hackers

    Indeed. On the main road from our village a few months ago, a for sale sign sat on a house with a decent plot of land. There it sat and sat for awhile. Wife and I said oh, if we only had some money. I thought it'd go for a couple of million. We could open a shop by the road. Easy access. No more moo ban traffic, kids and chickens. Heh.


    Finally the for sale sign disappeared. Then we saw work being done on the house. Oh, our dreams shattered. Then my wife heard through the grapevine the selling price. 300k baht. $9000 USD. I actually had that cash a few years ago. Jesus. Sure wish I still did.


    If you've got cash, there's Thais who definitely need it, and thus it's definitely the time to buy.

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  8. I'm out in Issan a bit further than Korat. Here we've got a small Central mall in the capital where they've been doing the vax.


    Few weeks ago there was a huge line wrapping around it, older and poorer folks, judging by their looks. I doubt they had anywhere near enough vax for them all. I guess those who didn't get it got put on a waiting list. Then yesterday the wife and I drove by, and the lots were completely filled with cars, I'm guessing now vax for those not old, neither poor.


    Last week in our amphur further away from the capital, the big govt hospital was doing the vax. My in-laws both got theirs. My wife and I will likely be this week. Primary supply is Sinopharm, then after possibly AZ. Friends of mine further out in Issan have also gotten Sinopharm.

  9. 18 hours ago, Stocky said:

    Thai Geezer

    Over in the Reddit Thailand forum, TV/AseanNow is known for being home of the "grumpy grandpas". Though I much prefer this to the snarky BS over there. Almost everything they say is trash talk. I'd get my Gmail inbox with notifications full of it. What's the point? Perhaps if you're a masochist.


    We do our fare share here, but there they nitpick everything. They just gotta get you on something to rack up those Internet Tough Guy points or whatever. Not to mention they've got ladies around over there, so whenever a cutesy name or profile pic comes along, you can bet they step it up. Instead of just going to a bar, and buying her a damn drink.


    Social media toxicity. Kids these days.

  10. On 8/15/2021 at 9:04 AM, sleepwalker999 said:

    Inlingua and ECC. 

    Mmm. I do believe it's Friday night storytime folks.


    Years ago, after I first arrived in BKK and was pounding the pavement, I was referred to a particular ECC location in a mall, and told to drop in. I still didn't know my way around too well. So like many other farangs I thought, why not bring the GF along? Though my GF at that time was a ladyboy. Tall, long legs, booty shorts, spaghetti strap top, tattoos. I did tell her this trip was for a job. I guess her idea of a job and mine were a bit different.


    So, yeah, we walked into the place, past the little cubicles they've got for their tutoring. Caught an old Brit bloke in one with his students. He caught a glimpse of us, and his jaw just hit the floor. Same for the two secretaries as we approached their desk. They obviously were quite shocked, though the Brit might've wanted her number.


    Back in 'Murica, despite however tolerant and progressive they claim to be, we certainly would've been told to turn right back 'round. Not so in the LOS. Through their nervous, strained smilies, they handed us all the paperwork, and anxiously waited for me to fill it all in. She tried chatting them up a bit as I did so, likely asking what my salary would be. They sawadee ka'ed us and said they'd let us know, pros til the end. Needless to say, I never did get that call back.


    Knowing what I do now about that org, they deserved a good "trolling" like that, though it wasn't my intention. I do wish I knew about video blogging then. That material was gold.


    Cue the comments about my sexual prefs and lack of professionalism. What's the point of your intl adventure if you can't make some memories? Happily married now, and my wife thinks it's funny.

    • Confused 1
  11. 4 hours ago, kickstart said:

    get my 1st jab next week registered  with Or-Sor- Mor and Or-Bor- Tor,our local heath worker and local council

    I just did similar out in my Issan moo ban. Someone came 'round the other day representing the local officials. My wife put me, herself, and her parents down. Parents just got theirs this morning, Sinopharm. Heard it's a bit better than Sinovac. Then we were told ours might be coming next week, which could be Sinopharm or Astra.

    • Thanks 1
  12. We're still trying out here in Issan. They've all got phones, and we know they're working. You know the kids can't live without em.


    So we've got them in groups on Line Messenger, sending them assignments, telling them to write in their notebooks and snap pics, or watch a YouTube and answer questions about it, or we have live Line Meetings.


    Most of the kids just aren't showing up, with the same old excuses. Had to help the parents, or bad Internet. My colleagues have been calling them out. Oh, I saw your Facebook posts the other day, you had time and Internet for that? And so and so is at her mom's food stall down the road, and yet she's still doing the assignments?


    The most hilarious excuse is the fact that these students with the supposedly worst Internet, and having to help their parents the most, almost perfectly correlates with the worst students we had during the in person classes at the start of the term. An awfully huge coincendence.

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