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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. 12 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Billions wasted on rubbish

    Yet many homeless

    Govts in general are terrible!


    California seems to have concerned itself with genders, pronouns, and bathrooms, while the streets fill with homeless encampments, as few can afford $2000+ USD rent. They then become drug addicts and thieves, ransacking stores and increasing muggings, as the police have been deprioritized.


    I lean to the left, and believe people should be respected no matter their identity. But there are obvious priorities which they've now apparently become blind to. A place to live, and a decent wage.


    While it certainly feels good for some to do, and scores them brownie points, I've never seen political correctness/SJW/"woke" do a thing about the real issues, since its inception in the early 90's.

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  2. On 7/26/2021 at 6:22 PM, thvima said:

    Reddit as most ridiculous forums has a moderators team of idiots who ban you for saying the truth. Reddit will die soon just as most stupid forums

    I've avoided Reddit for many years, hearing what I have about them. I recently succumbed given this lockdown boredom. There's a guy who's in both the TEFL and Thailand Reddits, posts a lot, maybe a mod, I'm not sure. My God, in my first few posts he just crapped on me. Then all his other posts I've seen are know-it-all, condescending. The site's reputation is well deserved. Why should anyone go there and subject themselves to that? Why do these people with insatiable egos do this for years on end? <deleted>'s the point?


    We like to talk a bit of trash around here, some playful jabs, mostly. But they totally take it to a whole new level. I'm with you and doubt it'll be sustainable.


    On 7/26/2021 at 6:39 PM, connda said:

    I log on to Faceplant maybe 10 minutes every second or third day specifically to keep in contact with US family. 

    I've never been on FB, but have dipped my feet into other social media, like Reddit, and some forums my friends and fam are on. I've been backing away from all of them. I now keep in touch with via direct message. There's no need to always post and show everything to the world. I'll drop them each a line individually, and we can have conversations like the good ol' days. Haha. This social media, it's become just too infected with all this snarkiness, aggressive, confrontational, competitive nature. I think such are one of the main reasons we escaped to the LOS. Why drag it back here with us?

    • Like 1
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  3. 4 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

    about 20 boxes of Brands

    It's that young actor, half Thai/half farang. He loves pushing that stuff. Says it energizes you and gives you the power to get through the day. I don't know about that, but it's certainly selling.

  4. Keeping the phone plugged in next to your pillow, so you have power through the night and a charge in the morning, seems like a good idea, until you see things like this. Now I leave it over on the table.


    Too many kids on their phones late into the night. It's why they can't get up for class in the morning. They've been pushed into it as they get yapped at by their parents for being on the phones all day. So they refrain, then do all their catching up once the parents have gone to bed.

  5. 12 minutes ago, connda said:

    The villages in our tambon range from 30% registered to 4% registered. 
    Whatever pro-vaccine propaganda they're attempting to use on the rural folk, I can assure you, it isn't working.  Or my source is off - but I doubt it.  Some of the elderly may have received it but it's not generally available nor particularly wanted by the locals. 

    Health officals were out in our moo ban last month, trying to get the old folks to register. Upon hearing Sinovac, nobody wanted it. The wife and I went to the nearest big hospital and were told AZ was also available. So we registered, and that was two weeks ago.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    yourube/facebunk many anoying farangs running around pattaya in recent weeks trying to fund their stay with video blogs

    I make YouTubes for fun, some video lessons for my classes, or stuff to show the fam back home. My wife is amazed by all the professional YouTubers and says that's what I ought to be doing. I go haha, no, that market is already saturated, and I couldn't possibly compete with their general level of idiocy.

    • Haha 2
  7. I've been repeatedly told I'm losing, or that this isn't what I should be doing. Yet I know 65k is damn good for Issan.


    It's what my former coworkers are still making back in BKK private schools, which they continue to bust their asses for, with silly curriculum to follow, piles of paperwork to do, completely meaningless as they're all rich kids to be appeased with high scores regardless. Not only that, they've readily admitted to me that half their salary each month must go to their significant others, and their hi-so BKK tastes. Haha. Then with the rest of their BKK living expenses, they're left with nothing.


    I'm doing much better than that with my wife out here in Issan. The same salary, yet with no such hassles, paperwork, expenses. Compartively speaking, I feel I'm winning by a mile. Sure, I haven't escaped the ESL doldrums by becoming some entreprenueur. Not everyone can. Cheers to those of you who have.


    Yet this certainly's not my endgame. A few more years of this and we'll be returning to the States. I've still got a home to return to, promising K-12 ESL with increasing immigration, as well as community college with my MA. Then my wife's also got a great work ethic, and wishes to further her background in hospitality.

  8. Still online learning out here at my humble Issan govt school. Though I'm lucky if I get half my students to show up to our scheduled classes. We're doing Line Groups, Google Forms, sending voice or video clips, sometimes they just write in their notebooks and post a photo. The majority's indifference was inevitable, yet it still puts a tear in the eye to see a few still diligently working, despite the circumstances.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Salerno said:

    So are rumours of you having a sense of humour.

    Tell me about it man. This lockdown boredom has finally made me succumb to Reddit, despite having been warned about them. I joined Thailand and teaching groups, thought I made some informative posts. Soon they were downvoted and trashed. Ah, the internet. Always been like this, perhaps moreso due to Covid.

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