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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. Tried called 1240 twice, on hold over 20 minutes each time. Finally got through, and they only said they'd call back "as soon as possible". Two days later they tried to call me twice, but I was busy. They finally got in touch, just to confirm my email and send me one, with a QR code to add them as Line friends. Now waiting for the Line call.


    Sounds like a Monty Python skit. I'd like to ditch them too, though unfortunately there are a few benefits. My cell phone is through True, and when paying by True Money you get better deals, like around 300 baht a month for unlimited Internet. Advertised as 4mbps, but I get around 20mbps even out in my moo ban. I turn on my hotspot and use it as my primary Internet.


    There's also not much choice if you want to stream Premier League football. I prefer having the stable, legit service versus all the pirate ones out there, for which I get discounts using their silly True Points, which I actually can't stand haha. And there's absolutely no choice if you want the football commentary in Thai, which I need for the wife. Oooh-hooo!

  2. 13 hours ago, pedro01 said:

    Are you saying that the smart hookers were all studying in their spare time? 


    That those playing on their phones weren't the clever ones?

    Yes. There's an education to be found in that environment if they try. It requires a good, positive attitude, which most people learn rewards them with advancement, while the opposite does not. Same as in any job. Being open and polite with people, engaging in conversation, finding doors to be open.


    With this their skills can develop, people skills, English skills. It doesn't always happen in a classroom, or by opening books. Not just in the sex industry, but with any kind of service, leading to the tips that restaurant and hotel workers receive, the return clients I landed when I was in sales way back when, and the regulars with the online teaching I do now. Then with some of these customers a relationship may develop, personal or professional, allowing them to leave those jobs or move up to better ones. It's why the best jobs to be landed aren't to be found in the listings, but by networking.


    In the same vein, down the road from my Issan village are some large houses built by farangs, for Thai ladies with whom they had forged relationships. And contrary to popular belief, they don't always take the money and run. Most of those couples are still together, my wife tells me. I don't think they all were sex workers, but at one time had been involved in some work in BKK or Patts, leading them to cross paths with some farang, and due to their positive, friendly, proactive demeanors, had been rewarded.


    Or on the other hand, as stated, they could've spent most of their time on that barstool, buried in that phone, not being proactive, positive, nor outgoing, acting like princesses, seeking only to do the deed and get paid, then quickly blowing it on booze, drugs, gambling, tattoos, living in the moment. My wife and I know one such young lady, who I can't believe still has such terrible English after her years of work, while others who built a relationship with a foreigner BF fared much better. She scowls and looks <deleted> at the world whenever we see her passing through the moo ban, yet only has herself to blame.

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/13/2021 at 7:33 AM, smedly said:

    Thailand didn't need Subs - but it created a budget

    Thailand doesn't need a space program - but it creates a budget


    The corruption is fed through budgets 

    Every govt school I've worked at has had a large campus with some facilities scattered off to its outskirts, left abandoned. Each represents some past project for which there was a budget, some big plans, some special activities for the kids to do. There was construction, an opening ceremony, the requisite photos for all to see. Then nothing. The building served its purpose. Someone's brothers and cousins got contracts, and there was plenty of graft at every possible turn. Heh.


    Anyway, another Thai space program thread, two pages, and no one's yet posted the spinning fireworks videos??? I'm disappointed. ????????

  4. Native English speaker? Like to talk? Friendly, polite? Teach English online.


    No special training required. Mostly just conversational practice. Lots of Japanese, Koreans, Brazilians, Arabs who need help with grammar and pronounciation, and don't have anyone to do this with where they live. Meet nice and interesting people, kill time, and make extra money.


    Though whenever I've thrown this out, the lovely TVF in all its glory typically retorts with, "you got a work permit for that?", "oh, so you came here without enough money to live?", "you mean I can't just enjoy my retirement?" ????

  5. 2 hours ago, recom273 said:

    the Chinese want their kids to succeed, they invest in their kids future so that it will return in their old age, some aren’t just going to roll

    I'm sure the kids will eventually be back in some manner. I mostly teach adults, and also believe there's a lot of growth to be seen in this area, from other Asian countries, the Middle East, and Brazil.


    The time zones are quite strategic. We're nearly the same as Korea and Japan, from where the older, professional ladies are quite lovely. ❤ Last night I had a great Saudi Arabian, late in the evening for me, but for him he was leaving work and on his way to dinner. Early this morning I had a bunch of Brazilians, as it's late in the evening for them. Things seem to be picking up. Many said they were new students, and in the 2 hours I booked I got 3 x 30 minute sessions, 75% productivity, which is what it's about normally.

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

    Is this good for us

    Don't worry, the $5 mil is a solid investment.


    You see, America's got this big automotive company here... Wait, no we don't anymore.

    But, the Thai govt cares so much about the American expats... Wait, not really.

    Well, we need Asian allies seeing as how China wants to take over... Except the Thais are in bed with them.


    I dunno man.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, grain said:

    do not donate cash to these organizations, give food, clothing, toys and such things that will go to the kids

    I do that here at home with the fam. Physical, useful items for the house and farm, water and electric bills, never straight cash.


    Who knows where the cash will go. Booze, gambling, debts. Perhaps other folks with their hands out. Sorry, can't take care of the whole village.


    The wife I trust quite a bit, a 1000 baht goes to meat, gas, natural gas, hair and nails, which I can account for. But it's further out in the fam that I wouldn't.

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/12/2021 at 7:52 AM, IvorBiggun2 said:

    The IO threw my books onto the officers desk next to his and accused my wife of trying to make him look foolish and walked out.

    At least your wife tried to help.


    I once saw this older gentleman at the bank. He was trying to get himself across to the teller with limited English. He had large amounts in this acct and that, trying to move them around to meet the imm requirements. The teller wasn't getting it.


    The guy then turns to his young companion sitting near me in the waiting area, playing on her phone. Please, can you help me? She sighs and rolls her eyes. She could care less about his retirement visa, or how he moves the money, as long as she gets some.

    • Haha 2
  9. 19 hours ago, smedly said:

    what is the point of these declarations if they don't investigate where the money came from

    They're purely symbolic, like many things in Thailand. Like the Big Cleaning Days where everyone picks up dustpans for some photos, then drops them to go home. Like the mountains of paperwork we do for immigration that eventually get recycled, never looked at again. Like the reports I do every day for my online classes as a teacher, in which five students show up, if I'm lucky. Nothing's done about it, but look, we did the report.

    • Like 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, blackcab said:

    Tell the agent you want that in writing from the owner, with a signed copy of their ID card/passport and a copy of the chanote as well.

    Immigration demanded all this from us, house book and chanote, just for our change of address. We also had to redo the contract three times, because they didn't like this or that in whichever place. We were real lucky both the owner and condo juristic person were very cooperative. Be sure yours are.


    But when I moved out here to Issan, just copies of my father-in-law's ID card and house book, and we were done.


    Only time I'll be staying in or around BKK ever again is at a hotel, on a holiday.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    A few years ago I bought Madam a new sewing machine at our local Robinsons.


    The sales lady was an obvious ladyboy (truly a bloke in a skirt and blouse). She was a superb sales person, knew everything about the various machines on offer, demonstrated well, she just didn't really present well as female. To be honest, it made not one jot of difference, we bought a machine, Madam was happy.


    I've seen some stunners at Watsons, the Nivea reps. Those tight blue and white dresses. The long legs and heels. All but few would have to be blind to say that isn't attractive.


    Indeed, The Thai ladies love them. They're an honorable part of the sisterhood. Khun pi, khun pi... At this Chatuchak handbag shop, there was one who was absolutely glowing with her face and smile, who had caught us looking, and drew my wife in. She was however up there in years, no longer "passable", yet still quite lovely.


    She then began talking to us in near perfect English, asking us about our life together, me about my background, and how I've been doing in Thailand. Ah, the stories she could tell about her experience in a previous life, having developed such English.

    • Like 2
  12. Still up compared to last month.


    I do monthly transfers for my online teaching. Last month I got 19k baht. This month only 15k baht, but for a lot less teaching.


    The Chinese govt is cracking down on the foreign teaching platforms, and so all those teachers are now flooding into mine, leaving me with less students. I thought my take would be about sliced in half, but with the dollar up against the baht, it wasn't so bad.

    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, pickledpapaya said:

    they did not answer the question directly, but instead sent several documents regarding the test in February 2021.

    Hmm. 6 months, if they'll again have it in '22. Who knows if they'll be able to get hundreds of teachers to show up and take the exam, with the way Covid's going. Sounds like they're doubtful.


    The DLT (driver's license office) was starting to reopen back in June, but now with these rising cases, they're closing again.

  14. On 8/10/2021 at 4:44 PM, MrJ2U said:

    Thats a positive spin.


    I think maybe 20 people out of 800 that currently work in our town.

    All teachers, sitting around laughing and drinking.

    Everything but teaching.

    Yes, it's a shame. Definitely not good optics in these times. There's been talk in my village about it, pretty much split. Some happy to see me still working and providing for my fam. Others who are like, why's he still working, and I'm not?


    I do wish some of the teachers didn't flaunt it so much. Clocking in then taking off, spending the afternoons at restaurants and coffee shops, for the town to see. Yet in my office, we've been hustling. Trying to get the students to do the work, attend video call meetings. Most are lazy and fallen behind with silly excuses, had to help the parents, bad Internet. Yet some of my colleagues have called them out, noting their Facebook activity. Haha. For the ones truly way out in the sticks with no Internet, my boss has printed of packets of worksheets and driven out there. There's still a few good ones amongst us.


    I just paid for our motorbike the other day, financed direct with a small chain of dealers here in Issan. Thankfully it's almost done. My wife's got them on Line and sends the lady the transfer receipt. She's been replying very quickly with a kapum na ka. Why so quick, my wife asked? Because we're one of the few who's still paying, she replies.

    • Like 2

    On 6/15/2021 at 12:04 PM, LAtoBangkok said:

    My 2018 Filano Hybrid ABS Start/stop gets great gas mileage - about 230km per tank. It has great acceleration from stoplight, especially for a full automative. I'm often out ahead of anything same size. I cruise on highway comfortably 85-90 Kmh to Kao Yai, Hua Hin. I absolutely LOVE this bike. With the auto stop/start, I save a lot of gas. But the balance, storage, comfort of the bike is perfect!

    My wife and I have made this trip 4 times now. Twice in this direction, twice further out East, on our Grand Filano Hybrid. Indeed, mileage is as you say, even carrying two and a trunk stuffed with cargo. We stopped several times as our rear ends could only take so much, but only once halfway for gas.


    • Like 1
  16. 16 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    It always confuses me when Thai women who are absolutely obsessed with material wealth complain about men treating them badly.

    Not much different in the States. After failed marriages or relationships, I often hear from the ladies, but he was successful, had a great job, great body, worked out, was Mr. Charisma, blah blah. Unforunately all those things seem to take precedence over, is he actually a good guy? A gentleman? Isn't full of himself? Actually cares about you? I watched such a situation unfold with my neighbors, leaving behind a daughter, and yet another single mom.


    Scumbag for sure, but as one of my uni profs said, a woman warning the girls, it takes two to tango.

  17. Since no one's come forth, here's what I know about the exam. I didn't have to take it, as it's not offered every year. I just had to fill out the app for the license, requiring signatures and ID card copies from your school officials as references. Also, your work permit from that school with a full 365 days is quite important.


    A Filipino colleague of mine was even luckier. He applied for the license using the 365 days he did at a previous school. It was far away and had been awhile, and he'd lost touch with those officials. So, he just sent in the app with his work permit copy, and said well, let's see what happens. He got back his license, not needing any signatures or references. Amazing Thailand.


    So, the exam. This is what I heard from some years back. It was quite terrible, haha. For foreigners, the English is terribly bad. For Thais, even the Thai's not much better. Many of the questions don't make any sense. You'll get some multiple choice, and think that none of them could be correct. So you've just gotta pick one at random. Hah. Thus, the failure rate was over 50%. Many teachers complained and filed appeals, and some more were given the license. And thus the exam gets scrapped for the next year.


    Again, this was years back, and it may have improved since. I'd too like to know what's on this exam, and how it is now.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 19 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Some online schools have sent out emails to their teachers telling them this is the end.

    Sucks. Def not good news for me. Those teachers are all flooding into my non-Chinese platform now. Just sat here the past hour I booked, which I used to get filled, for only one 15 minute student.

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