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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. That's why the banks are tossing out car loans, trying to pump up those numbers, THOSE ARE ROOKIE NUMBERS!


    Despite being out in the Issan sticks, my school parking lot now has a ton of red plates. I'm seeing red plates on the road whereever I drive. I think they even ran out of red plates, because now I'm seeing new cars without them. Then me and my wife just got ours a few months ago, easily qualifying for the loan.

  2. On 7/8/2021 at 9:56 PM, herfiehandbag said:

    We use the "Line" app, and I tend to find I am deluged with stickers of teddy bears and sassy bunny rabbits

    We're also using Line. I've got my classes each in separate groups, and we do our discussions and sassy stickers in there, sometimes sending voice or video clips back and forth. Surprised how well it's working out, for those that are participating, that is. Nearly 90% in M1, then it drops off as you go up, to hardly anyone on M6, because they're ready to go to university, or just quit school and life the Issan life.


    Sometimes they write in their notebooks and take a pic, if drawings or tables are necessary. But for just short answers, have you tried Google Forms? It's quite convenient. Grab some visual aids and drag em in. Make your own textbook essentially. Then you get this nice spreadsheet with all their responses.


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  3. 9 hours ago, MayBeNow said:

    Its rather sad these kids have so little self discipline and that their parents dont force them to learn. Not surprising in any way though.

    Thai style, man. The ol' Buddhist go with the flow, arai kor dai (whatever goes, up to you, roughly), sabai sabai (be comfortable).


    It's why the five teenage boys down the soi in our moo ban just lay around all day, playing games. Someone keeps feeding them and paying those phone bills, not requiring anything of them. It's why this restaurant I go to in the town, has a young daughter of the owner who's allowed to yell, scream, throw toys around, while the rest of us try to eat. It's why students rarely show up or do their work, with no discipline or consequences.


    It's a dilemma. It's one of the main things that makes Thailand, Thailand. Their usual pleasantness, easygoingness, etc. Many of us farangs shake our fists at such things and wish they'd change. But change too much, and they wouldn't be Thailand anymore. On the other hand, some changes must eventually be made, if they're to solve the many problems they have, both internally, and dealing with the rest of the world.

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  4. On 5/16/2021 at 8:29 AM, Jeffro008 said:

    If a Work Permit and NON-B visa are canceled by the company will I automaticly get a covid extension stamp or will i have to apply for it at a different counter in immigration ? 

    Any advise please ?

    I quit my last job a few months back. There's nothing automatic about it. First, your old job has to give you a paper from the labor office showing your last day of work. They should've taken your work permit and canceled it to get this.


    You get the paper either with this logo at the top, or a stamped signature at the bottom, your last day of work (which should be the day you get the paper), your name, and the words ออกจากงาน somewhere (out from work). You must go to immigration with this on the same day.


    Normally, you have to leave the country on this same day, or get a 7 day extension. But now you can get the 60 day Covid extension. Ask for this, fill out the paperwork, pay the 1900 baht.


    You may first get a 7 day "under consideration", and then have to go back for the remaining 53 days, like I did. What a hassle. Thank God I'm now in Issan, where getting my new Non-B was a breeze.


  5. On 7/7/2021 at 7:47 AM, nikmar said:

    only 7 out of 35 students in his class log in for the classes

    We're also teaching online at my school, that's been about my turn out as well. Sometimes only one student shows up. Sometimes a bunch of them decide to wake up and say "Hello teacher!", but then just ignore the assignment.

  6. On 7/7/2021 at 6:16 PM, connda said:

    Know your place serf! <whack whack whack!>

    My God, those dramas. I don't know what they see in them. The poor servants get out of line, time to tie them to a pole and whack 'em for a good five minutes, as the nobility gleefully looks on, and the dramatic music plays. Guess some really want to go back to those good ol' days.

  7. Yes. I'm a teacher and just went from Covid extension to a Non-B at my new school.


    Yes, new teachers when entering the country typically go from tourist/visa exempt to Non-B when they find a job, without having to leave the country.


    Yes, there's still a great need for teachers, as foreigners still cannot easily enter. In the words of Edward James Olmos from Miami Vice, "Reach for the power. Teach."


    You can find 40k if you look in the right places. I'd teach out in the country, as they have the greatest need, will appreciate you more, and you'll get the least hassle re visa and work permit. I wouldn't teach in or around BKK as you'll encounter the opposite.


    Don't get hired through an agency. Ask your sig other/Thai friends if they know anyone who's a teacher or works at a school, to introduce you and get you in. This is the best way.


    Unfortunately, your timing's a bit off as my school and many others have just returned to online teaching, due to the rising Covid cases. They'll likely be less interested in hiring since they don't need you in front of a classroom. But give it a shot. Cheers.

    • Like 2
  8. Their low efficacy vaccines.

    Their new apartment complexes toppling over with no foundations.

    Their cement construction with trash stuffed inside.

    Their escalators which swallow people up.

    Their countless, horrific industrial accident videos.

    Their road accident videos in which people are flattened and everyone around could care less.

    Their crash test videos with cars crushed like tin cans.

    Their conquest of the South China Sea with man-made islands already sinking.

    Their top university with students and parents rioting outside about new testing regs, chanting "Let us cheat! We cannot pass if we don't cheat!"


    Many times I've been told "What are you teaching? We'll all be learning Mandarin soon". I'm not too worried.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, connda said:

    They'll lose credibility world-wide

    I do English tutoring for intl students online. I was talking to a real Japanese MD about the Thai university debacle, the worthlessness of their degrees, the minimum passing grades, the copy and pasted dissertations. Then I said "Well, at least their doctors are good, they've got some good hospitals no doubt". Then he said "That's because all their best doctors have studied abroad". ????????????

  10. On 5/25/2021 at 11:30 AM, moontang said:

    Few are completely legal on their first day, if not first semester.

    Indeed. My first few schools were like this. 3-4 months before I had everything. Then the last school I was at, as Covid was beginning to hit, it took about half the year. Admins have told me they've lost a lot of teachers like this. They hear about working without papers, and raids in the news, and then they bail.


    But this time, here at my new school. I got everything sorted in less than a month. I was amazed. Signed the contract. It got sent to the provincial office for approval. They sent it to the labor office to apply for the WP. They got an appt. When it came, we went to labor to pay 3000 for the WP. Right after, we went to immigration. He quickly flipped through the stack without any hassle. He even did my 90 day without asking. Paid the 1900 for the Non-B. Sometimes amazing things happen in Amazing Thailand.


    What happened? The staff at this school was a lot more diligent. Perhaps the offices involved are now more motivated due to no incoming farangs, and the resulting teacher shortage. But I think most of all, it's because this is Issan. In and around BKK I've found is where you'll get the hassle. I'd never work there again.

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  11. 21 hours ago, Dart12 said:

    Honest question:  What's the benefit of getting marriied at this juncture?

    1) Non-O visa, along with 40k income, or 400k in the bank.

    2) If your visa's running out and you need a quick extension, an extra 60 day "visit the wife" is possible. But not necessary at the moment with the Covid extensions.

    3) Showing the love of your life you're committed. Be sure she's the one. I'm fairly sure of this.

    4) As long as you keep your wits about you, and keep thinking with the big head, Thailand's a good place to score a wife. Of course there's crazies and good diggers out there, as there are anywhere, but also some warm, caring, committed women, if you do the right looking. Back in the West, good luck just getting dates, let alone marriage material, with my friends still trudging along through the dating scene, even with their better looks and careers than I.

    5) When you're ready to bring your lady home, you'll need that marriage cert. For the US for example, spousal visas are more likely to be approved. If you just want to bring back your girlfriend, unless she's loaded with a cushy job, her tourist visa will most likely be denied.

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