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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. 4 hours ago, saengd said:

    "Vehicles involved in most accidents were motorcycles (80.08 per cent).”


    That says it all for me.

    Me too! I have been hit 4 times walking on the footpath in Bangkok by these filthy me first scum sucking morons and they aren't foreigners riding the motorbikes. So you know exactly who I'm talking without saying it!!!

  2. 19 hours ago, thequietman said:

    They do embrace Xmas from the presents point of view. They get an unexpected gift, but also expect another at New Years. ????


    Wife know's it's an important day for me, so she cooks a chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, stuffing and the spuds and we celebrate it with the step-son. Morning time 2morrow, will go have 2 beers with the local friend as is the Xmas thing and then come back home to the dinner.

    Gifts are exchanged and I always provide the better ones cause I am more cashed up. Overall .......... a great day.


    Wishing you a great 1st Xmas.   ???? 

    I forget, do the Thai's know about the Easter Bunny and the children receiving gifts and candy?

  3. On 12/23/2019 at 4:46 PM, kenk24 said:

    I tried that. I made love to the noodle soup lady... the lady at the local conveince store, the pharmacy.. etc etc. It worked for a while then I got tired.. 

    I too love to "sniff" all the pretty flowers in the garden ????

  4. On 12/18/2019 at 2:59 PM, RichardColeman said:

    maybe I as a 55 year old UK national should become an English teacher - though I think I would be hard put to understand the Nigerian/Russian dialect of the Thai school children

    I as an American feel the same way. I honestly don't understand why the government wants to hire people to teach children to speak broken English what's no more understanding of the language than a parrot. As the saying goes "stupid is as stupid does"...

  5. On 12/18/2019 at 12:02 PM, trainman34014 said:

    They don't really know what happened as nobody other than those that died were in the car.  However; as always Thai's are ready to blame anything other than their own failings for anything that goes wrong !

    Yes exactly!!! Like the idiot yesterday on his motorbike driving on the footpath that broke his mirror when he ran into me. If only there was someone to take a picture of me laughing and pointing at him because he was very angry ????????????

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