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Posts posted by BobinBKK

  1. On 12/17/2019 at 10:16 AM, Ron jeremy said:

    Hahaha, what a laugh, the Indians are truly moving in!!!!

    theyl be taking over soon. 2-3-4-5 guys splitting bar fines, sharing drinks, curry stalls out front. Pattaya- little calcutta????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Charter flights, walking 6- abreast down the streets. They can't fill the bars now, another 39 bars- gogos. Pattaya is turning into a circus.

    I think this stinks... Literally!!!

  2. This is the main reason why Thailand has been buying new tanks and troop transport vehicles. Thailand isn't at war and there's mostly peace in the region. The only enemy the government has is it's own people. Don't think for one minute that the government isn't willing to send in the army to squash any hopes and dreams you have about a real democracy!!! Stand down Eat, Shop and Spend!!! ????

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  3. On 12/10/2019 at 3:13 PM, from the home of CC said:

    To me, I read it as he was feeling disrespected as an American citizen through the actions of the embassy official making a decision concerning his wife, and I totally get it. 

    Maybe she was pregnant and they didn't want her spitting out another anchor baby that American tax payers get stuck paying for.

  4. So much for their beefed up security patrols, right? Perhaps the security patrols feel out numbered and stay away from certain areas? I travel down to Pattaya from Bangkok often but you need to be smart about where you choose to drink and never get drunk in that town. Stay out of the clubs and have a few beers at a small bar with very few people that doesn't need security staff and always pay for each drink individually to avoid bill padding.

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  5. On 12/6/2019 at 12:59 PM, Matzzon said:

    Whatever, in both cases people are behaving in a bad way. In that case it´s just more proper with two foreigners fighting on the street in a foreign country in the news, than it is with locals fighting with eachother.


    The only thing you are trying to do here, is making Thais more bad than foreigners. The same old story tried by many posters here. 

    Well if the shoe fits!

  6. Typically people that overstay are still spending foreign dollars into your weak and failing economy. It's not as if foreigners are receiving any type of public aid or welfare services that you people receive when you come to Western countries begging for asylum. I'm happy that you make this such a big public deal to advertise outside of your country just how ungrateful you really are. If you don't think foreigners see you in this light you are sadly mistaken. Lawlessness and being ungrateful are such fine qualities aren't they? Bite the hand that feeds and go hungry!!!

    20 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    What is the stupid and morbid concentration on how they describe things? What is relevant in that?

    What is relevant here is that another overstayer bites the dust, and will be according to the law deported and blacklisted for his arrogance and refusal to live by the rules.

    Nobody have asked anybody to spy! Where are you getting that from. People are just asked to report what they know and suspicious circumstances. Same like in any country regarding any kind of criminal offense. But, of course, it sounds much better to explain it like you just did, because then you can put the blame on the Thais instead of the people that is commiting the offense.

    "Arrogance and refusal to live by the rules" sounds same same "When in Rome do as the Romans do". BRILLIANT!!!

  7. 18 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    What is the stupid and morbid concentration on how they describe things? What is relevant in that?

    What is relevant here is that another overstayer bites the dust, and will be according to the law deported and blacklisted for his arrogance and refusal to live by the rules.

    Nobody have asked anybody to spy! Where are you getting that from. People are just asked to report what they know and suspicious circumstances. Same like in any country regarding any kind of criminal offense. But, of course, it sounds much better to explain it like you just did, because then you can put the blame on the Thais instead of the people that is commiting the offense.

    "Arrogance and refusal to live by the rules" sounds same same "When in Rome do as the Romans do". BRILLIANT!!!

  8. On 12/9/2019 at 7:42 PM, Puchaiyank said:

    Assaults happen all over Thailand everyday...if these were not foreigners...particularly Americans...they would largely be ignored by police and press...

    This is very true. Case in point, a friend of mine who is in the Thai military left her husband who is also in the Thai military because he beat her. They have a child together that he continues to beat leaving visible bruises on her body and face. Nothing is ever done about it. The police refuse to help the woman saying it's a military problem and the military only makes a report. Yet the child abuse continues on a regular basis. There's nothing more cowardly than beating a little girl.

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  9. All foreigners will be inspected, camera phones and video equipment will be searched upon leaving the country. Any negative images found (photos and/or video) of crimes committed against foreigners or solicitation of prostitution (including but not limited to pornographic photos and/or video taken in hotel rooms that end up on pornographic websites) that can potentially be uploaded social media will bring charges of defamation of character. The equipment will be confiscated, the foreigner will be prosecuted, fined, deported and banned from re-entry for life. All fault of wrong doing is on the foreigner. If the foreigner wasn't here, none of this would happen. If the foreigner would just stay home and kindly wire transfer their money to us we won't look so bad.

  10. All foreigners will be inspected, camera phones and video equipment will be searched upon leaving the country. Any negative images found (photos and/or video) of crimes committed against foreigners or solicitation of prostitution (including but not limited to pornographic videos taken in hotel rooms that end up on pornographic websites) that can potentially be uploaded social media will bring charges of defamation of character. The equipment will be confiscated, the foreigner will be prosecuted, fined, deported and banned from re-entry for life.

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  11. Too many times I have seen reported in various news outlets and on YouTube attacks on foreigners. They latest being mob violence against an American citizen with him being chased and struck several times. The police issue tickets of 500 baht and call it a misunderstanding. Since when is mob violence a misunderstanding? Yet I read today everyone is all up in arms over an American calling Thai people gooks, but Thais refer to white people as farang and have another word equally offensive that they call Indians and Arabs. I think foreigners of all nationalities are pretty sick and tired of the way they are treated not only the incidents I mentioned, but everything on the whole. Dual pricing, scams, signs reading "Thai's only". When it finally made international news that the Thai army was brought in to try to explain and teach  taxi drivers, tuk tuk drivers, and motorcycle drivers how to behave you have already lost a battle you will never recover from. God bless and thank you to the members of the Thai army that tried their best to help. I have many wonderful Thai friends here and they all agree that a lone few have painted a very dark picture of Thailand and no-one has stepped forward to protect those of us that are guests in this country. Even if you stop this one-sided attitude towards foreigners you probably will never fully recover from the damage you have caused.

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