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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. In my opinion, actors should do what needs to be done to be an actor. If flying is necessary for that work, then so it shall be. You want them to go by ship? Train? Sail boat?


    As an aside but related to Ricky Gervaise's comments:

    Whilst appreciating that everyone has an opinion, I really don't think I want to hear it from actors, music stars and the like.

    As an example, a well known British actor was photographed campaigning for the Labour Party prior to the December General Election, where they got trounced. He has yet to live it down, as he has yet to live down his sexual indiscretions.

    if you raise your head above the parapet, the public will shoot it off.

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  2. Pyrolysis is a way of disposal of plastic. It can be an expensive method, but has benefit of producing fuels. Composting of organic matter is important, as landfill can produce methane, a greenhouse gas and a constituent of cooking gas.

    Old cooking oils can be used and turned into biodiesel. Bio char is another use of organic matter.

    Incomplete combustion causes most smoke and polution, this is due to lack of air to the fire. A proper burn bin, with a blower connected will eradicate that. 

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  3. The original poster seems to fail to take into account, that in the US, the sticker price is rarely the price paid. So, in this case, a service charge can be considered as similar.

    In countries where tips are required to ensure staff are paid the minimum wage, the regulation enforcing such minimum wage is lacking. I'm sure the country's revenue service looks at this closely.

    Displayed prices of meals should include all overheads, so that a diner can decide whether the service delivered deserves rewarding with a tip. A tip should not be mandatory, nor a service charge levied.

    Just put the damn prices displayed, at the level where all costs are covered.



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  4. The big stores and franchises have 'banned' single use plastic bags at The checkout.

    The guy that gets his pork from the market is unaffected, as are we who buy wet fish or meat from the big stores, Even the big stores realise they have to continue to put such items in a plastic bag.

    For goodness sake. A little common sense in reporting, rather than asking idiots.

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  5. As I said previously, I cannot speak as to the regulations with regards to service weapons in Thailand. I can only say that the father is reported to be an officer, and in my day, an officer carried a sidearm. Whether a revolver or pistol, depending on era. Most officers I knew would rather not carry a rifle, as it detracted from the ability to see the bigger picture of a battle under pressure to use it. Most officers I knew we're rubbish shots anyway and the guys would definitely want to be behind them. 

    However, my opinion stands, and is just another arrogant opinion. The father allowed the weapon, loaded or not at the time, to be found by the child, taken to school and discharged, injuring another child. The father, serving officer or not, must be remain culpable. 


  6. Goodness me. Spelling used in American English and British English has always been different in certain cases. British English spelling changes too, spelling for olde and shoppe, has changed to old and shop respectively as an example.

    The words used as names for similar objects in both versions of English can also differ.

    Understand also that languages evolve, they never remain unchanged. Thee and thou are considered obsolete now, as is the letter thorn.

    This is the wonderful thing about the language, the ability to continuously change.


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  7. To steal infers taking without permission with the intention of permanently depriving the owner thereof. I suggest the headline is a little fanciful. I think that, had things not gone pearshaped, the weapon would have been returned to its rightful place before the father got back home.

    Ah, to be critical and comparative is easy. There several places in the world where the right to keep loaded weapons at home could be considered to be enshrined in law. There are other places were certain weapons are banned. I don't know the regulations regarding service personnel and weapons in Thailand.

    However, In other posts earlier this week, a minister stated that a parent who permitted their child to drive, murdered that child if it died whilst doing so. Perhaps in this case, it is the parents who are culpable.

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  8. Use what you are good at and what you have lots of.

    Sun, rain, plastic rubbish, food waste, crop detritus. Sun for solar power, rain for water conservation, food waste for gas generation and fertiliser, plastic waste for oils, crop detritus formats generation and bio char, bio fuels, etc. 

    There is so much cow manure produced in and around the village here, we could probably produce enough gas for the village. Rice husks made good composting materials, as does rice straw. 

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