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  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  2. Can a patient take a prescription from an MD at a private hospital to an outside pharmacy?
  3. Reign of terror?
  4. Good one, worthy of Pee Wee Herman.
  5. Why are you so interested in Trump? You post a lot about him, but I seem to remember you are not even an American. Why all the interest? I'm not trying to mess with you I'm just curious.
  6. Good points all. The one that gets to me is when they say they are gonna work for "hard-working families". What about lazy people? I happen to like lazy people, they usually don't do much harm.
  7. OK, I understand, you meant to say: "Harris would have become President, she would still have messed things up, she would have been a totally unqualified DEI hire! " Still she had a pretty good track record in multiple elected positions, and especially in California where politics is a full contact sport.
  8. "totally unqualified DEI hire" Every job she had for 20 years was an elected position. From local prosecutor to AG and Senator of California the most populous state in the union. So with the exception of being selected to be VP she wasn't a DEI hire.
  9. Jane Goodall was asked what her favorite animal was, expectation was that it would be chimps. She said "No, chimps are too much like humans, I like dogs." She knows a lot about chimps.
  10. " Here's a pro tip for you, using big words randomly doesn't make your screeching intelligent" So are you saying you now "eschew" using big words randomly? Big change from a few days ago when you said "Nice brainwashed eschew". You were using "eschew" randomly and incorrectly, must have turned up in the word of the day calendar.
  11. Very true. And comparisons of the genome of humans and apes bears the conclusion out with a large percentage of shared DNA.
  12. "Guy puts on a Leather Jockstrap and SS Officers cap and parades around screaming that he is coming for your children " I hate it when that happens.
  13. Clearly you do since you responded to my post.
  14. Nothing to look up, just point to the avatar.

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