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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 37 minutes ago, olfu said:

    Did I missing something?

    I cant find any restrictions on entering Vietnam except visa exempt entry.

    All visas for US citizens are available.

    I believe that still needs to be arranged by a 3rd party, with the goal being to forcing to you sign up for a package tour and stay in an expensive resort for several days.  No way around that as far as I know.

  2. 13 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There are some conditions. If you are young and healthy and have no symptoms then you can stay at home.


    For other conditions I recommend follow Richard Barrow on Twitter. He just published all the conditions.

    He is a great source because he makes sure he only publishes facts and he does it faster than anybody else.

    Not if you test postive as a tourist on arrival.  They are still trying to send those people to hospitels (not to be confused with hospitals) as far as I know. 

    • Sad 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, balo said:

    If you eat an oatmeal every morning you can live on that until dinner time. Eat some fruit in between.  I also mix in natural yoghurt and blueberries. And eat some nuts. 

    I am 57 and weigh 89 kilo / height 191 cm. 

    I have no interest in body building, I just want to stay slim and do some daily exercises like walking 10k or lift some weights.  


    When you get older you need more protein because your body is not as good at processing it.  I think that is partly why you see so many older guys looking all shriveled up.  Yogurt and nuts are not going to cut it imo.  You need some meat in there as well, or protein powder, or both.  At least 1g of protein per kg weight per day. If working out regularly then maybe 1.5.  You also need to spread that out throughout the day.  You can't just inhale half a chicken in one meal and expect your body to be able to process all of it the way it might have been able to do when you were younger.


    A chicken breast has about 30-50g of protein btw.  A little 7/11 container of yogurt (170ml) might have about 17g.  10 almonds have maybe 2.5g. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, farangnomore said:

    Both Panama and Colombia have been heavens for retirees for years.  Gringos in these two countries get far better treatment than farangs in Thailand ever will.

    Panama and Colombia have their own problems.  I don't think either is cheaper than Thailand.  Panama beauracracy can be a problem dealing with. They are always changing their rules.  Also, everyone will try charge you gringo prices.  Especially in Panama.   More so than what Thailand does.  Lots of petty crime too.  

  5. 14 hours ago, Credo said:

    I don't know that 'opening up' is the solution.  There are a lot of factors at play.  Are you going to let people who are positive just move around the country without quarantining them?   Do you think the local people and workers in the hotels, bars and restaurants are going to be willing to deal with sick people without mitigating policies in place?   

    Yes.  We don't quarantine people when they get the flu and omicron should be treated no differently.  At a minimum, they should follow what other countries are doing and reduce the quarantine down from whatever it is now to 5 days.


    People who work for SHA+ hotels and restaurants are all vaccinated, so they can be exposed without much danger.  That was the whole point of SHA+.


    You seem to be as confused about the whole point of vaccination as a lot of other people.  It always was and always will be primarily to prevent hospitalization.  Trying to prevent catching it, maybe getting the sniffles, and spreading it always was and always will be secondary.  They were hopeful vaccines would also do that but it's just not the case with omicron.

  6. 19 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

    They were proven to slow the spread down.  

    Show me this proof.  For every one country, or province, or state, that did it and thinks it slowed the spread, I will show you two countries, or provinces or states in the same country, that didn't do anything and it still slowed.  Those are just the outbreaks coming in waves.  Not the restrictions.

    • Like 2
  7. 56 minutes ago, WEBBYB808 said:

    They were proven to slow the spread down.  

    They did not slow anything.  Just delayed it a little bit.  With omicron they don't even delay it.  Unless people all just stop breathing, everyone will be exposed no matter what they do.  Getting vaccinated and/or catching omicron are the only solutions.   Not endlessly restricting people from trying to live their lives.

    • Like 1
  8. Why are people still under some illusion that lockdowns will stop or even slow down the spread with omicron? Lots of examples of countries that have heavy restrictions getting hit just as hard as countries without.  I don't think it matters one bit with omicron.  As long as you are breathing you will be exposed, doesn't matter what precautions are taken.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    Forget about cases of Omicron running into tens of thousands in Thailand expect to see numbers in the hundreds of thousands. If the gurus are right the higher the number and the quicker the spread the better, should help to see things turn back to normal. The Thai Govt like other govts all over the world will not be able to handle the testing, isolation, treatment etc. It will be up to the population to look after themselves and loved ones. 

    I suspect the real number is already tens of thousands.  Most people won't even know they have it.

  10. On 12/27/2021 at 11:53 PM, billsmart said:

    I got a booster on 24 Dec. I was told it was Pfizer, but when I got my electronic record updated, it was listed as "Comirnaty"! I searched for that on the Internet, and found that it was Pfizer. I've never heard of this before. ????

    That's the official name of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, so now you know.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    actual evidence. I could umm, polio shot as evidence that they do. The flu shot is a very different vaccine and we don't yet even have an omicron specific vaccine.

    So here is what I have learned from the plethora of virologists who apparently frequent this website.  Covid is not at all like influenza but definitely just like polio.  ????‍♂️


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