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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. The farmed salmon is just fine.  I get it at Big C extra at least once a week and have them to barbecue it for me.  If you can't trust that then you may as well not trust fish & chips or chicken or pork or anything else and just eat canned food.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    R-con Buakhao, 4000 b/month.
    Very good location, covered parking, large, somewhat old rooms, mini fridge, no kitchen.

    That must be the covid rate.  They used to charge around 15k for a standard room I think.  It should be pointed out that any additional charges really add up at that place.  Like their high electricity charge.  It will probably add at least another 4k to that for a month stay with minimal aircon use. 


    Based on the rates they were charging pre-covid and considering how old and worn and musty smelling the rooms are, there is better value to be found.   For 4k with minimal aircon use it's ok value though.

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    The idea that a foreigner could be responsible is outrageous.  The Scandinavians especially are famous for their tee total lifestyle and  fondness for tea drinking  cycling and meditation. Thailand would be a lot safer for foreigners if there were no go zones where Thais were not allowed unless they had a special pass to access and serve white people. Gambia and DR have such a system with resorts for tourists only except  service staff and prostitutes. Tourists fly in and get a special shuttle bus to the foreigners only resort and thus enjoy their holiday without the risk of  meeting locals.

    So like what the Chinese already do.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, bangon04 said:

    Whatever the true story.. this is another lovely little story which will add to the glorious image of Thailand in the nordic mindset....

    Oh puulease.  Thailand is way safer than most other countries.  If anything, the farangs cause more problems than the Thais.  Pattaya doesn't exactly attract the best farangs after all.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, Stargeezr said:

    The Swede did a foolish thing by being by himself so late at night.

      He may have thought himself as a tourist, but forgot that Thailand 

    is not the same as it was during his last visit.  I hope he got good information at the

    police station, about all the rules and restrictions in effect so he will behave himself for the rest of his 

    wonderful COVID vacation in Thailand.

    There is nothing foolish about being alone down there at 11pm, which is not even that late.  I guarantee you there was more to it than that.  The only problem I have ever had on beach road late at night (much latter than 11pm) are the ladyboys hanging around there trying to pick pocket people. 


    As long as you don't look like an easy mark staggering all over the place and you don't let them get close to you they won't try anything.  I've NEVER seen anyone have problems being jumped by Thai guys unless they provoked them in some way.

    • Like 2
  6. There are literally hundreds of different providers you can use to do this.  If you have a US mobile SIM card (you required to a US mobile phone number sign up), the easiest is to to sign up with Google Voice.  It's 100% free to make calls to North America, even if you are physically in Thailand.  No configuration required, just install the Google Voice app.


    Lots and lots of other providers if Google Voice doesn't work for you.  Another one I use is https://voip.ms/ There are plenty of others.   If they don't have an android app you can just install a generic one like zoiper or bria.



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  7. 12 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Because he set himself up as the anti-Stickman who was always rather po-faced about the bar scene.  Stickboy's posts were a lot more entertaining!  Hope he comes back and resumes posting.

    That's an understatement.  Stick really went off the deep end on the bar scene.  Claimed all the girls had HIV and all the farang that went to those places were STD riddled drunks and scumbags.  Talk about alienating your audience.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The innate immune response....    


    .... strange it doesn’t happen with other vaccines though - the Covid vaccine antigen are perhaps stronger.

    I got a really sore arm with AstraZeneca too although Moderna was probably a bit worse.  Almost nothing at all with Pfizer.  All 3 shots were in the same area of the same arm.

  9. 1 hour ago, Chris.B said:

    All these guys on here complaining of a pain in their arm as a side effect are a right bunch of softies! :cheesy::cheesy:  A piddling little needle into their upper arm and they are all wincing! Man up guys...


    It's not a sore arm because of the needle.  It's from the body's reaction to the vaccine.  I could not sleep on that side and couldn't even lift my arm the next day.


    • Haha 2
  10. On 1/14/2022 at 6:32 PM, Danderman123 said:

    Hospitals in the US are at historically high levels of admissions. This does not support your premise. 

    That is because the US is filled with overweight anti-vaxxers that watch too much Faux News.  If you want to look at what is going to happen in the rest of the world look at the UK.  Cases have peaked and hospitalizations should start plummeting soon.  The US is about 2-3 weeks behind the UK.

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