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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 3 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

    No they don't. 3 schemes to enter Thailand, 3rd scheme is unvaccinated travellers that could be staying at same hotel under hard quarantine. 

    Some (most?) international flights require vaccination.  Thai Pass requires vaccination.  A visa requires vaccination.  Show up at immigration without either and they are probably going to want to see vaccination just because they feel like it.  You are going to try do all that just for the privilege of spending 14 days in quarantine?  ????


    I read the funniest stuff on this board sometimes.

    • Confused 1
  2. On 11/10/2021 at 6:31 AM, EVENKEEL said:

    People are really freaked out about sharing a taxi ride to hotel. The person sharing a taxi was covid free before flight as were all passengers on plane. Only vaxxed people are going to the 1 day hotel in Pattaya. So both people are vaxxed in taxi wearing masks, I don't see the problem.

    Being around travellers is probably the safest thing you could possibly do since everyone needs to be vaccinated.

  3. 5 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    When I first tried to book our room for a December stay at the Grande Centre Point at T21 in Bangkok, their package only showed an adjoining two room package for two people. All other options were for one person. However, upon asking them directly, they said sure we can put both in one room together, and that saved a bit. You do however, have to pay for two hospital tests, etc... I suspect this might be the same with other hotels, I think you have to ask.

    Really?  You can't share the same Qtip?

    • Haha 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Sigh. Can't they just go back to the old system as a stopgap until they get their sh!t anywhere near together. I am in the same position as many other posters on here and it's just bloody madness....

    Tens of thousands of approvals have gone through.  Many in the last few days. How does that fit in to your "they [can't] get their sh!t anywhere near together" narrative?

    • Confused 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, Toolong said:

    Thanks, shdmn.


    I appreciate you giving me first-hand feedback on the MPOW bluetooth headphones.

    Because I have never really had any experience with bluetooth ear/headphones....and especially noise-cancelling, I value comments from others on what has worked for them. 

    I will try and check out the MPOW stuff on the market and, though I'm not very familiar with Amazon ( can u believe that?!), i'll look into it!


    Thanks again. ????????????

    MPOW doesn't seem to have a lot of headphones available right now.  Maybe because of the chip shortage.  However, there seems to be a lot of other no-name Chinese brands on Amazon selling headphones with good reviews.  I think they all use similar hardware.

  6. 10 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I see a lot of 15 inch Acer aspire  but they all have 4 GB  RAM . Is the RAM in the aspires upgradable?

    Sometimes, but it's getting less common with the thinner laptops.  4GB is not enough if you want to run Win10.  It will run, but it will be slow.

  7. Thanks for the info.  I think I pretty much know how to do the e-visa now.  I still haven't bought my ticket yet.  I am debating whether to go in Dec or wait till next year when things are a bit more streamlined.  They are talking about adding the ability to use PDF files on the Thai Pass (and presumably e-visa) websites but who knows when that will happen.


    The BC vaccination certificate with QR code can be obtained online from the BC health gateway.  You can access all your heath records through there, not just the vax cert.  There is also an app for your phone to access it that way. 

  8. 16 hours ago, internationalism said:

    no, it doesn't work for everybody or most, but work out for some.

    In my case emirates don't cost more than the other my favourite airlines I was comparing to.

    Yes, they might be cheaper airlines but I am not interested in them for many important reasons.

    I did also mention many other options, which I have also researched and compared.


    please do not bother to reply. I have blocked you a long time ago for your aggressive and mindless attitude

    Cool story.  If you blocked me then why are you replying to a post you supposedly can't see? 

  9. On 11/7/2021 at 2:22 PM, Niteowl45 said:

    By the way, compared to this list point 8 seems to have changed


    8. Applicant is required to upload his/her passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 12 months (1 year) since the last international trip.


    also 9 has changed to proof of residency - not sure what to use here ...

    passport again? Driver's license?

    I'll ask them at the consulate tomorrow

    So what happened? Did you go to the consulate?  Some of us here are waiting for more info from you.

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, internationalism said:

    Agoda is more expensive than booking directly with hotel.

    On top of quoted price they put service charge and VAT. That's around 1k more. I have compared prices from both sources. I like agoda very much for their price and choice, but not in that case

    Yes, Agoda looks like a bit of a rip off based on my limited searching. 

  11. I love my MPOW bluetooth headphones with noise cancelling.  They are quite inexpensive as well.  Battery lasts for many many hours.  The ones I have also came with a cable and airline adapter and are way better than the headphones they give you on the plane.


    There are lots of other inexpensive bluetooth headphones on Amazon with good reviews.  Don't listen to anyone telling you how great the Bose/Sony ones are.  You are paying 5x more than you need to for similar quality.  Yes, including the noise cancelling.  I have compared my cheap headphones to those super expensive Bose and Sony headphones in the store and the noise cancelling on mine works just as well.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Salerno said:

    Personally never heard of them, not surprising, nor is there much info on the net which is surprising for a company allegedly with more than 30 years experience. When someone asked recently, crickets:




    Certainly would be interested in feedback from people that have had dealings with them.




    The shill OP used a bunch of ALL CAPS so it must be good!



    WrLife.net The end beginning of the scam.


    • Haha 1
  13. On 10/22/2021 at 6:51 PM, internationalism said:

    still premiums quoted are for $100k, should be adjusted shortly and possibly be halved.

    Fly emirates and get if included in fare.

    Otherwise now it's 1500-2500b per month (depends on departure country) or 15k per year.

    There are also many other, more expensive options

    I don't know why so many people keep recommending this like it will work for everyone or even most people.  If I were to fly Emirates it would cost me double.  Woohoo look at me, I got free insurance by flying Emirates and it only cost me an extra $1500 on the plane ticket.  What a deal!

  14. 50 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    The information below would fit with several threads running at the moment - I'll leave it to the mods as to where it should go.


    I've seen several posts regarding entry to Thailand and Thailand Pass that mention an ATK test on day 6 or 7.  I've even seen a booking confirmation for a 1 night stay under 'Test & Go' that says the Antigen Test Kit will be supplied.


    To the best of my knowledge you do not need an ATK if you are entering under Test & Go - once your negative RT-PCT result arrives, you are free to go with no further restrictions. ATK is for Sandbox entries.


    If you read this, its quite clear:


    3. I will be responsible for all relevant costs associated with COVID-19 diagnostic tests by RT-PCR technique at locations designated by the Thai Government. I shall undertake the first test upon my arrival in Thailand and should I stay in the Sandbox Programme for 7 days, I shall undertake a second test during the 6th-7th day or as required or deemed necessary by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand.


    4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme:

    4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day.

    4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand.




    But this (which I believe to be incorrect) from:




    contradicts the above (bottom section under exemption from quarantine).



    You are incorrect. It says right there at the bottom of that image you posted.  "ATK self-test on Day 6-7".

  15. 14 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    And insurance? And how do you know it extracted your passport number and date of birth? It could simply recognise that a file has been uploaded.

    Because it automatically populated a separate form with that info.  Welcome to the 21st century.  This has been possible and reliable for a long time now.  Have you tried to deposit a check in a bank machine lately?  A lot of them can automatically read the $ value on the check.  Even a poorly scribbled handwritten one.

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