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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. On 9/24/2019 at 10:41 PM, Lacessit said:

    The only valid reasons to go to a gym are for the eye candy, and possible hookups.

    If the OP is in a condo, he can get just as good cardiovascular exercise by walking/running up and down 30 flights of stairs. Free.

    Or buy an exercise mat for his room, about 500 baht, and do 50 - 100 pushups.

    Sounds like you have never been to a gym and don't even understand the basic concept.   Like how going up and down stairs doesn't do much for your upper body, just for starters. 


    Yea, why go to any of thousands of beerbars and gogos in Pattaya, or just smile at girls on the street, when you can go to a gym to try meet women or creep stare, in Thailand.  :cheesy:.


    I read the funniest stuff on this board sometimes.   

    • Haha 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Pattayadonk said:

    What forum is that mate ? 

    The one where you get banned if you say anything bad about Soi 6.  My guess is the guys who run that board have some 'business' interests on that street.

  3. I switched from Fun Gym to Universe Gym primarily because of the Air Con issue at Fun Gym.  That easily justifies the few extra baht Universe Gym charges for decent Air Con and lots of fans.  I would go through a large bottle of water at Fun Gym because I was sweating so much.  I only need a small bottle at Universe and usually don't finish it all by the time my workout is done. I also get a much better workout.  I have more energy to do more things, lift more weight, don't have to rest as much between sets etc.


    Fun Gym only has 1 of everything, Universe has 2 or 3 of a lot of things.  Some newer some older.  I also like the larger wide open space.  Fun Gym feels claustrophobic.  


    Universe also has a pool.  It's really small so don't expect to be able to swim laps.  But it's better than nothing.  Universe is also more central and more convenient for me.   


    Also, for the people claiming they like to sweat their bag off during a workout, Universe has a separate open air area with its own equipment.

  4. On 9/18/2019 at 3:17 AM, from the home of CC said:

    As they track mail deliveries with greater fervor due to the meth crisis your risk rises. A person I know bought CBD from a reputable firm in Chicago for similar issues and then promptly failed a drug test for thc. The seller had basically guaranteed that this would not occur for the person knew they would be given employment drug tests. As Robblok states above if worse came to worse and you were caught, your anxiety levels would rise to the point of where a boat load of Valium wouldn't help you. If it was me I'd go to a doctor of some sort and tell him you believe cbd is a safer alternative to benzos and you would like to give it a try. That's just basic harm reduction and most intelligent doctors would be on board for it if they're up on the latest research. You should be under a doctors care anyways for the benzo addiction if you plan to stop taking them as I'm sure you know that cold turkey is potentially dangerous.

    Most CBD oil I have seen still has some THC.  Probably because they can't remove it completely.  It should indicate that on the label.  So RTFL.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, jackdd said:

    My GF is using the promotion for 100THB from True with a sim card (number) which is nearly two years old.


    At least for the True promotion, once you use the code it automatically renews for 12 months, you just have to make sure you have the required balance on your sim card every month when the renewal is due

    How does that help someone with an existing phone number they do not want to have to change?  The key point is that anyone wanting to start taking advantage of this will need a new SIM and therefore a new number.  Unless there is some way to transfer a phone number between SIMs.  As far as I can tell there isn't.  At least not with AIS.  


    And they don't want tourists doing this so good luck trying to set yourself up with this at the airport or even at the AIS office.  I tried and the guy refused to even acknowledge this was possible. 


    I could have just gotten the ONE AIS SIM for 50 baht and done it myself but I didn't want to change my phone number.  I also have a few hundred baht credit which I don't think I could transfer to the new SIM.

  6. 12 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


    Negative much? Seems you are not happy in Thailand. Yes you need to have your passport/ID to register a SIM in Thailand, so what is your point there?


    It has also been made clear from, what I have read, that the new SIM promotions do not work with the SIM for tourists sold at the airport booths, so why would you try it there?


    I have also seen that you have been told that you cannot port your number on the same network. So why would you expect AIS to tell you how to do this?


    Then your rant about changing codes every month, when it is also clear that the promo auto renews for twelve months. So why would you need to worry about changing codes?


    Sorry mate, but this seems to be all about you and nothing to do with SIMs and the promotions at all.


    It seems that you just want things how you want them and you are unhappy that you cannot get exactly what you want, when you want it.


    Useless for you does not equate to useless for most people. It just means you.


    How do you know that most people are not happy to buy a new SIM in order to get a load of data for a cheap price?


    It seems that you are not happy, full stop.



    Is that you "I'm taking my ball and going home" JamJar?


    You can get The ONE SIM (the 50baht AIS SIM) at the airport.  They just won't tell you about it. The Telco's intentionally try to make this stuff confusing and difficult to find out about. So it should not come as a surprise that there is a lot of confusion about it.

    • Haha 1
  7. 7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Go again. The one on the seaside is all dug up due to the drainage project. On the land side they are all blocked by hawkers, tarts and confused looking people. I perhaps need to ask if you have ever visited... as you don't seem to know. 

    So you are complaining about the flooding while simultaneously complaining about the dug up streets to fix the flooding.  And you somehow think people will find this contradictory whining credible?

  8. On 7/10/2019 at 8:51 AM, JamJar said:


    1 Mbps unlimited data for 3/6/12 month still available for SIMs registered before the 1st of Feb. as I have posted on a current thread.


    There was absolutely no need for myjawe to exhume this thread, by replying to a post from January the 29th.


    I am assuming this automatically shows up on the MyAIS app depending on what SIM you have?  It shows up on mine and my SIM was registered before 1st Feb.  So the best answer is probably to just use the MyAIS app.

  9. 13 minutes ago, phungo said:
    37 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Anyone can buy the sim off Lazada but you will probably need your passport to register/enable it .

    to register/enable it, I can do it at the shops at the airport?

    You can only do it at official AIS offices/booths.  So pretty sure you can do it at the AIS booth at the airport otherwise there wouldn't be much use having a booth there.

    • Like 1
  10. Keep in mind that some things are against the terms of service using AIS data.  Such as downloading torrents.  They actually block bittorrent but there are ways around that.


    Obviously they allow Netflix if their ad says that.  But you did not specify Netflix in your question. I am not sure what is allowed but I know bittorrent is definitely not.

  11. On 9/17/2019 at 8:16 AM, phungo said:

    thanks for the info!

    what's is the experience like using 4mbs? can I use Google maps navigation with that speed?

    Those unadvertised promotions are probably useless for most people.  First of all it only works for new SIMs.  And since you cannot transfer your existing phone number you cannot keep the same phone number.  And if you are just getting off the plane and trying to do this at the booth at the airport good luck with that.  If they wouldn't tell me how to do this, or even acknowledge it's possible, at the AIS office, I doubt they will do it at the airport where they are used to dealing with gullible tourists all day.


    So about the only thing I can see it useful for is if you are ONLY using the SIM for data and want to keep jumping through hoops to renew every month because the codes probably change every month or maybe you might even need to buy a new SIM every month.  Even if they don't do that now, no guarantee they won't in the future.  Only 50 baht for a new basic SIM with no prepackaged addons but still, it's a hassle to have to go into the office with your passport to get that SIM.   So they don't make it easy to try take advantage of this promotion.

    • Like 1
  12. Just get a data plan and a free Google Voice account and make calls using the Google Hangouts app.  Not including data plan costs, calls to USA/Canada phone numbers are 100% free.  I use it all the time and call quality using AIS data is excellent.  No dropped packets or jitter or excessive delay.


    Only catch is I think you need a US SMS capable phone number to activate a Google Voice account.  Also, you cannot change your Caller ID.  So the person on the other end will see your Google Voice phone number as your Caller ID.  If that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, there are many other VoIP providers that charge peanuts and various native and 3rd party SIP clients for your smart phone.

  13. What is wrong with vaccum sealed coffee beans?  Does it really need to be roasted recently to be good?  I know that can be the case with ground coffee, but not coffee beans.  At least not espresso.  I buy vaccum sealed beans and grind as needed.  Tasts better than anything I can get at Starbucks or wherever that's for sure.  

  14. On 9/19/2019 at 5:14 PM, heiri007 said:

    So... any new phone without 5G compatibility could be obsolete soon indeed...

    It will be no different than how it is now using a 3G phone on the current 4G networks.  You just don't get to take advantage of the higher speeds.  And the higher 5G frequencies will be even worse at penetrating indoors than 4G frequencies are.  So it's not some revolutionary thing and 4G speeds are quite adequate for most things.

  15. 43 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Vorsprung Durch Teknik. Would you like an Audi or a Lada?    LOL

    Says the guy who does not live here, has not been back here for several years, but still talks like he is an expert on the place.


    Hooters charges what?  Like 500 baht for a beer or burger or something.  But, using your logic, because it cost so much more it MUST be much better than some other place that charges half the price for the same thing.

  16. These opinion threads about how Pattaya is totally doomed this time for sure definitely no doubt never fail to amuse.


    There is probably more of the kind of stuff that appeal to older single western males than ever before.  It's just different now.  If you are coming here expecting everything to be the same as it was 20 years ago (including how the women used to react to your 20 years younger self) then yes, you will be disappointed.


    Yes, gogos are not as good a deal as before.  A lot of old beer bar complexes are gone or not the same as before.  But there are probably more beer bars and gogos than ever now.  And you don't need to go to gogos to find the best experience shall we say.  But a lot of guys will never believe that and are too lazy to want to do anything else other than sit there staring at a red lit stage with disco balls and calling out numbers of well packaged ideally lit heavily made up companions in high heels.


    Things are more spread out now because Pattaya has grown.  If you can't adapt and figure out where to go now and make the place still work for you like it did 20 or even 10 years ago then sucks to be you.

    • Like 2
  17. 12 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I had work done at German Dentist and cannot fault them at all. Fair prices, and lovely fishtanks around.


    I had two front crowns and a bridge...Bht 21,000 four years ago. Guaranteed for 10 years.

    They are quite a bit more expensive than other places.  Last time I was in there a few years ago they told me I needed to get my silver fillings replaced with crowns because they were old.  I went to a dentist back in my home country and they told me that was not necessary.  They said the existing fillings were still good and that I should not do anything.  It's been a few years now and I have not had any problems.

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