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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. It does not matter how big or small or how expensive a motorbike is, they are still death traps and only fools ride them.
  2. So true MRT, corruption is ingrained into the Thai society from birth. Its like the Thais are born with a corruption gene.
  3. The little snowflake is milking this for all it takes in hopes of more likes from her followers. I think she is a liar and a fake.
  4. So true, condos in Thailand are terrible investments and continue to depreciate year after year after year. The Thais do not maintain their buildings or their wives.
  5. How about a link?
  6. Thailand is a corrupt third world country and nothing surprises me about who has their hand in the pot.
  7. Lets just hope they do not allow these kids to wear jeans with holes in them like the demented American kids.
  8. It is insane to get on a motorbike in Thailand as a rider or passenger.
  9. Screaming

    Lost Dog

    What about the other millions of "lost" dogs wandering down the Soi. How about putting them in a shelter also and keep them there.
  10. Thailand is a corrupt third world country where you can trust no one, not even your Thai wife. So beware.
  11. I really enjoy driving my V6 engine in Thailand. It has lots of power, smooth drive and I do not have to stop to charge the thing. It's a no brainier.
  12. Kasikorn Bank really sucks. My Thai attorney is in a major battle with them for preventing a huge condo complex from getting their money from this bank. Bangkok Bank is a much better alternative. Bangkok Bank also has a New York office.
  13. Good on her. I wish more restaurant owners would prevent these unwanted hawkers from disturbing peaceful patrons.
  14. I think the author has the right and privilege to venture out and make his own assessment and comment of the depravity of Walking Street and the Beach Road walkway. You do not have to like something to make a comment about it. I would like to thank the author for his views and will make a note to avoid this area in the future.
  15. A dream family holiday to Thailand has turned into an ongoing nightmare for a young woman who has spent the last seven years at the mercy of a rare parasite. Nursing student Tess Swift, then 20, returned home from the holiday in 2015 with a slight stomach illness that saw her rushed to hospital a few weeks later. Since then, Ms Swift has been in and out of hospital as doctors tried to work out what was wrong before she finally got the answers she needed two months ago. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11634885/Rare-parasite-turns-womans-Thailand-holiday-ongoing-parasitic-nightmare.html
  16. Not necessarily Thai haters but maybe haters of Thai corruption and unethical behavior.
  17. Very sad indeed but the painting area should have been cordoned off to prevent this accident. Another example of very poor Thai workmanship.
  18. Thailand is a very corrupt country and it is wise not to trust the Thai people. Your story concerning the lorry accident confirms my decision to install both a front and rear dash camera in my Thai vehicle. You can never be too cautious in Thailand.
  19. Elon Musk called Ambien the devil's aspirin. He once said that many of his bad decisions were the result of taking Ambien. I would certainly agree as I once took 20mg of Ambien because I absolutely needed to get to sleep for a very important event. After taking this Ambien just before entering the shower before bed, I passed out in the shower and then proceeded to walk naked over to my neighbors house and knock on the door. Fortunately my neighbor had compassion on me and did not call the police but had to call medical services to come and take me away. I did not make my important event the next day and still cannot remember the event.
  20. This is just silly, the sidewalks in Bangkok are for motorbikes not pedestrians.
  21. OK, that is reason number 1,000,001 never to ride a motorbike in Thailand. The list just keeps getting larger everyday.
  22. Everyone is welcome to Thailand if they have money to spend, nothing else matters!
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