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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. 1.) Motorbikes 2.) Motorbikes 3.) Motorbikes 4.) Motorbikes 5.) Motorbikes I was not going to post on this thread but the author hit a nerve with me. Time to take a Xanax.
  2. I can typee fiarly well but canot spele warth beens.
  3. Stupid is as stupid does, I just hope the occupants of the mini van are OK.
  4. I wonder if they have haze filters for those dash cams. Most of the time in Chiang Mai you can rarely see past the first car in front of you.
  5. And I wonder if the new owner will allow free speech on the site.
  6. I am always amazed at the reckless, dangerous manner in which many foreigners drive their motorbikes around Thailand. I am sure they would never do this in their home country. So why do they do it here in Thailand? A death wish perhaps.
  7. Pita should realize that he does not have the support of the senators and relinquish his pursuit of being the PM. He should "Move Forward" and let someone else have the position.
  8. I would think that the term "Protestors" is more appropriate because they will be there protesting the fact that progressive Pita is not elected as PM because he is not qualified due to his inexperience and being subject to litigation based on the fact that he owned shares in a media company and his involvement in legal provisions against defaming the monarchy.
  9. Gas or electric, it is still a truck and who in their right mind wants to sit in the back of a truck with the pollution, heat and humidity?
  10. The world is watching and nobody really cares because nothing changes in Thailand no matter who is in power. It's all about money folks, nothing else matters to the Thais.
  11. Yes, yes and yes. Almost twenty years after my divorce I still dream of my ex-wife. It is always the same dream where I am trying to persuade her to stay in our marriage. I often pray that I my subconscious would not keep bringing up this dream and that it would be finally over. I guess I was traumatized to the point of leaving some serious issues.
  12. "God save the Queen, man." I really do not think he will make it to the 2024 election.
  13. I am so glad not to be in the United States today and enjoying myself in Thailand.
  14. Never again will I put that crap in my body.
  15. Big Bike, little Bike it really does not matter. Anyone who gets on a motorbike in Thailand has a death wish. Its only a matter of time.
  16. It takes one to know one as they say and smart Thai girls do not go for old geezers that come to Thailand. And that is why you have never met one.
  17. Pita is a Harvard graduate, he should know better and make sure he is legally eligible to run for office in Thailand. The laws apply to everyone.
  18. Memories..........It seems the Thai's f___up every thing they touch. They just cannot leave anything alone. Its all about money with them. Pathetic lot.
  19. And you are taking a risk by posting this as you are inciting.
  20. So true, this guy has a degree from Harvard, he should know better.
  21. It's insane to get on a motorbike in Thailand. A certain death wish.
  22. Its obvious that Move Forward is going nowhere but to the far left. Very sad indeed for Thailand. I expect there will be another coup at some point in the future.
  23. It is obvious that the Move Forward party has socialist leanings and will cater to anyone that will support it. Its all about money in Thailand, nothing else matters.
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