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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. Trump transportation secretary annihilates Hillary Clinton over her DOGE derangement syndrome https://www.wnd.com/2025/02/trump-transportation-secretary-annihilates-hillary-clinton-over-her-doge-derangement-syndrome/
  2. More atrocities! Nancy Mace reveals the government's animal experiments 'Biden-Harris spent $2.5 million taxpayer dollars to study the fertility of transgender mice' https://www.wnd.com/2025/02/more-atrocities-nancy-mace-reveals-the-governments-animal-experiments/
  3. 'Wow': Elon Musk stunned at discovery of Chelsea Clinton allegedly receiving $84 million in taxpayer funding https://www.wnd.com/2025/02/wow-elon-musk-stunned-at-discovery-of-chelsea-clinton-receiving-84-million-in-taxpayer-funding/
  4. So very true JonnyF, JK Rowling certainly is a light in the darkness of left wing ideology. The world needs more Rowlings to stifle and expose the inherent debauchery of the left. Trump is making a dent but it is up to the good patriot citizens to support him in his effort and fight the lefts destructive doctrine.
  5. "USAID is a criminal organization," Musk previewed on social media. He continued, "Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?" ADVERTISEMENT Trump earlier also discussed the issue, with his charge the agency has been "run by a bunch of radical lunatics, and we're getting them out … and then we'll make a decision (on its future)." Good for Trump, time to dismantle an agency bent on giving away the hard earned wages of the citizens of the United States. The socialist UK can take up the mantle of giving money to other nations for nothing in return.
  6. I hope so as Thailand imposes a 100% tariff on many goods from the United States.
  7. There is no way I will file a Thailand tax return or apply for a TIN number. Thailand is so inept and corrupt that it is crazy to give any Thai official information on your personal finance. If push comes to shove, just hire an agent or an attorney and they will pay off the official.
  8. OH, I thought we were the "Deplorables." Now we are despicables. I will have to buy a new tee shirt with my new meme.
  9. I think Trump will go on to be the most loved President in the history of the good-ol-USA.
  10. "His style" is to Make American Great Again and that is what the American voters voted for. Time for other countries to suck up and make it on their own.
  11. It stands to reason that the majority of deaths are motorcycle related in Thailand. No helmets, wearing flip flops, shorts, tee shirts, weaving in and out of traffic, cutting in front of cars and obeying no traffic laws. Motorcycles are a death wish in Thailand.
  12. Oh God, lets hope so. The patriot American voters voted against the unconstitutional diversity plan by overwhelmingly rejecting word salad Kamala Harris as President. Kamala was a few beers short of a six pack and the only reason that Biden choose her as VP was her race.
  13. The actions of this "foreign man" seem highly unusual as most TV commercials, magazine ads, web pages in the United States picture these "foreign men" as Doctors, CEO's, business men, PhD's and highly skilled and educated professionals.
  14. I just cannot wait until January 20th. I wish I could personally witness Trump's inauguration. I will certainly be live streaming it. Good riddance to old worthless sleepy Joe. They will be removing him from the basement and putting him out to pasture.
  15. I believe Trump is loved by everyone, even the Village People. I cannot wait until January 20, should be a great day and a greater day for the citizens of the United States.
  16. Before moving to Thailand, I owned five motorcycles. I sold them all at my departure to Thailand. I used to really enjoy riding my bikes especially off-road. Now after living in Thailand for twenty years, I hate motorcycles with a passion. Maybe not the bikes, but the crazy people on the bikes who totally disregard the law and rules of the road.
  17. There are many true statements in this post and I would agree that democracy has failed. I do not agree that democracy is the best form of government. Allowing uneducated and uninformed citizens to vote is not the best way to choose a President. But the will of the people have chosen Trump to lead the United States forward and I am very much looking forward to the next four years, especially after the disaster of the Biden/Harris presidency. Only seven more days until Trump is sworn in, thank God.
  18. I would certainly agree with this post. To me, hair on my face is very uncomfortable and it make me look old. It also bothers my wife and tickles her inner thighs.
  19. So very true and the left wing pundits are falling in line with the American voters that want a change to the draconian laws inflicted on the them by the Democrats and senile Biden.
  20. Maybe it has to do with something being rammed down his throat that affects his speech. This does happen very often and it is alarming but often overlooked in the name of diversity.
  21. "President-elect Trump’s vision of American ownership of Greenland is not merely a whimsical notion; it is grounded in the historical and legal framework established by the 1951 Defense of Greenland Agreement. This agreement empowers the U.S. to significantly influence and potentially control this strategically vital territory, making a compelling case for action that Congress and diplomats cannot ignore. " https://thehill.com/opinion/5057818-greenland-security-us-control/
  22. To some cultures and religions, pretending to be a woman is highly offensive. As Thailand tries to attract diverse tourism to its country, it should realize that not all Thai behavior is normal to these tourists.
  23. High concentrates of Ibuprofen and the blood thinner Coumadin are also highly toxic to dogs and cats. If the dogs run wild, many things could have killed them.
  24. Thailand, the hub of illegal stupid loggers. No wonder there are no trees in Thailand.
  25. You have got to love Trump, he really knows how to mess with the left wing wackos.
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