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Everything posted by LomSak27

  1. Marijuana was made illegal in the 1930's as part of Pibuls New Thailand programs. Nixons pressure was on exporting it, but mainly concerned opiates coming out of the golden triangle. Why Thailand would feel slighted is a mystery, as is the 'huge advancements' the US made. They did a good business tolerating somewhat while at the same time using it to shakedown/extort money from clueless tourists for forty years now. A win win scenario for them.
  2. I have only seen them do that when a falang is around. I assumed radio/net shock jocks were pushing that response. Anutin of course, got them on track as to where the virus is actually coming from.
  3. First the French women, a elderly Swedish women. The Hub of Road Death, it is what it is.
  4. In my state, Elementary schools, Junior High or High schools did not remove police because police were never on campuses to begin with. This mass killing was at an elementary school. BTW If calls were made to remove police, it would have been at Uni's and Colleges & it, police removal, did not happen in my state. Good deflection though.
  5. The unfortunate victim is a quality tourist, at a family friendly resort. It is sad, posters, would think this shocking incident of theft, a scam.
  6. Shaman Books. 3 minutes south of Thapae, first soi after Mac D' 2 Kotchasan Road, Chang Moi Subdistrict, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50100
  7. Clever? A person makes them money, while they copy recipes, menu, logistics, source and supply links, then unceremoniously give them the boot and steals, takes over the business. More an age old Thai tradition, likely has its own smile associated with it. Pizza Hut played by Pizza Company. Pepsi had that falling out with their distributer, then that distributor came out with “EST” a pepsi look alike. In Chiang Mai JJ’s had the same thing happen at a hotel restaurant location two decades back. Expats seem all so accepting, well, until it happens to them in some way. When it does expect outraged squawking and caterwauling. Until then, they love the convenience. You think?!
  8. Did Rooster fail to mention the Danish man who got clipped* for his insurance policy by his loving wife? One that many expat posters were linking to the cultural wonders of 'Thainess'. An op/ed piece on expats jawing about crime in the kingdom, but he missed that crime, strange. Thankfully Rooster did get the obligatory 5 paragraph segue to the United States Supreme Court. Bravo, a distraction well done. * attempted clip
  9. French fries with pla muk todd, mu todd, or garlic shrimp, beer and a movie. Vanilla ice cream with small lump of durian, blended or smashed.
  10. I buy the half loafs of Rye, German, or Pumpernickel at Rimping. Four weeks back no more Jo's bread. The "Jo's" shelf at Nim City branch has been empty since. This morning, just as mysteriously, there they were. Date on the loafs; May 7.
  11. One Zombie Mall down. Two Zombie mall/plaza's to go.
  12. Winter Olympics are set to end on the 20th. If Putin is going to pull the trigger, it will be after that date, if only to keep Xi Jinping. happy.
  13. Not one but two government vaccination centers will in Chiang Mai. Maybe its time to quit whingeing and come on up. ????
  14. Pfizer for the initial series. Moderna booster last month. I plan to travel, both in Thailand and overseas; May - July, and September. Before I leave on those trips I will get another booster. As for vaccinations already received, nothing but expected post shot reactions. No long term after effects or problems.
  15. Geometry - Know your polygons. Rectangle versus trapezoid. Form up an imaginary four sided figure; a quadrilateral, from shoulder blades to glutes (that's b--t cheeks) . A males shoulder blades are farther apart (trapaziod) in relation to glutes than female (rectangle) and something hormones can't alter. It is a fun drinking game at large entertainment plaza's. Form up those imaginary quadrilaterals, make a choice, keep a running tab. Then double check with, ankles, wrists, adam's apple, etc. if in doubt. Beers to the best score. The usual warnings apply. In practice, it's over 90% correct, but the more alcohol you consume, the greater your chance of error.
  16. Good to see the what-about-ery deflection in use, but why stop at the UK, US and Africa?! Why not toss in another country or continent? Leopard seals brutalize penguins in Antarctica. Why is Thailand singled out?!
  17. The dates are from yesterday but it was broadcast today. Semi shutdown in effect. On my news feed this evening. If I am reading correctly that means the place I recommended; "The Riverside" (one among many) has been closed J. -7 through the 9. The other closures and dates are listed.
  18. Contrary to policy at Chiang Mai Ram, stated above. Central Airport Plaza, which, note, is not Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, did allow with their full knowledge and consent, a booster, on 1/4/2022, to an individual who had been vaccinated 4 months, three weeks before with the Pfizer series. Whether this was a onetime exception, a general policy, or a morning good luck boost, is not known. However as another pre 6 month initial Pfizer vaccination individual was given a booster on 1/7/2022 (CM Facebook group confirmed) it continues. It is redundant but must be stated, if stopping in to get a booster, pre 6 months. A decent personal appearance, good personal hygiene, helps; I.E. wear something other than the beer Leo singlet. Have docs & passport handy, ask the guys wearing the vests politely. Lastly, if Mavis has too many tatts, buy her a latte and leave her at Starbucks, before heading up to the clinic. Just a common-sense approach. As always your mileage may vary.
  19. Some stand by’s Sunday walking street was re upped a month back, has increased in numbers every week since. It makes you feel like the city is alive again. For breakfast, Jok Somphet on the north side of the old town. A, Khi Ka Ta shop on the south next to Chiang Mai gate market at 37 Phra Pokklao street. Maybe because other places are closed, both fill up fast. Dinner at The Riverside. Still a great place for a nice Ping river, Doi Suthep, sunset view. Great Thai/western menu.
  20. No clue about, CMR, but if Chiang Mai Ram doesn't work for you, since you are close, go around the corner to Kad Suan Gaeow. They might have them. Cheers
  21. 1997 global financial crash started in by Thailand. Meltdown again? You will need more than BiB debt to start a 97 or 08 rumbling. Of course if a free market libertarian type explains to Thai bankers how to create exotic financial instruments like a CDO; collateralized debt obligation, who knows what wonders may come.
  22. Bring both. They did not ask me, but I had passport and vaccination doc with me. They did look it over as it is a US, CDC card showing 2 Pfizer injections. Three or more people helped me get squared away, and now I’m on the Thai system. No one cared that it was NOT 6 months. Saying that it was Tuesday, right after it opened, not many people. I just happened to meet a guy on the escalator, who had that med clinic vest on. I asked, I was only 5 months vaccinated, but would like to get a booster. He was - sure, come on up, lets do it. I had a choice of Pfizer or Moderna for the booster. I went with Moderna for the cocktail effect. Way cool having everyone on the same page, going one direction and wanting to get things done. I usually say bad things about Thai bureaucracy and government agencies. I will not ….. …. for at least a week.
  23. A note on Booster Shots at Central Airport Plaza. ‘Officially’ they recommend 6 months between initial series and booster for both Pfizer and Moderna, as noted above. However, Central Airport will give a booster shot at less time than that. In my case, 5 months, (4 1/2 actually), after initial Pfizer series. All people were great. Happy I asked, spur of the moment, walking by, and got it done.
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